Acupuncture and Osteoporosis?

Posted by pennykj @pennykj, Oct 3, 2023

Has anyone tried acupuncture to help reduce bone loss or improve bone quality due to osteoporosis?

I just came across this article which indicates acupuncture may be helpful.,KI3%2C%20BL18%2C%20and%20GB39.

I have significant osteoporosis in my spine, but no fractures so far and I am searching for anything other than osteo prescription meds (which scare me). I am trying many new things right now (6 prunes/day, Marodyne LiV, collagen and am getting ready to try L. reuteri probiotic soon) in addition to the "normal" stuff.

A friend suggested I research acupuncture.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

Thank you, It is very helpful to know that these organizations exist !
Good Luck to you !


Although McCormick also wrote "A Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis" and has a lot of good information on "whole body approaches'
in his newer book "Great Bones," he generally advocates for medications for more severe osteoporosis and used meds himself.

I wanted to be on meds for years and literally could not tolerate them. I am willing to suffer significant side effects. I finally decided on Tymlos but COVID delayed it. I fractured three lumbar vertebrae in that time (on top o 3-4 thoracic fractures from a traumatic fall in 2006). The pain and disability are awful but I have improved a lot on Tymlos.

Tymlos is good for those who are scared because you can start with a low dose and ramp up. The pen is adjustable. In fact I had excellent gains on a 3/4 dose for most of the time. I have convinced my doc to let me follow up with Evenity- first injection on 12/21- and then I will do a 20% dose of Reclast to "lock in."

Osteoporosis has no symptoms and I felt so strong before my fractures. I was doing martial arts and sword tai chi. It is hard to be motivated to do meds until you fracture but I post on here as someone who DID fracture in order to encourage others to try meds!


Although McCormick also wrote "A Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis" and has a lot of good information on "whole body approaches'
in his newer book "Great Bones," he generally advocates for medications for more severe osteoporosis and used meds himself.

I wanted to be on meds for years and literally could not tolerate them. I am willing to suffer significant side effects. I finally decided on Tymlos but COVID delayed it. I fractured three lumbar vertebrae in that time (on top o 3-4 thoracic fractures from a traumatic fall in 2006). The pain and disability are awful but I have improved a lot on Tymlos.

Tymlos is good for those who are scared because you can start with a low dose and ramp up. The pen is adjustable. In fact I had excellent gains on a 3/4 dose for most of the time. I have convinced my doc to let me follow up with Evenity- first injection on 12/21- and then I will do a 20% dose of Reclast to "lock in."

Osteoporosis has no symptoms and I felt so strong before my fractures. I was doing martial arts and sword tai chi. It is hard to be motivated to do meds until you fracture but I post on here as someone who DID fracture in order to encourage others to try meds!

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Thank you so much! Have been terrified of meds thinking side effects will prevent me from exercising. Does anyone have any infurnation as to whether Tymlis causes a reduction in hip density when you first start taking it?


I asked my endocrinologist about HRT, but she said it is essentially too late for that for me, and I am only 10 years past menopause. I am terrified of the drugs, too, but I've gotten to the point that I'm more afraid of what could happen if my spine gives up.

Have you heard about R. Keith McCormick's book, Great Bones: Taking Control of Your Osteoporosis? I just got it from Amazon and was immediately impressed by his comprehensive approach to bone health, discussing in (relatively) comprehensible detail how our bodies work and what it needs to make good bones. If you're not going to take the osteo drugs, this book might give you some ideas on how to help your bones.

Good Luck!

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From what I've learned, unless you're over 60, I'm surprised that your Endo isn't open to the idea of the use of HRTs. As you say, you're "only 10 years past menopause." My understanding is that any more than 10 years past, and/or over the age of 60, HRTs can be an issue. From what you've written, it sounds like you may already be aware of this.

We have to arm ourselves with up-to-date research. Many doctors were influenced by a now disproven 2002 study that was heavily covered in the media, creating panic. In fact, because of this study, guidelines for doctors on the use of HRTs was changed. It has had a lasting, though misguided impression.

