Anybody with Parkinson's bicycling?

Posted by jerrywo @jerrywo, Jan 2 8:00pm

Years ago, I was an avid cyclist - now diagnosed with PD early 2023 (probably had it as far back as 2019). I walk frequently and take boxing classes twice a week. I've started bicycling again but have taken a few low speed tumbles (starting and stopping). Yes I wear a helmet. I'm 79 years old.

Has anybody out there cycled on a recumbent bicycle? They're quite low to the ground.
Jerry W
Warrenton, VA

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Hi, @jerrywo - it sounds like you do an impressive amount of exercise for any age. Your program with walking, boxing and bicycling sounds very well-rounded. Kudos to you for picking up cycling again.

I know that @hopeful33250 has talked about boxing and cycling classes for those diagnosed with Parkinson's, and @robjohn and @mariemarie have talked about bike riding. @johnnyvsn and @david59 have talked about the importance of movement and exercise in general for patients with Parkinson's, and they may have experience with recumbent cycling.

jerrywo, are you involved in the Rock Steady Boxing program, or another program? Which form of exercise do you enjoy the most?


I'm involved in the "Rock Steady" boxing program at a gym in Culpeper, VA. What form of exercise do I like the most? Probably hiking/walking in the nearby Shenandoah Mountains, but I've taken a few slow-motion tumbles there and now am obliged to wear a cycling helmet when hiking. I can probably survive a broken wrist but landing on my noggin is something else.

I really like the boxing program as well....and my gym mates razz me for going at the big bag so hard. "Are you angry?". "Nope - I just like hitting that big bag!" har



I am 77, diagnosed about three and a half years ago, but had some symptoms long before that. I live in FL eight months of the year and regularly ride my bike on 19-12 mile jaunts at a leisurely pace (10min miles) in favorable weather on the bike paths provided here. I wear a helmet and have ridden for years without incident, but I wonder now after recent DBS surgery, how safe it is? Thanks,


I meant 10-12 miles of course. Sorry for the typo.


I have said this before but my husband takes a class called climb for Parkinson’s patients. It is an intense 45 min workout twice a week. He loves it. He can’t do the boxing since on blood thinner. He also can’t ride his bike kept getting trapped in the bike wheels while getting off and then falling. He also works out at a local gym three times a week. He feels this has kept his Parkinson’s under wraps. He has had it 8 years.


I have said this before but my husband takes a class called climb for Parkinson’s patients. It is an intense 45 min workout twice a week. He loves it. He can’t do the boxing since on blood thinner. He also can’t ride his bike kept getting trapped in the bike wheels while getting off and then falling. He also works out at a local gym three times a week. He feels this has kept his Parkinson’s under wraps. He has had it 8 years.

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"under wraps" - I like that expression. Me, I say "I'm pushing back against my brain."



Hi Jerrywo,
I think you'll find that the recumbent bikes and trikes have really changed from the olden days.

My boyfriend has Parkinson's and is an avid cyclist. He began to feel unsteady on his two wheel bike and we are going to get him a recumbent bike. The day we went shopping for a new bike he fell and broke his hip, so we have not gotten a bike yet, but we found a wonderful shop that really just focuses on recumbent bikes. Some of them are not low and some come with an electric assist. The shop is near to your home in Vienna Virginia called "Bikes at Vienna"

You can also checkout the amazing rails-to-trail path they have. It is 44 miles from Arlington to Purcellville. You can pick up the path in Vienna, next to the bike shop.

Happy cycling


Thanks Lisa - sorry to hear about your boyfriends hip. Ouch! I hope he's back in the saddle soon, So far my few tumbles have been relatively harmless with a sprained thumb as my only injury.

Years ago I was a long-distance runner (18 marathons). When my body was yelling at me to stop running, I took up roller-blading on that rails-to-trails path you mention. Thanks for the nice reminder!

I live in Warrenton and that shop in VIenna is the closest place in the area that sells "bents". I'll probably visit the store once we get dug out from this storm!

Jerry W

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