Any research on low-dose naltrexone?

Posted by ericy210 @ericy210, Nov 2, 2022

I’ve seen a few references the past couple of weeks of people being described low doses of naltrexone to help with long Covid. It’s usually used to reduce alcohol and drug craving.
Anyone have any concrete research on it? Thanks.

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Yes I have talked to my neurologist about this. It has been really helpful for those with autoimmune related conditions and long covid. I know someone who is on it now and says it is a game changer. However, she has a diagnosed autoimmune disorder. But I think it depends on what condition you are treating, how it will affect you. Best of luck to you.


Here are a few more research articles on low-dose naltrexone and COVID.

-- Safety and efficacy of low dose naltrexone in a long covid cohort; an interventional pre-post study:
-- Repurposing low-dose naltrexone for the prevention and treatment of immunothrombosis in COVID-19:
-- Naltrexone a potential therapeutic candidate for COVID-19:


Here are a few more research articles on low-dose naltrexone and COVID.

-- Safety and efficacy of low dose naltrexone in a long covid cohort; an interventional pre-post study:
-- Repurposing low-dose naltrexone for the prevention and treatment of immunothrombosis in COVID-19:
-- Naltrexone a potential therapeutic candidate for COVID-19:

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Thank you so much. I can take these to my neurologist to have a good discussion.


I've just started LDN this week. Hopefully, I can give updates as time goes on. I will say, that after several weeks of serious fatigue where I had trouble getting out of bed, I woke this morning with none and was able to get some things done today. It should be too soon with the very small dose I've started with (3/4 mg), so we'll see how the coming days are.


I've just started LDN this week. Hopefully, I can give updates as time goes on. I will say, that after several weeks of serious fatigue where I had trouble getting out of bed, I woke this morning with none and was able to get some things done today. It should be too soon with the very small dose I've started with (3/4 mg), so we'll see how the coming days are.

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@talford how are you doing? Any updates to share?


@colleenyoung I also started LDN about 5 days ago. I do have an underlying autoimmune condition. It has been up and down because I was having side effects from the starting dose of 1.5 mg. So I am now taking about 0.5 mg without any side effects and am sleeping well. I would say that I am starting to feel less fatigue and more spurts of energy during the day. I also think I am starting to feel a shift in my mood and possibly decreased palpitations, but that is yet to be seen overall. I can provide more updates along the way.


I actually just started 1mgLDN and it has helped tremendously with my brain fog. My overall mood is better and it’s clearing up my skin disorder I have. I’ve had no side effects and will titrate to a higher dose of up to 4mgLDN
Hope this helps


I have started LDN 4 weeks ago. Helps pain, brain fog, sleep. Takes a few weeks to start helping, but better than the essential symptoms. I take 4.5 mg before bed. It does give you weird vivid dreams. There are research paper about LDN helping LC


A patient of mine has had severe symptomes. He reasently had low dose naltraxone and has imoroved amazingly. It's not evidence based, nothing is yet. But I just picked up a dose for muself amd my son.
Will keep you posted! Will be krossing all my fingers and toes for the next weeks.....
Anu of you tried it?

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