Alcohol-related Neuropathy: Anyone had good treatment results?

Posted by bocagrande @bocagrande, Feb 22, 2022

Who has experienced good results for alcohol neuropathy treatment at Mayo Clinic

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The neurologist I saw said it was from alcohol, and basically gave me gabapentin. I only consulted with the nurse, then dr said that's what it is. No nerve studies or additional labs. I wanted to know the extent of the damage and if it could be improved. I can't get a ballpark answer. I was honest with him and said that I had drank beer daily for 5 yrs. He told me to quit, so I did. Taking gabapentin and 7 vitamins. I am also trying neuropure. Gabapentin gives minimal relief. Nothing is helping, and It seems like he thinks of me as not worth his time. Does anyone know how long it takes for neuropathy to get improved with stopping alcohol and taking medication/vitamins? Is there anything OTC that help? I have a 7yr old to take care of and drive to school. Hard when I can't turn the key to start my car. Let alone go outside and play. Thank-you for any assistance!

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I would seek an appointment with another neurologist. It seems strange that you were not given any work up, e.g., EMG or blood tests, when you are so disabled. Next appointment, I would stress the impact on your life and ability to function. Are you taking vitamin B12? B12 deficiency can cause neuropathy. Alcohol may have interfered with its absorption. Similarly, you may need to take a thiamine supplement.


It appears more and more that the end result of treating pain, is opioids. However the drug numbs the brain, slurs speech, and makes one very lethargic and even then the pain persists.


I would seek an appointment with another neurologist. It seems strange that you were not given any work up, e.g., EMG or blood tests, when you are so disabled. Next appointment, I would stress the impact on your life and ability to function. Are you taking vitamin B12? B12 deficiency can cause neuropathy. Alcohol may have interfered with its absorption. Similarly, you may need to take a thiamine supplement.

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I am taking thiamine and b12
The ER did CT of spine and head to make sure it wasn't from pinched nerves. I wonder if it is from vitamin deficiency, can that be cured?


Welcome @shiela58, I know it must be frustrating to be in such pain and not able to find a treatment that helps. In your first post I noticed you mentioned being diagnosed with SNF polyneuropathy. There are a couple of other discussions that you might find helpful:

-- SFSN: Symptom Relief:
-- Burning sensations, acid-like pinpoint pains, all over:

There is always hope for nerve regeneration but for neuropathy I don't think we are there yet. That's just my own non medical opinion. There is another discussion on the topic here - Does Stem Cell Therapy work for Neuropathy?:

You mentioned you are seeking a second opinion. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or a major health facility like Mayo Clinic?

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Thank you for replying John. I am trying to get an appointment with Mayo.
I am very confused on my symptoms. I forgot to add that dizziness comes and go like vertigo.
Hoping someone shares if they have back, face, scalp burning.
I will look into any article/lead or person willing to share and help.

I had no idea about this disease. It’s a terrible way to live. 😞.



I'm a 27 year old male and I've never considered myself an alcoholic but I've definitely been a problem drinker on and off. These past few months I've been drinking twice a week, not to the point of blacking out or anything, but I've been drinking quite a lot. I had hangovers that lasted 2-3 days but that didn't deter me from drinking. Last friday I drank at a club with my friends and it got a bit out of hand. Following this, I had a hangover for a week and on the eighth day I started feeling tingling in my feet and numbness in my hands along with tremors. This affected my balance and I felt "round" underneath my feet. This alone made me vow to stop drinking entirely and I think I'll be able to do that, but I'm worried about permanent damage to my nerves and that this will last forever. I went to the hospital and got a vitamin B1 injection. I've read that alcoholic neuropathy is reversible if caught early and the alcohol intake is ceased but I'm scared to death that this will last a life time. I'm now taking vitamin B supplements daily and I'm on day 10 since my last drink. My balance is slightly improved but the tingling is still there.

Anyone here have experience with alcoholic neuropathy? Did you recover? How much were you drinking before? How old are you?

Please tell me there's a chance my body recovers. This has been a real wake up call. I'm never drinking again. I know what's at stake now.

Grateful for replies!



