Stage 3 Kidney Disease and Diet: What can I eat?

Posted by carnes @carnes, Jun 11, 2018

It seems there is very little you can eat that is healthy for the Kidneys. The web site Davida has plenty of food on it but contradicts what other sources say. Anyone know anything for breakfast, lunch and dinner that does not have any sugar or flour bodies the obvious boring or bland foods good for Kidneys and I’m allergic to sugar of any kind of sweetener and flour. Thank you.

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My go to medication when I took insulin was glucose tablets rather than juices and candy as they have a habit going to the other extreme, like a yo yo with blood sugar. I still continue with monitoring my blood glucose with the Libre 2. I have found that the glucose tablets bring my blood sugar to normalcy instead of the yo yo effect. The weakness you feel may be able to be compensated by the energy supplements of COQ10 & Resvertrol. You may wish to talk to your doc about this. If there is anyone in this world who can talk about nutrition and CKD, you are that source.

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@collegeprof, thank you for your kind words. I keep glucose tablets on hand, too. Will mention COQ10 & Reservetrol on my next visit. I do have fairly low B/P, though, and am not on any B/P meds. Also take a statin and liver's ok except for a couple of higher values the docs say are related to CKD and GP and anemia from GP and CKD. . . I see primary in May but may email him about this suggestion before then so thanks again!


@collegeprof, just to clarify: I do use the glucose tabs if blood sugar drops below 90 (per dr.'s advice) but the juice and Boost are for gastroparesis flares when I can't eat much if anything. When not in flare I still occasionally supplement with Boost and do drink renal-friendly juice but mostly for extra potassium since gastroparesis limits certain potassium-carrying veggies due to the high fiber certain ones also carry - my potassium gets so low sometimes I have to supplement with potassium chloride in tiny amounts on some foods. Yeppers, it's a tightrope for sure. I teeter a lot ;=)


Help. CKD 3. Kidney Specialist had zero food direction except: no nut butter, no sweet potato, no spinach, no granola or nuts or seeds and only white bread (no grains).

Other CKD-ers say when they do eat bread, they eat Ezekiel. Ezekiel Sesame was my fav. I don't eat bread much, but love option of an 1/2 Ezekiel muffin to make mini-pizza, Or 1/2 Cinnamon Raisin muffin for breakfast.

Blood pressure normal.

Anyone here have an answer to this? Sooooo appreciate!

1st post here!


Help. CKD 3. Kidney Specialist had zero food direction except: no nut butter, no sweet potato, no spinach, no granola or nuts or seeds and only white bread (no grains).

Other CKD-ers say when they do eat bread, they eat Ezekiel. Ezekiel Sesame was my fav. I don't eat bread much, but love option of an 1/2 Ezekiel muffin to make mini-pizza, Or 1/2 Cinnamon Raisin muffin for breakfast.

Blood pressure normal.

Anyone here have an answer to this? Sooooo appreciate!

1st post here!

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I have stage 3 CKD and I was almost at stage 4. Now I’m almost stage 2. I eat turkey, chicken and fish. I eat a lot of green vegetables, steameable. My meat is either baked, broil, rosted or air fried. No batter and only Mrs Dash seasoning. You can’t eat anything that is processed. Sodium 2000 a day, potassium 2000 a day and phosphorus 1000 a day. Also no ice cream or chocolate, unless it’s a bite size once in awhile. I really hope this helps. Praying for you.


Help. CKD 3. Kidney Specialist had zero food direction except: no nut butter, no sweet potato, no spinach, no granola or nuts or seeds and only white bread (no grains).

Other CKD-ers say when they do eat bread, they eat Ezekiel. Ezekiel Sesame was my fav. I don't eat bread much, but love option of an 1/2 Ezekiel muffin to make mini-pizza, Or 1/2 Cinnamon Raisin muffin for breakfast.

Blood pressure normal.

Anyone here have an answer to this? Sooooo appreciate!

1st post here!

