Adenocarcinoma - just diagnosed

Posted by fpdm @fpdm, Oct 24, 2023

Hi - just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma rectal cancer after colonoscopy. Will go for CT scan and MRI to determine next steps. Any advice? So scared.

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Don’t be afraid to be a squeaky wheel. You have to be an advocate for yourself.


Forget the pray stuff sorry if you believe it for yourself great but I do not believe it helps I just have to finish some loose ends on my part & then say goodbye

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I'm so sorry to read about what you're going through but do your best to be optimistic. Most of us on this forum seem to live with cancer rather than die from it. All I can say about bags is that, luckily, I didn't need one (nice surprise when waking up after the op) but a friend who needed one 18 months ago now regularly runs half marathons, and his bag doesn't hold 5 gallons or smell.
Best of luck.


Forget the pray stuff sorry if you believe it for yourself great but I do not believe it helps I just have to finish some loose ends on my part & then say goodbye

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When I heard of my new polyp and of the complex major surgery I needed to fix my very low fistula and to get rid of the very low polyp, I was very, very angry and anxious. I started psychotherapy and it was game changer in my outlook on my situation, as well as in my relationship with my husband and children, who had been taking the grunt of my anger and anxiety. I also took up meditation. Would that be an option for you, to work through your toxic feelings?


Forget the pray stuff sorry if you believe it for yourself great but I do not believe it helps I just have to finish some loose ends on my part & then say goodbye

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I find praying helps a great deal. I am sorry you don’t. Without God I would not be so positive or joyful despite my circumstances. Everyone has a time to live and a time to die as it is written in the stars. Knowing approximately when is almost comforting knowing you can say goodbye and get your ducks in a row. Of course I am hoping for a miracle, knowing the odds are not in my favor :). I pray for you to have comfort in your situation whatever it is.


No. Miracles. Or. Prayers are. Going. To help. Had. Ten tests. Today. And. Tomorrow. All they are. Pushing. Is. Chem. And.radiotherapy So then. I will be bald for the rest of my. Life. No folks. Hair is. Very thin now. And then stick me. With a five gallon pail on. My. Hip. Everybody. Says. O a bag is. Delightful. I ride & work. Horses for a. Living. How. Can I ride. No it not Goodie. 2. Shoes down a. Trail. I am a very high level rider in dressage. So you are. Very very active. Moving around in the saddle. One. Doesn’t just. &. Look pretty. Plus. Clothes. We HAVE to. Wear is skin tight. Plus. White. Do you goody. 2. Looking for an answer


I will check that Colon Alliance out for sure. I live in Canada so hopefully I will find more support. The surgeon never did call me back, I guess I’ll call her office next week. My biggest fear is being forgotten!! Wish me luck.

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Hi @lou3, I hope you were able to contact your surgeon. How are you doing?


Hi @lou3, I hope you were able to contact your surgeon. How are you doing?

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Thank you for asking. I finally got ahold of the other surgeon in that office and he will be doing LAR surgery in a few weeks. Very nervous as I have never had surgery and worried about afterwards with symptoms.


Thank you for asking. I finally got ahold of the other surgeon in that office and he will be doing LAR surgery in a few weeks. Very nervous as I have never had surgery and worried about afterwards with symptoms.

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Good to know things are moving forward, @lou3 !

Before my own LAR surgery exactly a month ago, I only had one surgery I felt mattered, a transanal resection. The LAR surgery I had was a two-step Turnbull-Cutait pull-through, with coloanal anastomosis (a week later). I was very scared and anxious, so I did several things: I started psychotherapy with a psychologist knowledgeable in clinical issues; I read about the procedure to understand it fully (even saw a video by a Colombian nurse), I made an appointment with my surgeon to clear up all doubts (I asked him about 15 questions). Now I'm again doing psychotherapy to help manage LARS and have joined a FB group of people with LARS, because recovery from LAR is slow and complicated.

I wish you the best for your surgery.


I too have the adem cancer disease After 2 other hospitals that were on the negative, just go away & die, Mayo is a sunshine of hope. Slim ray as I will be in treatment until Thanskgiving. Other 2 hospitals just wanted to rip out my butt & then live a colo bag. My life style which allows me to eat & sleep would not allow this if I want to survive. Surgeon I saw was noy impressed as he barely talked to me & was out the door before the door closed Only bad person I have run into at Mayo's If you get treatment at Mayos look into the Hope facility Free place to hangs one hat if you are in treatment Mayos was my last resort to live


Good to know things are moving forward, @lou3 !

Before my own LAR surgery exactly a month ago, I only had one surgery I felt mattered, a transanal resection. The LAR surgery I had was a two-step Turnbull-Cutait pull-through, with coloanal anastomosis (a week later). I was very scared and anxious, so I did several things: I started psychotherapy with a psychologist knowledgeable in clinical issues; I read about the procedure to understand it fully (even saw a video by a Colombian nurse), I made an appointment with my surgeon to clear up all doubts (I asked him about 15 questions). Now I'm again doing psychotherapy to help manage LARS and have joined a FB group of people with LARS, because recovery from LAR is slow and complicated.

I wish you the best for your surgery.

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Thank you for your response. I was told that LARS can gradually get better over time and some people didn’t have as many symptoms as others. The Surgeon gave all the facts about it but not an opinion as to how I will do. Every case is different and I guess all I can do now is go through the operation and hope for the best. I am also going to look into a therapist to help me with my range of feelings. We really do t have a choice since the cancer has to come out. They won’t know if I need chemotherapy until after the operation, so another thing to occupy my mind.

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