16 Years With CRPS

Posted by viperwolf @viperwolf, Mar 16 2:38am

My Spinal Cord Stimulator (upper and lower unit) started acting up and not responding. Now its dead. I doubled up on Gabapentin (max dosage) but if you have this you understand. Nothing fully helps. My rashes are getting worse by the day without the help of the stimulator.
This is a list of procedures Ive done
Epidural block
Intravenous Ketamine
Sympathetic Nerve Block
Physical Therapy
Aqua Therapy
Botulinum toxin injections
Heat Therapy
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Topical Analgesics
Intrathecal Drug Pump
This (SCS) and gabapentin works the best for long term.
Spinal Cord Stimulator (upper and lower unit)

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

3 more days before my flight, I hope for a new unit and the Doctors dont mess around.


3 more days before my flight, I hope for a new unit and the Doctors dont mess around.

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I'm so sorry that you are suffering so much with this horrible condition, and for 16 years yet! I had a harsh body slam onto concrete floor in a warehouse store back in June of 2021. Had a ditsoid of a foot orthopedist affiliated within the medical group to which I belonged at that time. YES, I have ditched the group and belong to several excellent ones now, dependent on the specialty that I need.
So that incompetent doctor failed to diagnose what was going on within the ankle of left foot, kept telling it "it's soft tissue injury, and those types of injuries need TIME, can take a LONG time to heal..." Every appointment thereafter would not even examine the ankle, just glance at it and say "Give it another 6 weeks." The ankle and then the foot kept developing more and more difficult symptoms to deal, made my then 71 year old life MISERABLE, especially since the body slam (what I call it, was not "just a fall" it was a full body SLAM that reverberated throughout my entire body). That was in June, by the visit in November I was fed up with him since I had sent in letters detailing what was happening and that an MRI could reveal what the heck was going on in that painful ankle). AGAIN he said "Let's give it----"
and I cut him off sharply, firmly demanding and MRI. He again saiid it was not indicated in his opinion, but I interjected with "Then KINDLY write the script for a nerve and muscle conduction study." He was surprised by my firmness and tone, did not refute what I said, instead saying "it won't reveal much of anything." I repeated what I'd requested. He relented, saying "Very well, I'll put that in your record and you deal with finding a place to have it done."
Such a great guy....NOT! There was a qualified neurologist in the same group and I got the appointment within 4 weeks. Never got a message as is customary after procedures, letting me know what Dr. T had found. I made appointment with my husband's neurologist (in a different medical group), he saw me , examined the results of the conduction studies, looked at my ankle and said "That doctor was totally wrong. Your ankle is still swollen with skin discoloration. The nerve study supports why you are so miserable. I'm ordering the MRI that you SHOULD HAVE HAD MONGTS AGO." Bottom line: He diagnosed CRPS of that ankle, a whole year after that dang trauma to my body, and despite copious therapy, including an incredible therapist who had trained in Hungary and was excellent, I still have constant burning nerve pain but has now progressed up that leg, into the thigh, and affects the buttock as well. Yeah, all that inane verbiage of "give it another six weeks" did NOT help me at all, just delayed getting quality medical attention.
I've learned a great deal from research about the disorder, and joined a support group that meets online (based in Canada and I'm in the state of NY). Members have taught me so much about being grateful for the situations that I face because THEY indeed have heartbreaking problems, and yet each one has found ways to help themselves. One young guy (about 40) had both an arm and a leg amputated since his Canadian doctors had determined that was best for him. He actually is a speaker at a university not far from him, where he has been bringing awareness to the med students in a particular professor's class. Such resiliency, such courage, such spirit. Another is a vet who has been fighting his Canadian government's beauracracy to retain his benefits, totally unable to be gainfully employed. The support group moderator is excellent, and although I find it grueling, I also appreciate the sense of community within that support group. I strongly recommend you join a support group. Tell me which state you are in and I may be able to get info for you about Zoom groups that you may want to check out. You are NOT alone. There are so many people of ALL ages dealing with this insidious condition.
I wish you better days, and know that my prayers will include you. 💖


