Adenocarcinoma - just diagnosed

Posted by fpdm @fpdm, Oct 24, 2023

Hi - just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma rectal cancer after colonoscopy. Will go for CT scan and MRI to determine next steps. Any advice? So scared.

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well you did go thru the ringer and you are alive Congras to you Surgery is not an option for me as it will take away my sphincter as by the words of the surgeon whotold me to go away & die. SO no surgery anyway will help unless I want to live like a hermit with a bag. WHich when folks hear you have this they look at you & stay away like you have the plague They leak they stink and basically terrible Dead would be a better way to go
Chemo & radiation is the other way to go but then hair lost would be pernment. As my hair just does not grow So bald forever with more strange looks and people avoiding you as what I have they fear they will get.
I give you lots of thumbs up for what you did but my choices are down to chenical or death by choice


well you did go thru the ringer and you are alive Congras to you Surgery is not an option for me as it will take away my sphincter as by the words of the surgeon whotold me to go away & die. SO no surgery anyway will help unless I want to live like a hermit with a bag. WHich when folks hear you have this they look at you & stay away like you have the plague They leak they stink and basically terrible Dead would be a better way to go
Chemo & radiation is the other way to go but then hair lost would be pernment. As my hair just does not grow So bald forever with more strange looks and people avoiding you as what I have they fear they will get.
I give you lots of thumbs up for what you did but my choices are down to chenical or death by choice

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I'm so sorry your perspective is really that pessimistic. I sincerely hope you could get other medical opinions. There might be a way to save your sphincter. It might be a matter of finding the right surgeon.


well you did go thru the ringer and you are alive Congras to you Surgery is not an option for me as it will take away my sphincter as by the words of the surgeon whotold me to go away & die. SO no surgery anyway will help unless I want to live like a hermit with a bag. WHich when folks hear you have this they look at you & stay away like you have the plague They leak they stink and basically terrible Dead would be a better way to go
Chemo & radiation is the other way to go but then hair lost would be pernment. As my hair just does not grow So bald forever with more strange looks and people avoiding you as what I have they fear they will get.
I give you lots of thumbs up for what you did but my choices are down to chenical or death by choice

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The bag is not that bad. They told me it was a choice between a bag or a box (coffin). My hair also grew back fully. I had the operation when I collapsed from diverticulitis. The contents floated around my abdomen. They had to filter it out and bombard me with drips full of antibiotics before operating. 37 lymph nodes removed (12 were positive). My weight dropped 45 pounds. I was put on 8 rounds of chemotherapy. I am now nearly 3 years from op. My weight is back to normal. I take no drugs I just get scanned every 3 months. My original diagnosis was corectal cancer stage 3c. There IS hope. A lady I got to know was a 32 year old mother with stage 4. She is still with us today and looking after her 3 kids. I know you have been dealt a bad hand. We all have. But please don’t give up. I’m not giving up and neither is the mother I mentioned. One in every two people are going to get it. We are far from alone. We need to to support each other - even if it’s just a few words on a message board to someone across an ocean.


The bag is not that bad. They told me it was a choice between a bag or a box (coffin). My hair also grew back fully. I had the operation when I collapsed from diverticulitis. The contents floated around my abdomen. They had to filter it out and bombard me with drips full of antibiotics before operating. 37 lymph nodes removed (12 were positive). My weight dropped 45 pounds. I was put on 8 rounds of chemotherapy. I am now nearly 3 years from op. My weight is back to normal. I take no drugs I just get scanned every 3 months. My original diagnosis was corectal cancer stage 3c. There IS hope. A lady I got to know was a 32 year old mother with stage 4. She is still with us today and looking after her 3 kids. I know you have been dealt a bad hand. We all have. But please don’t give up. I’m not giving up and neither is the mother I mentioned. One in every two people are going to get it. We are far from alone. We need to to support each other - even if it’s just a few words on a message board to someone across an ocean.

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Well Monday I see doc at Mayo but that has been a real experience to find out what the heck the game plan All I knew I had a 9:45a m appointment period Nothing else But somebody today called me gee the day before that certainly gives one lots of time to set stuff up at home so that home keeps running No kids here but think if one did certainly would not be ez for a single mother Hats off to those mothers. My life style would not work for a stinky leaky bag They are terrible & as stated before people , small town very bias would have nothing to do with you as you are contagious in their mind
And again no consult with the patient about dates and times. 5 out of 6 times are not workable for me Just jump as we say as we are in charge. I will mention to them I am the patient & certainly have a say as to what & where I can be there. We did get tests down to 3 days but times are bad starting at 7 a m And have to walk to clinic cannot afford the hotels hooked to Mayo Nice idea but my pocketbook is empty they want me to go home & return a week later for an MRI thats a 10 hour drive Cannot afford a hotel so forget that idea
So we will have some discussion about the who what & when issue i hate it when they assume we can jump, drop everything and drive 10 hours Sure no problem


Well Monday I see doc at Mayo but that has been a real experience to find out what the heck the game plan All I knew I had a 9:45a m appointment period Nothing else But somebody today called me gee the day before that certainly gives one lots of time to set stuff up at home so that home keeps running No kids here but think if one did certainly would not be ez for a single mother Hats off to those mothers. My life style would not work for a stinky leaky bag They are terrible & as stated before people , small town very bias would have nothing to do with you as you are contagious in their mind
And again no consult with the patient about dates and times. 5 out of 6 times are not workable for me Just jump as we say as we are in charge. I will mention to them I am the patient & certainly have a say as to what & where I can be there. We did get tests down to 3 days but times are bad starting at 7 a m And have to walk to clinic cannot afford the hotels hooked to Mayo Nice idea but my pocketbook is empty they want me to go home & return a week later for an MRI thats a 10 hour drive Cannot afford a hotel so forget that idea
So we will have some discussion about the who what & when issue i hate it when they assume we can jump, drop everything and drive 10 hours Sure no problem

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Call Mayo Concierge for information on economical lodging options 507-538-8438


been there have something set up Nice folks & very helpful but hotels connected to clinic out of my price range


I'm so sorry your perspective is really that pessimistic. I sincerely hope you could get other medical opinions. There might be a way to save your sphincter. It might be a matter of finding the right surgeon.

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I have no choice but to be pessimistic as I have been toldto go die by a surgeon. That is certainly a great way to treat a patient or the other wonderful option is to have a bag I will not have a 5 gallon pail hanging on my hip that stinks leaks and just does not work Plus people treat you like scum


I have no choice but to be pessimistic as I have been toldto go die by a surgeon. That is certainly a great way to treat a patient or the other wonderful option is to have a bag I will not have a 5 gallon pail hanging on my hip that stinks leaks and just does not work Plus people treat you like scum

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I want you to know that I'm praying daily for your healing and care.

Hopefully, others here will too.

God bless you and keep you.


Forget the pray stuff sorry if you believe it for yourself great but I do not believe it helps I just have to finish some loose ends on my part & then say goodbye


Please check out the colon Cancer Alliance online. They will give you as much support as you need and guide you through your journey. It is the most wonderful support for those of us colon cancer.

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I will check that Colon Alliance out for sure. I live in Canada so hopefully I will find more support. The surgeon never did call me back, I guess I’ll call her office next week. My biggest fear is being forgotten!! Wish me luck.

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