7% sodium duration

Posted by kgggg @kgggg, Apr 22 10:02am

Does anyone have solid knowledge about using 7% sodium 2-3x per day on an ongoing basis meaning beyond six months - and if it has any negative effects or not.

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I've used 7% saline for many, many years, 1 to 3 times a day, prescribed by pulmonologist, with no ill effects.


@kgggg I have used it for nearly 5 years, but as my lungs healed from MAC & Pseudomonas, I have decreased the frequency to 2-3 times per week. BUT...with bronchiectasis, it is imperative to do airway clearance every day, in whatever manner works for you. Some days I do Aerobika, other days I do an aerobic walk or exercise routine, or yoga, some days deep breathing and huff-coughing are enough.
After 6 years, it is just part of my routine, keeps me healthy.
Remember, if you used 7% saline, with or without antibiotics, to "tamp down" an infection, there are still some mycobacteria hiding deep in your lungs. You want to keep the environment inhospitable to them and any new ones that try to take up residence.
What is your current routine?


I have bronchiectasis, diagnosed 10 years ago, and Pseudomonas, diagnosed 6 months ago. Only after finding a pulmonologist at National Jewish Health, in November of 2023, did I begin inhalation with 7 % saline (once a day) along with the addition of SmartVest in January of 2024.
At first the 7% saline irritated my throat, so I would alternate with 3% saline, until some months later I only used 7% saline, still once a day.
I read somewhere (maybe on this blog) that 7% saline was a game changer.
After a recent small episode of hemoptysis, I used 3% saline 1x daily, and discontinued vest therapy for a few days.
I don't have any experience using 7% saline twice daily,
I do believe everyone's lungs differ and believe also that each person will find the therapy that their pulmonologist ordered that is best suited to them.


I've used 7% saline for many, many years, 1 to 3 times a day, prescribed by pulmonologist, with no ill effects.

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Thank you!

My pulmonologist is a believer in a daily routine, including two times a day sodium. I have a couple internists, one of which is more holistic and believes that the body should heal itself. I’m not convinced of that strategy.


Thank you!

My pulmonologist is a believer in a daily routine, including two times a day sodium. I have a couple internists, one of which is more holistic and believes that the body should heal itself. I’m not convinced of that strategy.

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Hmm... holistic healing, in my mind, means we must "help" as much as we can - healthy diet, good rest, airway clearance, 7% saline (proven inhospitable to MAC), exercise, etc. And the need to sometimes resort to stronger measures - antibiotics, surgery, etc.

A little story about the saline - my first "aha" moment as for reducing frequency came over a year after I stopped antibiotics. I was busy, exhausted one evening, and did not have my nebulizer charged. I was too tired to get the "backup" one out of the closet, so I just grabbed my Aerobika and started airway clearance. Wow -the mucus I was bringing up was just as salty as the stuff in the morning when I nebbed! So I tried again without nebbing the next morning - just used my inhaler first - still salty. From then on I nebbed only once a day, but still did Airway clearance twice. Last summer, 3 1/2 years post-antibiotics, with my asthma and reactive airways completely controlled for the first time in 30 years, I got bolder and lowered the frequency to every other day - where I stay now, without exacerbation or illness for a year.

So, I am not suggesting this is good for everyone, but it works for me and is one way to make the long-term need for maintenance with bronchiectasis a little more manageable. Caveat - at the first sniffle or congestion - I jump right back to daily.



I've been nebbing with 7% for well over 6 months with no negative side effects. I truly believe it is keeping my MAC at bay since I am not choosing to take the antibiotics. It has been a game changer in terms of dramatically reducing my cough. So far, so good!


Thank you!

My pulmonologist is a believer in a daily routine, including two times a day sodium. I have a couple internists, one of which is more holistic and believes that the body should heal itself. I’m not convinced of that strategy.

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I wouldn't be in the shape I'm in if my body could heal itself.


I wouldn't be in the shape I'm in if my body could heal itself.

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I’m still on antibiotics and nebulize once daily with 7% (with aeroeclipse). My dr wants it two time daily. My question is about cleaning the saline devise (the areoeclipse is an areobika that attaches to the nebulizer). Do I have to do the complete sterilizer twice? Or just rinse in tap or distilled water? How do you clean it after each use? Thanks


Thank you!

My pulmonologist is a believer in a daily routine, including two times a day sodium. I have a couple internists, one of which is more holistic and believes that the body should heal itself. I’m not convinced of that strategy.

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My thoughts.
This has been a long standing belief for my family with most common minor illnesses "Let the body heal itself. " Realistically, I don't believe in this case, with a chronic illness such as this, Bronchiectasis, we can operate fully in the same belief. This to me is totally different and agree with Sue's reply. For me I will do the best I can with nebulizing, a good diet, needed supplements (D,C,Zinc, probiotic, multi vitamin etc.) exercise, airway clearance techiniques (ACT), at least 7 hours of good sleep. If I have to get up through the night for the bathroom or clearing my throat I will stay in bed longer and try to get that 7 hours of rest. I have the luxury of being able to do that (staying in bed longer to rest) that at my age and retired. True, however, it does become difficult to do all the things one needs to do or would like to do. Sue's road with all that she has gone through/down and accomplised is encouraging to me. Just hope I can be as diligent as Sue has shown with her care for herself. Wishing all of us the courage, strength, fortitude and encouraging pep talks. I find I have to give myself a pep talk every once in a while during the week.

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