I'm so sorry that you are suffering so much with this horrible condition, and for 16 years yet! I had a harsh body slam onto concrete floor in a warehouse store back in June of 2021. Had a ditsoid of a foot orthopedist affiliated within the medical group to which I belonged at that time. YES, I have ditched the group and belong to several excellent ones now, dependent on the specialty that I need.
So that incompetent doctor failed to diagnose what was going on within the ankle of left foot, kept telling it "it's soft tissue injury, and those types of injuries need TIME, can take a LONG time to heal..." Every appointment thereafter would not even examine the ankle, just glance at it and say "Give it another 6 weeks." The ankle and then the foot kept developing more and more difficult symptoms to deal, made my then 71 year old life MISERABLE, especially since the body slam (what I call it, was not "just a fall" it was a full body SLAM that reverberated throughout my entire body). That was in June, by the visit in November I was fed up with him since I had sent in letters detailing what was happening and that an MRI could reveal what the heck was going on in that painful ankle). AGAIN he said "Let's give it----"
and I cut him off sharply, firmly demanding and MRI. He again saiid it was not indicated in his opinion, but I interjected with "Then KINDLY write the script for a nerve and muscle conduction study." He was surprised by my firmness and tone, did not refute what I said, instead saying "it won't reveal much of anything." I repeated what I'd requested. He relented, saying "Very well, I'll put that in your record and you deal with finding a place to have it done."
Such a great guy....NOT! There was a qualified neurologist in the same group and I got the appointment within 4 weeks. Never got a message as is customary after procedures, letting me know what Dr. T had found. I made appointment with my husband's neurologist (in a different medical group), he saw me , examined the results of the conduction studies, looked at my ankle and said "That doctor was totally wrong. Your ankle is still swollen with skin discoloration. The nerve study supports why you are so miserable. I'm ordering the MRI that you SHOULD HAVE HAD MONGTS AGO." Bottom line: He diagnosed CRPS of that ankle, a whole year after that dang trauma to my body, and despite copious therapy, including an incredible therapist who had trained in Hungary and was excellent, I still have constant burning nerve pain but has now progressed up that leg, into the thigh, and affects the buttock as well. Yeah, all that inane verbiage of "give it another six weeks" did NOT help me at all, just delayed getting quality medical attention.
I've learned a great deal from research about the disorder, and joined a support group that meets online (based in Canada and I'm in the state of NY). Members have taught me so much about being grateful for the situations that I face because THEY indeed have heartbreaking problems, and yet each one has found ways to help themselves. One young guy (about 40) had both an arm and a leg amputated since his Canadian doctors had determined that was best for him. He actually is a speaker at a university not far from him, where he has been bringing awareness to the med students in a particular professor's class. Such resiliency, such courage, such spirit. Another is a vet who has been fighting his Canadian government's beauracracy to retain his benefits, totally unable to be gainfully employed. The support group moderator is excellent, and although I find it grueling, I also appreciate the sense of community within that support group. I strongly recommend you join a support group. Tell me which state you are in and I may be able to get info for you about Zoom groups that you may want to check out. You are NOT alone. There are so many people of ALL ages dealing with this insidious condition.
I wish you better days, and know that my prayers will include you. 💖

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What is the name of the support group in Canada? Can anyone with CRPS join?


I am so sorry that you have and continue to suffer from CRPS for 16 years. Hoping they can get your SCS working again. What caused your CRPS?
I am newly diagnosed with CRPS December 2024. I have been to so many doctors for the last 4 years and no one could give me a diagnose. Finally, found a Dr that specialized in cancer pain. He diagnosed me within the first 3 minutes of my appt. It was such a relief to put a name to my pain. I am still trying different things but nothing has helped so far.
As you said there is not much that helps. Hoping you can get your SCS fixed soon for some relief.
Thank you for sharing all your treatments.