I'm a 27 year old male and I've never considered myself an alcoholic but I've definitely been a problem drinker on and off. These past few months I've been drinking twice a week, not to the point of blacking out or anything, but I've been drinking quite a lot. I had hangovers that lasted 2-3 days but that didn't deter me from drinking. Last friday I drank at a club with my friends and it got a bit out of hand. Following this, I had a hangover for a week and on the eighth day I started feeling tingling in my feet and numbness in my hands along with tremors. This affected my balance and I felt "round" underneath my feet. This alone made me vow to stop drinking entirely and I think I'll be able to do that, but I'm worried about permanent damage to my nerves and that this will last forever. I went to the hospital and got a vitamin B1 injection. I've read that alcoholic neuropathy is reversible if caught early and the alcohol intake is ceased but I'm scared to death that this will last a life time. I'm now taking vitamin B supplements daily and I'm on day 10 since my last drink. My balance is slightly improved but the tingling is still there.

Anyone here have experience with alcoholic neuropathy? Did you recover? How much were you drinking before? How old are you?

Please tell me there's a chance my body recovers. This has been a real wake up call. I'm never drinking again. I know what's at stake now.

Grateful for replies!

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From what I also hear , if you get it early enough it can be stopped . Reversed I’m not sure . But I am sure of one thing . If you DON’T stop drinking you will have a miserable life . You can read these stories to see what happens to one with neuropathy . It seems for now it is unpleasant. If you keep drinking it will be much worse than unpleasant . It will be life altering . Please do what you have to do to stop . Each time you drink ( even one ) it will do damage to your nerves . Hopefully you will catch it early enough it will just be a nuisance and not become crippling. Sobriety is not so bad 😀



I'm a 27 year old male and I've never considered myself an alcoholic but I've definitely been a problem drinker on and off. These past few months I've been drinking twice a week, not to the point of blacking out or anything, but I've been drinking quite a lot. I had hangovers that lasted 2-3 days but that didn't deter me from drinking. Last friday I drank at a club with my friends and it got a bit out of hand. Following this, I had a hangover for a week and on the eighth day I started feeling tingling in my feet and numbness in my hands along with tremors. This affected my balance and I felt "round" underneath my feet. This alone made me vow to stop drinking entirely and I think I'll be able to do that, but I'm worried about permanent damage to my nerves and that this will last forever. I went to the hospital and got a vitamin B1 injection. I've read that alcoholic neuropathy is reversible if caught early and the alcohol intake is ceased but I'm scared to death that this will last a life time. I'm now taking vitamin B supplements daily and I'm on day 10 since my last drink. My balance is slightly improved but the tingling is still there.

Anyone here have experience with alcoholic neuropathy? Did you recover? How much were you drinking before? How old are you?

Please tell me there's a chance my body recovers. This has been a real wake up call. I'm never drinking again. I know what's at stake now.

Grateful for replies!

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OK, my 71 yr. old husband has been a daily heavy whiskey drinker all his life. The end of March he got out of bed and fell, legs just didn't work. Went to the hospital and they found blood clots in his legs but nothing else. He fell a few times at home. He called it "Jello Legs" which went away and slowly he started to get better. However, in June, again he tried to get out of bed and this time he couldn't move his legs at all. Spent a week in the hospital where they ran countless tests but found nothing. This scared him so he stopped drinking. Finally, we went to a neurologist who diagnosed "Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy" (CIDP). He gets hooked up to an IV 3 days for 3 hours a day and receives human antibodies. He is to do this for the rest of his life. However, I think he has Alcoholic Myopathy. He is feeling better and I'm sure the doctor will attribute it to the IV treatment. I think it is because he hasn't had a drink in 2 months. We see a new neurologist tomorrow for a second opinion. Hope my story helped...good luck !



