Advice on Seeing a Liver Specialist

Posted by rs1784 @rs1784, Jun 15, 2023

My sister needs a liver transplant as her liver is failing however is not 6 months sober (only 1 month). She’s at a Des Moines hospital and can’t leave due to her condition. Her kidneys are starting to fail because of her liver failing. What are options to keep her liver going until she is eligible for a liver transplant? There is no in patient liver specialist doctor in Des Moines. The only way she can see one is if it’s an outpatient center however she can not leave the hospital due to her condition. She cannot be transferred any place either because no hospital specializing in liver transplants will take her (since she’s not 6 months sober yet). What are some options? All we want is for her to see a liver specialist.

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@rs1784, I want to reach across the miles to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I am sorry to learn that your sister is in her currently serious situation. However, in my opinion, her current hospital placement sounds like it is the best place for her right now. This must surely be difficult for you to witness.
You asked about seeing a liver specialist and my own experience was a referral by my GI (gastroenterologist). It was a liver specialist whom he consulted with, who diagnosed my specific liver disease. Having said that, your sister’s diagnosis has already been determined and she has kidney kidneys that are beginning to fail. Has the hospital mentioned dialysis as a possibility? I don’t know if that would have any effect on the liver since it could be too severely damaged at this time. Surely the hospital has a GI and a Nephrologist on staff with whom you could discuss this.
It will then be up to the doctor to make a referral for the next level of care if it will benefit her.
An organ transplant - any organ) cannot occur until a person is strong enough to survive the complex surgery and recovery. I hope for the best possible outcome ❤️
Are you with your sister? Have you been able it with her and/ or doctor.

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