anxiety and depression caused by curable illness destroy family

Posted by smoothsailing12345 @smoothsailing12345, Dec 28, 2023

I unknowingly had severe anxiety and depression. It was caused by iron deficiency anemia that i was also unaware i had. My wife had told me i was acting differently, but i only told her nothing was wrong with me because i believed i was fine. I was acting with worry and was very irritable. She left me, taking our daughter and has never spoken to me again. We had a loving marriage for almost 20 years. After she left, i went to the doctor and was diagnosed with severe iron deficiency anemia, which i then found our anxiety and depression were major symptoms of. I was confident that once she found out why i was acting so wrongly and that it was curable, she would reconcile our family. Instead she said i was using my illness as an excuse for my behavior. I believe my wife has major stigma of mental illness and believes that it was on purpose or that i am a weak person for this happening. How can i explain to my wife i am a good person that a tragic accident happened to and save my family?

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smoothsailing12345 @smoothsailing12345

How unfortunate that a disease drove you apart. Not sure from note if you have divorced or just separated.

It takes a long time to rebuild trust / loyalty once it is broken down. Actions speak louder than words and must be consistent.

How is relationship with your daughter, hopefully you still see her. Prove you are a new improved version of yourself. Do not use time with your daughter to talk about ex-wife or do anything to put here in middle of your problems with wife. Use time to maintain / rebuild relationship with daughter.

Will your wife consider counselling to help her understand the situation? It might be how you open up lines of communications again.

Maybe there were problems in marriage before your depression / iron problems and you did not realize it. The depression may of been final excuse to leave. You will not know unless she / you / both get counselling.


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