Anyone with PMR have experience with 4th COVID vax jab?

Posted by klpintx @klpintx, Jan 28, 2022

I just got notification from UTSW that I was eligible to receive my 4th Pfizer vaccine. I was wondering if anyone has does that yet? I have an appointment with my rheumatoligist next week, so I will ask her. But I was just wondering about anyone's experience with this.

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I’m wondering the same. I have an appointment scheduled but due to not feeling really well right now, I’m going to delay for at least a week. My Rheumatologist feels I should get it.


I've had the first 2 only (live in Canada), but waiting, since I sincerely believe the PMR started with them. Only on Prednisone for 4 weeks with great progress, but going to hold off on any boosters (if ever) until I'm more balanced. Plus, I'm not into the rheumatology clinic as yet and being treated by my Neurologist until I get in.


I've had the first 2 only (live in Canada), but waiting, since I sincerely believe the PMR started with them. Only on Prednisone for 4 weeks with great progress, but going to hold off on any boosters (if ever) until I'm more balanced. Plus, I'm not into the rheumatology clinic as yet and being treated by my Neurologist until I get in.

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I believe that my PMR was started by Covid vaccines also. You are not alone.


I'm sorry this is happening to you and so many others. Truly, I had never heard of PMR before and 2 more cases in people who I know. Shaking my head.


Would be interested in the outcome of whether to have the 4th shot.


I had the 4th shot. Some fatigue the following day, but no other problems.


I had my 4th Covid booster about a month ago. (Going on 2 years with PMR and down to 3 mgs. Prednisone). I had no reactions to any of the other three shots,, but a mild case of fatigue with this one. Only lasted a day though.


I had my 4th shot and had no reaction whatsoever. I feel much safer now that I have gotten it.


I had my 4th shot and had no reaction whatsoever. I feel much safer now that I have gotten it.

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I got my 4th jab 2 weeks ago I live in Victoria BC Canada I am on the immune compromised list because of prednisone and pMR no ill affects. However I got pmr after my first shot


I’m wondering the same. I have an appointment scheduled but due to not feeling really well right now, I’m going to delay for at least a week. My Rheumatologist feels I should get it.

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So, it’s now April and I just received my second booster yesterday. No real reaction, sore arm, alittle more tired but nothing so far to make note of.
From the Jan post I made, here’s an update. I WAS in fact having a relapse and had to go back up to 40 mg for a few days, I’ve been tapering ( somewhat aggressively) to 9 mg now. I’m now slowly tapering 1/2 mg / week. Hoping I can get down to less than 5 … I’m in over two years now and like many of you sick of being less than and taking these meds.

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