Any one dealing with high coronary arteries calcium

Posted by tiburon @tiburon, Jan 9 8:22am

Please provide insights high coronary arteries calcium score .
My score keeps going up.
Age 67 male

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This is but one of many informative videos that you can watch. Basically, a high calcium score suggests you have some significant deposition of calcium in your arteries. Where it is the worst must be determined with imaging, often an MRI or via an angiogram. Sometimes via a treadmill stress test with contrasting dye and CT scan.

Your calcium score is like a snapshot...a moment in time that does NOT show progression or improvement. Those can be determined with later imaging to look for changes, or by looking closely at your genetics and lifestyle. If either of the two is potentially problematic for the future, then you can modify what you can to improve your condition and its prognosis.

Please feel free to watch one or two other videos that will appear in the margin for you, or you can do a search:


Hi - Dr. Cees Vermeer's research might interest you - link below - in short, "a daily dose of 180mcg of vitamin K2 menaquinone-7 increased bone strength and density in 244 post-menopausal women, as well as preventing age-related arterial stiffening." Please Note - this is NOT new research - all the best!


My score is 906. Yes, that is right....906. It was .4 about 7 years ago. What changed? I eat a healthy diet, am not overweight, don't drink, etc. I also have had Alpha Gal Syndrome which is from the Lone Star Tick and makes me allergic 100% to red meats in any form. Eight years ago I had a Coronary Calcium Test and yep...4 was the reading. Several months ago, same test.....906. Eight years ago, I was bitten by a Lone Star Tick. 7 years ago, I was officially diagnosed with Alpha Gal.
I don't think ANYTHING other than a turn back of time, and not be in the same place I was with the tick, would help me.

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