Several new studies have since shown that starting HRTs within the right time frame, can have a "beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing coronary disease and all-cause mortality." For anyone who would like to read more, this quote comes from a paper published in 2019 in Medicina (Switzerland based).
It's posted on PubMed Central. You can read it here:


I'm glad that the subject of acupuncture as an OP treatment was raised here. I'm considering all options, and this is an avenue that I haven't yet explored. Thank you @pennykj for starting the conversation.


From what I've learned, unless you're over 60, I'm surprised that your Endo isn't open to the idea of the use of HRTs. As you say, you're "only 10 years past menopause." My understanding is that any more than 10 years past, and/or over the age of 60, HRTs can be an issue. From what you've written, it sounds like you may already be aware of this.

We have to arm ourselves with up-to-date research. Many doctors were influenced by a now disproven 2002 study that was heavily covered in the media, creating panic. In fact, because of this study, guidelines for doctors on the use of HRTs was changed. It has had a lasting, though misguided impression.

Several new studies have since shown that starting HRTs within the right time frame, can have a "beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing coronary disease and all-cause mortality." For anyone who would like to read more, this quote comes from a paper published in 2019 in Medicina (Switzerland based).
It's posted on PubMed Central. You can read it here:

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My gyn discouraged me from trying HRT at my age of 71 (16 years post menopause). We spent almost an hour together talking. She listened to me and understood my concerns and then she talked to me (and not at me). She reminded me that there are risks to HRT for women my age, including blood clots. Although she said she would prescribe HRT if I received clearance from a cardiologist and if I think long and hard about the risks of HRT versus risks of doing nothing. I have against HRT and decided to adjust my diet again by adding soy milk and kiwi and by using Cronometer to input my food and supplement intake. I participate in the FaceBook Group "Osteoporosis Natural Remedies," which I have found helpful since many of the participants have had positive results without any meds. My next blood work is scheduled for April. If my (very high) CTX scores have not improved, I will go back to the "drawing board."


Thank you so much! Have been terrified of meds thinking side effects will prevent me from exercising. Does anyone have any infurnation as to whether Tymlis causes a reduction in hip density when you first start taking it?

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@sallyj2 I had a 9% gain in hip bone density on Tymlos. It does a lot for the spine (20% for me) but apparently helps the hip too, though to a lesser extent- or so my doc and McCormick and others have told me.


I have been seeing an acupuncturist for 2 years for chronic pain management due to SI joint issues, arthritis and spine/cervical issues. It definitely helps with the pain for a short period, so I go in 1 to 2 times a month. I do need SI Joint surgery, but my bones are too brittle right now. I'm waiting for my bone density test on 12/27 which will tell us if it's even possible to operate. Acupuncture is the only thing that helps.


I wish you luck. My spine score is worse than yours, but I am too scared to try osteo drugs. I am seeing my gyn this week to discuss HRT (which also scares me since I am 16 years post menopause - but does not scare me as much as osteo drugs).

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Hi Pennykj,
Did you learn anything about HRT as treatment for osteoporosis that you could share? I'm reading so much conflicting info. about HRT/MHT for bones. I wish my providers had brought it up to me 7 years ago, when I first started menopause, but it seemed everyone was set against it. Now, there is a shift toward hormones for menopause discomfort, under age 59 or 10-years past menopause, as some docs indicate. Dr. Jen Gunter has been a good resource for me but I'm still unclear about whether it is something I could or should consider for treating osteoporosis, my latest doctor has suggested it.


Hi Pennykj,
Did you learn anything about HRT as treatment for osteoporosis that you could share? I'm reading so much conflicting info. about HRT/MHT for bones. I wish my providers had brought it up to me 7 years ago, when I first started menopause, but it seemed everyone was set against it. Now, there is a shift toward hormones for menopause discomfort, under age 59 or 10-years past menopause, as some docs indicate. Dr. Jen Gunter has been a good resource for me but I'm still unclear about whether it is something I could or should consider for treating osteoporosis, my latest doctor has suggested it.

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Once my gyn discouraged me from HRT, I stopped researching. However, before I met with my gyn I read Keith McCormick's book and Estrogen Matters book.
Since then, I have started drinking soy milk and eating Natto (Japanese fermented soybeans). Natto allegedly will help bone density.

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