5 year old with high platelets and myelocytes

Posted by hello2you @hello2you, May 12 11:48pm

Hello, my five year old has had platelet counts in the 500s since birth. Her pediatrician decided to do another blood test at her well visit last week. Her platelets are 656, her BUN/creatinine ratio is 46, she has macrocytes 1+, as well as high atypical lymphocytes and myelocytes present. She was quickly refered to a hematologist. We’ve heard everything from it’s nothing to it’s cancer. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this and what to expect and push for moving forward.

Thank you!

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Welcome to Connect, @hello2you. Nothing can spark concern in a parent faster than a potential health scare in our children. My baby girl is 40 and it happens. 😉
Right now there is too little information to speculate about what your daughter’s blood numbers might indicate. There can be a variety of different causes for atypical lymphocytes and myelocytes, including infections such as a virus. But you’re certainly doing the right next step with having your daughter seen by a hematologist. I know, it sounds frightening and we humans always tend to think the worst. But a hematologist, who specializes in blood, will be able to do some further testing to make sure your little girl is healthy.

They may order more specific blood work to determine the cause for the atypical cells. If there is nothing definitive the doctor may request a bone marrow biopsy which goes to the core of the blood manufacturing site in the body. That would let her doctor know if her marrow is functioning properly and is able to produce healthy blood cells.

How is your daughter’s health? Is she having any symptoms such as fatigue or bruising?
Wishing you and your little girl only positive news. ☺️ Will you please let me know what you find out from the hematologist?


Hi @hello2you, I just wanted to check in to see if you’ve heard anymore about your information about your daughter. Has she been to see the hematologist yet?

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