About increased heart rate, particularly at night

Posted by rave777 @rave777, 2 days ago

I have been a bit anxious about my heart for the past 30 days or so. I went to a doctor of medicine and he said that its just gas and that I don't need to worry and that its getting worse due to my anxiety. I have had this slightly heavy feeling in my left chest for about 4 or so months and I used to have very slight issues whilst trying to take in a LONG breath but now that issue is less serious after consuming the medicine that he has prescribed for me, which included pramin 25 and indever. Now, the issue is at night, my heart suddenly begins to race(After dinner usually). Along with that I have had a stiff neck for the past 10 days or so which sometimes turns into a headache. Also , I have a throbbing feeling at the back of my head but it doesn't cause any pain. I am always thinking about my body and getting anxious. Also, I should mention that my blood pressure on the lower side currently and I have been having a lot of bed rest and am avoiding red meat and so.(Although after consuming the red meat my heart races too). I also had asthma problems earlier in my life but currently I don't have any issues and I have never had to take any inhalers.

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Second opinion? Cardiologist?


Could it be just anxiety? Maybe I should see a neurologist first


What is your maximum heart rate after dinner and what is your pulse rate during sleep (someone else can check it for you). What is your age and when did throbbing feeling started? BP on lower side is a good thing. why are you on bed rest? is the heaviness in chest related to exertion or it occurs at rest. I think it's your anxiety which is causing these issues. May bee seeing a psychiatrist would be a good idea. Inability to take a long breath without any other respiratory symptom is typical of anxiety.


Are you taking any meds around this time of day.
Also, check out side effects of your meds.
Wishing you the best.


I used to get random heart racing episodes. I was diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia. I now take a low dose of Metropolol and live a completely normal life. I thought I was having panic attacks, not so.

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