Alternative to Prednisone for Treating PMR?

Posted by kvd9 @kvd9, Jan 26, 2022

I am experiencing a relapse of PMR, I wonder if anybody found an alternative to Prednisone since I had a difficult time with it the first time around, which I took for about a year until Feb 21. Now having a relapse which I am afraid came on after my Covid vaccine shot. I would appreciate any help. Thank you

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Hi John - I am healthy 72 years old, PMR came on within 36 hours. Primary care doctor referred to a Rheumatologist. Dr stated I was classic book example and prescribed 2.5mg starting with 6 pills. I did receive some relief - After 14 days, I began 5 pills a day and the pain was limiting me with my daily routine. I called the DR, sent an email and after 13 days in pain Dr responded with, “I will prescribe 5mg this one time. You need to pick what bone RX to take" I had already replied with the test results stating once inflammation is lower, I would weigh the pros and cons of these RX's.
I decided to choose a new Rheumatologist. I did see new DR last Thursday, she ordered 10 blood test and reviewed all. I am waiting for results and what's next!
I believe in the medical profession yet I have to be an advocate for my health without adding new side effects!
Thank you-

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Hi @mpm, You definitely need to advocate for yourself. My Mayo rheumatologist started me on 20 mg prednisone for both occurrences of PMR. The first time took me 3 and half years to taper off and the second time around 6 years later took me 1 and a half years to taper off. I've been in remission for 5+ years now at age 80.

Here's a few references you might find helpful if you have a dialogue with your rheumatologist or PCP:
--- The Productive Rheumatology Appointment Guide - Learn how to take back control of your appointments and healthcare!:
--- GCA & PMR - Treat-to-target recommendations in giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica:
--- 2015 Recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative:

My rheumy had me keep a daily log with the level of pain when I woke up and the dose for that day so that I could make better decisions when tapering. Do you keep a daily log?


I can’t give you any help. But, I came down with PMR within 2 weeks of my second booster. Doctors don’t like to confirm that the shot and the onset of PMR were related.


Anyone get dry eyes from prednisone? I’m at 9 mg for a month and experiencing dry eyes on and off.


Anyone get dry eyes from prednisone? I’m at 9 mg for a month and experiencing dry eyes on and off.

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Not had that , yet . Sorry to hear you do.


Anyone get dry eyes from prednisone? I’m at 9 mg for a month and experiencing dry eyes on and off.

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Please check with an eye doctor. Prednisone can cause many eye problems including glaucoma and eye problems are often a preclude to GSA.. My doctor has me on Travaprost drops.


Thanks. I have scheduled an eye exam…

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