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Hi im new to the group . Wanted to share my story of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome .
2021 - I had a 1m fall at work from elevated walkway onboard a fuel cargo ship. Landing knee 1st onto a gridmesh step. I tried to catch my fall extending my left arm to a stair railing . Next day my knee was sore but my left shoulder a severe dull inner pain. Docs sent me for a scan , revealing a torn Labrum . (Shoulder tear) I was tbooked to have private surgery within 2 weeks . With this surgery they add a 12hr nerve block . Post opp when the nerve block wore off i knew i was in trouble . I shaking uncontrolably in pain like i have never encountered before . The opp was a overnight stay . I sayed for 2 more nights . Sent home 6 weeks 24/7 arm in a sling . Other than for pendular movement and showering . Week 7 start physio. I cant move my arm and physio says i need to get pain levels under control before they can do anything . Sent to a pain management specialist . My arms all blotchy , my elbows blown out to tennis ball size , and im getting bolts of lightning traveling through my arm . Im told i fit the criteria of CRPS . Physio . Ive done mirror therapy . Moving good arm in front the mirror caused bad arm to flare up. Droped back to picture therapy . Pictures of people using theur arm and i cant for the life of me identify the difference between left or right hands in a picture . Im told ive lost the pathway to an extent and cognitive function . Its 4 years now post opp and i have failed return to work medicals twice . Ive been poked and prodded and jumped through every hoop like a circus pony . Im over it . I rarely leave the house for the fear of someone bumping my arm . I havnt had the lightning bolts for a while but know all to well they are only 1 sudden movement away . I still have a limited range of movement in my left arm , 18% permanent impairment . Im now having back and opposite shoulder issues as i only lift items with my good arm . I didnt believe in CRPS at the start and i was so convinced that i had a botched surgery . The turning point was when my physio said to read forums likes of peoples accounts of CRPS . SO many cases near identical to mine . All this from a 1m fall


I'm so sorry that you are suffering so much with this horrible condition, and for 16 years yet! I had a harsh body slam onto concrete floor in a warehouse store back in June of 2021. Had a ditsoid of a foot orthopedist affiliated within the medical group to which I belonged at that time. YES, I have ditched the group and belong to several excellent ones now, dependent on the specialty that I need.
So that incompetent doctor failed to diagnose what was going on within the ankle of left foot, kept telling it "it's soft tissue injury, and those types of injuries need TIME, can take a LONG time to heal..." Every appointment thereafter would not even examine the ankle, just glance at it and say "Give it another 6 weeks." The ankle and then the foot kept developing more and more difficult symptoms to deal, made my then 71 year old life MISERABLE, especially since the body slam (what I call it, was not "just a fall" it was a full body SLAM that reverberated throughout my entire body). That was in June, by the visit in November I was fed up with him since I had sent in letters detailing what was happening and that an MRI could reveal what the heck was going on in that painful ankle). AGAIN he said "Let's give it----"
and I cut him off sharply, firmly demanding and MRI. He again saiid it was not indicated in his opinion, but I interjected with "Then KINDLY write the script for a nerve and muscle conduction study." He was surprised by my firmness and tone, did not refute what I said, instead saying "it won't reveal much of anything." I repeated what I'd requested. He relented, saying "Very well, I'll put that in your record and you deal with finding a place to have it done."
Such a great guy....NOT! There was a qualified neurologist in the same group and I got the appointment within 4 weeks. Never got a message as is customary after procedures, letting me know what Dr. T had found. I made appointment with my husband's neurologist (in a different medical group), he saw me , examined the results of the conduction studies, looked at my ankle and said "That doctor was totally wrong. Your ankle is still swollen with skin discoloration. The nerve study supports why you are so miserable. I'm ordering the MRI that you SHOULD HAVE HAD MONGTS AGO." Bottom line: He diagnosed CRPS of that ankle, a whole year after that dang trauma to my body, and despite copious therapy, including an incredible therapist who had trained in Hungary and was excellent, I still have constant burning nerve pain but has now progressed up that leg, into the thigh, and affects the buttock as well. Yeah, all that inane verbiage of "give it another six weeks" did NOT help me at all, just delayed getting quality medical attention.
I've learned a great deal from research about the disorder, and joined a support group that meets online (based in Canada and I'm in the state of NY). Members have taught me so much about being grateful for the situations that I face because THEY indeed have heartbreaking problems, and yet each one has found ways to help themselves. One young guy (about 40) had both an arm and a leg amputated since his Canadian doctors had determined that was best for him. He actually is a speaker at a university not far from him, where he has been bringing awareness to the med students in a particular professor's class. Such resiliency, such courage, such spirit. Another is a vet who has been fighting his Canadian government's beauracracy to retain his benefits, totally unable to be gainfully employed. The support group moderator is excellent, and although I find it grueling, I also appreciate the sense of community within that support group. I strongly recommend you join a support group. Tell me which state you are in and I may be able to get info for you about Zoom groups that you may want to check out. You are NOT alone. There are so many people of ALL ages dealing with this insidious condition.
I wish you better days, and know that my prayers will include you. 💖