I'm a 27 year old male and I've never considered myself an alcoholic but I've definitely been a problem drinker on and off. These past few months I've been drinking twice a week, not to the point of blacking out or anything, but I've been drinking quite a lot. I had hangovers that lasted 2-3 days but that didn't deter me from drinking. Last friday I drank at a club with my friends and it got a bit out of hand. Following this, I had a hangover for a week and on the eighth day I started feeling tingling in my feet and numbness in my hands along with tremors. This affected my balance and I felt "round" underneath my feet. This alone made me vow to stop drinking entirely and I think I'll be able to do that, but I'm worried about permanent damage to my nerves and that this will last forever. I went to the hospital and got a vitamin B1 injection. I've read that alcoholic neuropathy is reversible if caught early and the alcohol intake is ceased but I'm scared to death that this will last a life time. I'm now taking vitamin B supplements daily and I'm on day 10 since my last drink. My balance is slightly improved but the tingling is still there.

Anyone here have experience with alcoholic neuropathy? Did you recover? How much were you drinking before? How old are you?

Please tell me there's a chance my body recovers. This has been a real wake up call. I'm never drinking again. I know what's at stake now.

Grateful for replies!

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Hello @patty55 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. What you've shared had to be very shocking and concerning. It is great that you are taking it so seriously and have quit drinking to ensure better health.

You will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion, which you can find here:
- Alcohol-related Neuropathy: Anyone had good treatment results?:

I see that @yojimbob and @casey1329 have joined you to share their experiences. I would also like to call in members @shiela58 and @miserable to see if they have some additional experiences they can share with what they've tried.

By my calculations, you are 12 days out from your experience. How are you doing without drinking and how is the tingling?



I'm a 27 year old male and I've never considered myself an alcoholic but I've definitely been a problem drinker on and off. These past few months I've been drinking twice a week, not to the point of blacking out or anything, but I've been drinking quite a lot. I had hangovers that lasted 2-3 days but that didn't deter me from drinking. Last friday I drank at a club with my friends and it got a bit out of hand. Following this, I had a hangover for a week and on the eighth day I started feeling tingling in my feet and numbness in my hands along with tremors. This affected my balance and I felt "round" underneath my feet. This alone made me vow to stop drinking entirely and I think I'll be able to do that, but I'm worried about permanent damage to my nerves and that this will last forever. I went to the hospital and got a vitamin B1 injection. I've read that alcoholic neuropathy is reversible if caught early and the alcohol intake is ceased but I'm scared to death that this will last a life time. I'm now taking vitamin B supplements daily and I'm on day 10 since my last drink. My balance is slightly improved but the tingling is still there.

Anyone here have experience with alcoholic neuropathy? Did you recover? How much were you drinking before? How old are you?

Please tell me there's a chance my body recovers. This has been a real wake up call. I'm never drinking again. I know what's at stake now.

Grateful for replies!

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Patty, ‘right to the bottom line: most of us who’ve beaten this demon would tell you there’s little chance of doing it without help! I drank recreationally through high school and college.
I didn’t even know I was alcoholic until married and a major move across country. Without going into details I became aware of it through therapy and went to AA. I finally had a last drink April, 1979… .

The long and short of it is that drinking is cultural, tribal and personal. In order to change those influences you have to learn what these are and, then HOW to overcome their respective influences. It’s not 1-2-3, but an ongoing process, with or without a ‘higher power.’ If you’re really serious about quitting I urge you to try a couple of meetings. You’ll be surprised to see people just like yourself, some better off and some not so much. Best of luck for a major commitment, either way!


OK, my 71 yr. old husband has been a daily heavy whiskey drinker all his life. The end of March he got out of bed and fell, legs just didn't work. Went to the hospital and they found blood clots in his legs but nothing else. He fell a few times at home. He called it "Jello Legs" which went away and slowly he started to get better. However, in June, again he tried to get out of bed and this time he couldn't move his legs at all. Spent a week in the hospital where they ran countless tests but found nothing. This scared him so he stopped drinking. Finally, we went to a neurologist who diagnosed "Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy" (CIDP). He gets hooked up to an IV 3 days for 3 hours a day and receives human antibodies. He is to do this for the rest of his life. However, I think he has Alcoholic Myopathy. He is feeling better and I'm sure the doctor will attribute it to the IV treatment. I think it is because he hasn't had a drink in 2 months. We see a new neurologist tomorrow for a second opinion. Hope my story helped...good luck !

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I hope the second opinion isn’t “okay, you’re ugly, too!” - Rodney Dangerfield.

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