Anxiety Depression Pharmacy Medication Consult

Posted by dilly22 @dilly22, Mar 29 8:56am

My husband has suffered for years with anxiety and depression. He’s had two doctors who have tried many different meds but he still has episodes of severe anxiety. He is scheduled for a Mayo Pharmacy Medication Therapy Consult after having genetic testing at Mayo. Has anyone had this done and did it help to find the right meds to relieve symptoms?

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I don’t know anything about the genetic testing, but did they mention transcranial magnetic stimulation? I wanted to explore this treatment for my mom, who claim she can’t take any med to treat anxiety and depression, which she suffers greatly.


I don’t know anything about the genetic testing, but did they mention transcranial magnetic stimulation? I wanted to explore this treatment for my mom, who claim she can’t take any med to treat anxiety and depression, which she suffers greatly.

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No they haven’t but will check into that. Thank you


@dilly22. I have heard of genetic testing for antidepressant medication and have seen results. My recollection is that the testing ruled out some medications as not effective and others as effective. Would you be comfortable sharing what you learn from the Mayo Pharmacy Medication Therapy Consult? I've been a patient with Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for almost 5 years and every consult I've had has been excellent and thorough. I imagine it will be the same for your husband and I hope he gets helpful information. Will you bring a list of questions with you for the consult?


There is a DNA test that can tell you what meds work, and which don't. GENOMIND


Like your husband, I have not been able to find the right medication to treat my severe anxiety either. If it is OK with your husband, would you please share if the Mayo consult is successful?

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