6 years out from bypass, still cannot eat, keep vomiting...any help?
Hey everyone best of luck, I am looking for anyone who may be going through the same issues I am, I am 6 years out from my sleeve, then full bypass, I have lost over 300 lbs, which is great except I can not eat, every thing I even try to eat and most drinks come right back up and always have, what does stay down comes out the bottom end with in 20 min top. The doctor is doing nothing, I am 52lbs below my goal weight. I vomit so much I keep ripping my esophagus and bleeding severely to the point of hemoglobin level dropping from 17.4 to an 8.1 now I'm on 46 meds a day for my stomach, blood builders, iron, and more...CAN ANYONE PLEASE 🙏 SHEAD SOME KNOWLEDGE MY WAY
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I would definitely find a new doctor as this is NOT normal and sounds just horrifying. I wish you well.
I agree, need 2nd opinion. What type of doctor are you seeing? I would definitely see a GI specialist. Has anyone ordered upper GI tests to check what pouch looks like inside?
Hope you find a solution.
Laurie Miller
Hello @mrnanny1970. I second @roch and @turberg suggestions that a second opinion may be warranted if you are not feeling heard by your current provider. I'd like to also invite @dolsgirl to share their experiences as they mirror your own in many ways. Here is an article you may find helpful as well:
- Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Chronic Complications
@mrnanny1970, have you considered getting a second opinion? How are you handling taking so many medications?
Yes I totally agree that situation definitely needs prayer and a different doctor. The GI doctor should definitely be able to tell you something because that’s not normal or healthy.
I had the sleeve in 2016 but had a stricture complication so in 2019 they converted me to a bypass in order to remove the stricture. This started continued nausea and vomiting. I now live on 8 mg Zofran tablets three times a day! My bariatric surgeon ran all the tests, checking stomach, intestines, gall bladder etc and told me that he believed it to be the part of the stomach they remove and leave in the body when they do the bypass. He explained that with the sleeve they actually remove the piece of stomach but with the bypass they leave the piece of stomach inside. He says that stomach piece should remain alive. Still producing bile and stomach acids etc just never being used any more to digest food. He mentioned if that stomach piece were to die that it will cause extreme nausea and vomiting! So he believes that is my issue. Only way to fix this is surgery to remove the piece of stomach. I still need to do the surgery but the Zofran is still doing its job so I haven't yet. I also am way under goal weight. Good luck to you!!! I hope you can find some relief soon! Please keep us posted!
Something is seriously concerning here. I would recommend going to another specialist ASAP if the surgeon who did the surgery will not help you. That amount of medication does not sound healthy. A gastroenterologist treats pre and post bariatric surgery. Six years is not "normal" to have these problems. Did a dr. Recommend any of the stomach medications you are on?
My advice is discontinue the Doctor you are using and select a Doctor that has a specialty in post gastric issues.
Definitely need to check with Bariatric physician as this is not healthy. I hope
You get the help you need.
Hello yes I am 10 years out from having a RYGB I am going through the same thing almost exactly my iron is non existent and my hemoglobin is at 5 no protein in my blood low blood pressure and I get severe hypoglycemia at times blood sugar has dropped below 40. I can't hold anything down not even liquids. I throw up upwards of 20 times a day. And it isn't because I don't chew my food like they said it's nausea and vomiting it's horrible nausea and then vomiting. I've been treated through hematology where they gave me ferritin and blood transfusions and a month later it drops back off again The doctors can't figure anything out gastroenterology did an endoscopy but nothing came of it. I weigh 135 too 140 and started out at 486.. If you would like to reach out talk and compare notes in would be more that happy to give you my phone number..
Looking forward to hearing from you
Jeanne Reed
I agree, this is definitely not normal. I would get a second opinion and have some tests done. Maybe an obstruction somewhere? Your GI doctor should know. Many prayers for you...