Abdominal Issues and Concerns

Posted by whitesox1977 @whitesox1977, Jun 26, 2023


I have been experiencing some symptoms over the last few months and wasn't sure where else to ask, so thought I would try this forum.

Here is a quick history:

I am a 44 year old male. For over 20 months I have been experiencing upper left abdominal pain that often radiates to the back, minimal weigh loss over the last 6 months (2%). It is more of a dull pain, but can get more painful at times. So far I have had 4 abdominal and pelvic CT scans, none pancreatic protocol (all clear outside of recently a mild fatty liver and enlarged prostate), colonoscopy (clear), upper endoscopy (mild antrum gastritis), HIDA scan (20% EF), bladder and kidneys have been checked via camera inserted tube, multiple blood tests which have come back clear. Doctors at this point believe the results are related to functional abdominal pain and have not recommended any other testing. During this time I have met with 3 GI doctors, 3 ER visits, and 2 primary care doctors.

Dr. Google has led me to concerns of pancreatic cancer, but I understand it is pretty rare, but still has me concerned. From what I can gather from previous discussions in this group pancreatic cancer often spreads quickly, so if I had it the CT scans most likely would up something with symptoms lasting for this amount of time. Most likely having some health anxiety as well during this time, as haven't received clear answers, but thought I would reach out to the group to see if anyone has experienced anything similar or has further recommendations. I have asked for an MRI, but all the doctors have said that they would only do that if there was something concerning on the CT scans or blood work.

Thank you so much!

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The sauce was a peanut sauce with soybean oil base I am thinking that contributed, because I ate peanuts a while back and didnt have a reaction. The wraps were rice paper no oil/frying. Thats why I was surprised 🙁 starting to feel better this week so far. Just sticking with what I know I can eat for now and not touching peanuts.

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Best to you. It’s a puzzling journey sometimes figuring out what brings on symptoms and what doesn’t. Lots of trial and error.


Well, in my early 30s I was told I had diverticula and if I eat fruit with small seeds (strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes), I just about "die." That being said, I do not eat anything that could create that pain and a colonoscopy in my 60s showed no diverticula. I really don't know if the pouches disappeared.

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I was told I had diverticulosis so I stopped eating certain foods. Now, after months, I am eating tomatoes, blueberries, salads and veggies and lots of chicken and fish. But, sometimes, like today, for no reason, it flares up and the pain lasts until I have a bowel movement which is usually at night. Not a fun time.


I didn't ask the doctor if I should get a CT, just went and did it. I also then went and got a MRI. Can't always do what a doctor says. They don't know my body or my pain as well as I do. When I need answers, I just go do whatever I can to help myself.


I had an episode like that. Produce skins, like apple and tomato, also were a trigger. I only have three ideas: (1) try avoiding tough veggie/fruit skins and/or seeds. But as it seems you can normally eat most of what you want, (2) you could have a tipping point, where some of what you added back into your diet is fine, up to a point, but beyond that amount, you get an attack, or (3) some of what you added back into your diet can't be "chewed up" so goes in whole, more or less (as a side note, corn is hard for any number of people to digest due to its cellulose component; humans don't have an enzyme to digest it.)


I had an episode like that. Produce skins, like apple and tomato, also were a trigger. I only have three ideas: (1) try avoiding tough veggie/fruit skins and/or seeds. But as it seems you can normally eat most of what you want, (2) you could have a tipping point, where some of what you added back into your diet is fine, up to a point, but beyond that amount, you get an attack, or (3) some of what you added back into your diet can't be "chewed up" so goes in whole, more or less (as a side note, corn is hard for any number of people to digest due to its cellulose component; humans don't have an enzyme to digest it.)

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I was given 2 corn on the cob. Boiled them for an hour. Cut the corn off the cob. Ate the corn. Felt fine afterwards. Had no problem with corn.


That is interesting! My son has a corn issue -- I will let him know.


Don't rule out a cancer because it is rarer ( I have stage 3 esophageal cancer) I was misdiagnosed for months as having dysphagia from 30 plus yrs of a TBI. From mid December 2021 I started having food swallowing issues and started to slowly lose weight. Started at 180 plus, by September 2022 I'm 95 and get diagnosed, a feeding tube and 2 months of hospital and rehab. I battled back and now am a high 125 pounds. Info and tests are your best friends right now.


What is your diet like also


Hi, are you experiencing now or have in the past some emotional trauma? We are all energy bodies and energy can get stuck and actually cause pain. Look up emotional freedom technique. I had every test too for a "pain" that started after a colonoscopy and nothing showed up. That was 2017. I finally had to "let go" of the fear of something seriously wrong. Stress can also cause physical pain. Hope you get some relief soon. My pain comes back occasionally so I ask myself what is going on in my mind or head and worried about. Tapping does help.


I didn't ask the doctor if I should get a CT, just went and did it. I also then went and got a MRI. Can't always do what a doctor says. They don't know my body or my pain as well as I do. When I need answers, I just go do whatever I can to help myself.

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Hmm I tried to get a CT without a doctors order and they (imaging center) wouldnt do it. How did you manage this? I had to beg my doctor to put it in.

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