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I was diagnosed with Stage 4 CKD in 2018 due to severe oxylate damage (GFR of 15). Since then, I’ve increased my hydration to 3L a day and gone on a low oxylate diet. I’ve used the below list as a guide. I’m now at Stage 3B (GFR 40), hoping to reach 3A. I’ve found sunflower seeds and macadamia nuts/milk are the only seeds or nuts I can safely consume. Hope this helps.


Help. CKD 3. Kidney Specialist had zero food direction except: no nut butter, no sweet potato, no spinach, no granola or nuts or seeds and only white bread (no grains).

Other CKD-ers say when they do eat bread, they eat Ezekiel. Ezekiel Sesame was my fav. I don't eat bread much, but love option of an 1/2 Ezekiel muffin to make mini-pizza, Or 1/2 Cinnamon Raisin muffin for breakfast.

Blood pressure normal.

Anyone here have an answer to this? Sooooo appreciate!

1st post here!

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@scarlettbama, hello. I was Stage 3 when I saw a nephrologist who suggested a vegetarian diet. I stopped eating all meat and eliminated dairy, baked my own bread, and developed a renal-diabetic meal plan which works well for me. A bad case of shingles four years ago dropped my kidney function so severely I had to go on dialysis for 6 months but I followed my vegetarian diet modified slightly for dialysis and was able to stop dialysis. Since then I have progressed back up to Stage 3b. Maybe Ginger or Rosemary A can provide you with a link to my free recipes and nutrition values. And there are some good recipes and meal plans for CKD on various websites, including DaVita. Hope this helps.


I was diagnosed with Stage 4 CKD in 2018 due to severe oxylate damage (GFR of 15). Since then, I’ve increased my hydration to 3L a day and gone on a low oxylate diet. I’ve used the below list as a guide. I’m now at Stage 3B (GFR 40), hoping to reach 3A. I’ve found sunflower seeds and macadamia nuts/milk are the only seeds or nuts I can safely consume. Hope this helps.

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This sounds great, but I have all together 3 health problems problems that keep me from eating a lot of the foods on here. I will definitely check out some of the others that I might can eat. Thank you for sharing this and happy you’re doing good.


This sounds great, but I have all together 3 health problems problems that keep me from eating a lot of the foods on here. I will definitely check out some of the others that I might can eat. Thank you for sharing this and happy you’re doing good.

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Diet can be a moving target. What is good one day may need adjustment the next, especially when you are managing more than one medical condition. The more natural, plant based, and unprocessed food the better. Sometimes you just have to eat a completely bland diet for a time. I call it a diet of twigs and sticks. I prefer overnight refrigerated oatmeal for breakfast, because the apple taste comes through. It's okay to have that occasional steak, lean of course. The Mediterranean diet is highly recommended right now. It's good to come up with a daily meal plan. It doesn't have to be written or recorded, just think about what you are having for all three meals in terms of what your daily requirements are. Usually, you can have just about anything, in moderation. Let your body talk to you, and talk to your body.


Diet can be a moving target. What is good one day may need adjustment the next, especially when you are managing more than one medical condition. The more natural, plant based, and unprocessed food the better. Sometimes you just have to eat a completely bland diet for a time. I call it a diet of twigs and sticks. I prefer overnight refrigerated oatmeal for breakfast, because the apple taste comes through. It's okay to have that occasional steak, lean of course. The Mediterranean diet is highly recommended right now. It's good to come up with a daily meal plan. It doesn't have to be written or recorded, just think about what you are having for all three meals in terms of what your daily requirements are. Usually, you can have just about anything, in moderation. Let your body talk to you, and talk to your body.

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Whoever said “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks are very wrong. I’m 72 and learning a lot in this group😀😀


I’m totally enlightened by all of your lifestyles in dealing with stage 3Ckd. I enrolled at DaVita for recipes and ways to prepare my restricted diet. But as was previously mentioned, some are contrary to potassium and phosphorous levels and not as varied. I’ll see the nephrologist next month for the second time only and will try to get answers in how else I can stabilize my eGFR. Thank you all for your input. Thank you Ginger for having me have a better insight of my lab history values which I’ll discuss with my nephrologist.

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