Anxiety about new medications.

Posted by rubywitch67 @rubywitch67, Jul 20, 2022

I've been going through a rough patch with a sudden, unexplained spike in my blood pressure, which landed me in the ER. I had pretty bad edema in my legs for the first time in my life. Doctor thought it might be due to one of my BP meds, so he took me off that and started me on something new. Edema went away soon after. I have neck problems, (discs bulging, bone spurs, arthritis) have had cervicogenic headache for weeks and finally went to my neurologist. He put me on Baclofen. I don't like pills and I'm afraid to take this medication. I have heart problems (all under control and being watched by my cardiologist) but I'm still spooked. Yes, I realize how stupid this sounds. Anybody out there think they can convince me to at least give it a try. I also have a script for Tizanidine. Any thoughts on either of these muscle relaxers? Thank you!

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Hey @rubywitch67, I realize starting a new medication can be unsettling.

Besides your controlled heart condition, can you tell me what your trepidation is with taking these two medicines?


Thanks for asking, Amanda. I wish I had a more intelligent answer that would explain my anxiety about new meds........besides the one I'm about to give you. I'm into my 70's now, but came of age in the '60's. And yes, that DOES mean I took some "street" drugs that left me terrified. The one and only positive result of THAT was I never took them again. But it obviously made a hell of an impression since 50 years later my first thought is still "will this new drug make me feel weird?" I was asking about the muscle relaxant class of medications which I've never been given before and have this need to know what to expect from them, the common/normal side effects. (I know I mentioned both Tizanidine and Baclofen and please know these meds were NOT prescribed to me at the same time! Tizanidine was a couple years ago, too scared to take it. The Baclofen was given to me about 2 weeks ago for chronic cervicogenic headaches, and I have yet to take one.) I also know how stupid I'm being. My doctor is trying so hard to help me and I'm being a complete ass. A couple years ago I had to start taking a blood thinner and I went through this same ordeal until my doctor had a "little chat" with me. I have now been taking my blood thinner for almost 4 years with absolutely no horrid side effects and the benefit of my stroke anxiety being almost at zero. My "thing" is...........doctors don't take these medications. WE DO. And I like to talk with other people who have taken these same meds and learn what their experience was like. Buddy, can ya spare a dimes worth of knowledge about Baclofen? Thanks so much!


I understand your concern as I am recently on more meds and they contribute to or cause new problems. I am taking2 anti-depressants, fossomax for osteoporosis, Lipitor for cholesterol and losartin for newly developed high bp. Don’t understand where the high bp came from as it doesn’t seem to run in my family and I ride a bicycle 100-150 miles per week. So at my recent physical I had high potassium, elevated liver numbers and I am always battling constipation. (taking Trulance) Fossomax and losartin have potassium from what I’ve read and I am sure all these pills are contributing to my bowel problems. Sometimes I want to quit all of them! But I know that would not be a good thing. Sigh….. I am 68, soon to be 69. So this is what old age is gonna be like. More of this.

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