Always sleepy

Posted by ammarr12334 @ammarr12334, Feb 19, 2023

I just turned 16 (male) a couple weeks ago but throughout my puberty years I've been sleepy alot and will take any chance to sleep in the day and when I do sleep I can't wake up to my alarm. And then end up sleeping way too much. I also get very sleepy after eating food, can anyone answer this or refer me to a website that can?

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Hello again @ammarr12334! It’s very good that you are so alert about what’s happening with your body during these important years in your life. Here is a link to an article specifically about sleep issues in adolescents.
I just want to remind you again how important it would be for you to see a specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine and then go from there.


Hello again @ammarr12334! It’s very good that you are so alert about what’s happening with your body during these important years in your life. Here is a link to an article specifically about sleep issues in adolescents.
I just want to remind you again how important it would be for you to see a specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine and then go from there.

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There’s Actually A Condition Called Reactive Or Nondiabetic Hypoglycemia Where It’s Believed That The Body Produces Too Much Insulin Post-meal. Other Issues Include Oversensitivity To Caffeine Or People With Prior Heart-related Issues Who Can’t Handle Too Much Caffeine.
So You need to drink much water

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