Any hope left?

Posted by brittbk @brittbk, Aug 10, 2023

Hi, all. Just checking in here.
After being off of systemic treatment for various reasons, my father's liver function has become significantly impaired. He just resumed recycled gem-abrax last week, and his LFTs were improving, but has since been hospitalized with ascites and a lot of lethargy. The oncologist at this hospital (not where his oncologist is) said he personally wouldn't resume chemotherapy and that things are not looking good. I keep hoping and praying that he bounces back to resume systemic therapy for more time. I am not ready to accept this. Is there anything else that can be done? Thanks.

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Does anyone know anything about use of Hepatic Artery Infusion (HAI) for liver mets? Searching for any and everything to treat the liver right now.


Hi @brittbk,
Here is a related discussion:
- Hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) pump for liver mets

Dear Britt, acceptance is really hard when reality doesn't align with what we want. There is always hope. Sometimes hope has to be reframed. This article helped me understand hope (and denial) in the face of advanced cancer:
– What is hope?

Does your dad have a palliative care team? Often palliative care includes care for family members, such as oncology social workers or chaplains. It can help to talk with someone who understands the situation you are with your father, your hopes and wishes - and his.


Hi Brittbk,
I'm so sorry to hear of all that your father is dealing with. That is really sad. I know nothing of what his condition is but I do know that you praying for your father is one of the best things you can do! Prayers do get answered and often.
My mother was in the hospital on a Friday and was so ill with 3 bleeding ulcers, pulmonary emphysema and only 12% of her lungs working. They were certain she wouldn't live another day. I prayed very hard and told God that I didn't want to lose my mom yet. My prayers were answered! Mom ulcers quit bleeding and her breathing was better. She came home on Monday and lived for another 7 years!
Keep praying for your father and have faith that he'll be fine. I will pray for him too.


@pml, thank you. This means so much to me. I pray every single day and have been for the past year. I will co tinge to do so. Glad that your prayers were answered!

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