Abdominal Issues and Concerns

Posted by whitesox1977 @whitesox1977, Jun 26, 2023


I have been experiencing some symptoms over the last few months and wasn't sure where else to ask, so thought I would try this forum.

Here is a quick history:

I am a 44 year old male. For over 20 months I have been experiencing upper left abdominal pain that often radiates to the back, minimal weigh loss over the last 6 months (2%). It is more of a dull pain, but can get more painful at times. So far I have had 4 abdominal and pelvic CT scans, none pancreatic protocol (all clear outside of recently a mild fatty liver and enlarged prostate), colonoscopy (clear), upper endoscopy (mild antrum gastritis), HIDA scan (20% EF), bladder and kidneys have been checked via camera inserted tube, multiple blood tests which have come back clear. Doctors at this point believe the results are related to functional abdominal pain and have not recommended any other testing. During this time I have met with 3 GI doctors, 3 ER visits, and 2 primary care doctors.

Dr. Google has led me to concerns of pancreatic cancer, but I understand it is pretty rare, but still has me concerned. From what I can gather from previous discussions in this group pancreatic cancer often spreads quickly, so if I had it the CT scans most likely would up something with symptoms lasting for this amount of time. Most likely having some health anxiety as well during this time, as haven't received clear answers, but thought I would reach out to the group to see if anyone has experienced anything similar or has further recommendations. I have asked for an MRI, but all the doctors have said that they would only do that if there was something concerning on the CT scans or blood work.

Thank you so much!

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Thats interesting, I was put on omeprazole because they suspected an ulcer I was on it for two months and stopped taking it when the endoscopy showed no ulcer. I started to feel this pain in my rib the day after I started the omeprazole…not sure if this is a coincidence but I saw another post about a similar experience.

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I also had a full on attack the week I stopped taking omeprazole my rib was pounding and shooting pains across it and up and down my back. Unfortunately that week I also started increasing the amount of food I was eating. Ugh not sure which caused the issues! Things have settled since then but I still feel pain especially after eating.


Dr.s …. I swear it’s all a crap shoot . I’ve had 9 years of misery with chronic gastrointestinal disorders. 7 of them . Been to 6 Gastro Drs / 20 tests … even Mayo Clinic.
I’m still a mess , it’s non stop 🛑 day and night . Even saw FM Dr. / extensive bloodwork . Took every RX and holistic and supplements . Still I suffer . I’m 61 but this started at 52 .
I look young but feel 99 .
Takes away all quality of life pretty much .
Plus it affects my heart ♥️ rhythm ( PVCS) like Gastro Cardio Syndrome.
Best wishes , hope you can find help .
Me too .


A1C and glucose tests came back the same as earlier this year so no changes.

I did come across something I wanted to share. There was another person on another board that posted he was diagnosed with mild pancreatitis and he started taking olive leaf extract then said he had next to no symptoms for 6 yrs. I started taking a pill form of it as well last Monday, two days later I have experienced the least amount of symptoms since all this started. I am nearly pain free this week. I am not sure if its a placebo effect and I dont really care. Its been a nice break from this mess! Anyway theres been studies done on it and I bought a few other herbs and teas listed on these sites. Hope this helps someone!


A1C and glucose tests came back the same as earlier this year so no changes.

I did come across something I wanted to share. There was another person on another board that posted he was diagnosed with mild pancreatitis and he started taking olive leaf extract then said he had next to no symptoms for 6 yrs. I started taking a pill form of it as well last Monday, two days later I have experienced the least amount of symptoms since all this started. I am nearly pain free this week. I am not sure if its a placebo effect and I dont really care. Its been a nice break from this mess! Anyway theres been studies done on it and I bought a few other herbs and teas listed on these sites. Hope this helps someone!


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Heres the link to which one I bought


The oleurapein is what helps with inflammation and healing of the pancreas according to the interwebs.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Well unfortunately I was feeling so good I thought I could get a little adventurous with my food. Had a couple thai peanut spring rolls and am mid flare up of symptoms. This is all so depressing! Trying to read more on what foods are inflammatory… crossing more off my list of things I can eat 🙁


Peanuts is one that is inflammatory. It’s actually not a nut but a legume from the bean family. From what I learned, the way peanuts are stored and processed in a way leaves the peanuts susceptible to mold growth. It may also be the type of oil used if oil is used on making spring rolls. Seed oils are not good along with canola oil, sunflower oil.


Can Diverticulosis go away and return? I was told I had it several months ago so I made sure I did not eat the wrong foods. I still am very careful as to what I eat. When I was first told I had it, I had excruciating pain on the right side of my stomach. It's been gone for a few months, but yesterday, it returned with a vengence. So, does that mean that it can come and go whenever it wants? I thought being on a proper diet would help and it did, but it's back. Need some input. Thanks.


Can Diverticulosis go away and return? I was told I had it several months ago so I made sure I did not eat the wrong foods. I still am very careful as to what I eat. When I was first told I had it, I had excruciating pain on the right side of my stomach. It's been gone for a few months, but yesterday, it returned with a vengence. So, does that mean that it can come and go whenever it wants? I thought being on a proper diet would help and it did, but it's back. Need some input. Thanks.

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Hi, the medical evidence i have read and my own experience suggests that once diagnosed flareups can return at anytime as the the evidence of the diagnosis , pouches called diverticula always remains visual unless surgically removed . While the pouches once produced always stay there they often cause no symptoms for many people . I have found heat pads help relieve flareups . All the best .


Well, in my early 30s I was told I had diverticula and if I eat fruit with small seeds (strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes), I just about "die." That being said, I do not eat anything that could create that pain and a colonoscopy in my 60s showed no diverticula. I really don't know if the pouches disappeared.


Peanuts is one that is inflammatory. It’s actually not a nut but a legume from the bean family. From what I learned, the way peanuts are stored and processed in a way leaves the peanuts susceptible to mold growth. It may also be the type of oil used if oil is used on making spring rolls. Seed oils are not good along with canola oil, sunflower oil.

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The sauce was a peanut sauce with soybean oil base I am thinking that contributed, because I ate peanuts a while back and didnt have a reaction. The wraps were rice paper no oil/frying. Thats why I was surprised 🙁 starting to feel better this week so far. Just sticking with what I know I can eat for now and not touching peanuts.

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