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Thank You for this, its appreciated very much. I was stationed in TN at FT Campbell but I moved to the Philippines for stable weather patterns. The good thing about the internet is we can still participate in things like this. Im 51 now, is there a way I can get more information about the one that did the amputation? Doctors are really hard headed when it comes to things like that.


Hi im new to the group . Wanted to share my story of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome .
2021 - I had a 1m fall at work from elevated walkway onboard a fuel cargo ship. Landing knee 1st onto a gridmesh step. I tried to catch my fall extending my left arm to a stair railing . Next day my knee was sore but my left shoulder a severe dull inner pain. Docs sent me for a scan , revealing a torn Labrum . (Shoulder tear) I was tbooked to have private surgery within 2 weeks . With this surgery they add a 12hr nerve block . Post opp when the nerve block wore off i knew i was in trouble . I shaking uncontrolably in pain like i have never encountered before . The opp was a overnight stay . I sayed for 2 more nights . Sent home 6 weeks 24/7 arm in a sling . Other than for pendular movement and showering . Week 7 start physio. I cant move my arm and physio says i need to get pain levels under control before they can do anything . Sent to a pain management specialist . My arms all blotchy , my elbows blown out to tennis ball size , and im getting bolts of lightning traveling through my arm . Im told i fit the criteria of CRPS . Physio . Ive done mirror therapy . Moving good arm in front the mirror caused bad arm to flare up. Droped back to picture therapy . Pictures of people using theur arm and i cant for the life of me identify the difference between left or right hands in a picture . Im told ive lost the pathway to an extent and cognitive function . Its 4 years now post opp and i have failed return to work medicals twice . Ive been poked and prodded and jumped through every hoop like a circus pony . Im over it . I rarely leave the house for the fear of someone bumping my arm . I havnt had the lightning bolts for a while but know all to well they are only 1 sudden movement away . I still have a limited range of movement in my left arm , 18% permanent impairment . Im now having back and opposite shoulder issues as i only lift items with my good arm . I didnt believe in CRPS at the start and i was so convinced that i had a botched surgery . The turning point was when my physio said to read forums likes of peoples accounts of CRPS . SO many cases near identical to mine . All this from a 1m fall

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I understand, the doctors you see will make or brake the mental stability of people. I look key behavior with doctors and if I see a pattern, I just turn off and find another. Been to countless Doctors here and none of them understand what the heck they are talking about. Trying to sleep is just a freaken joke, I have to sit almost straight up and lean to my right. Sometimes I roll next to wall and just lean on it an wait. I fly out to tomorrow to start process . If it get approved for a replacement, you never know where Doctors may throw you.


Up date with a medication list that I have tried.

Medications list



What is the name of the support group in Canada? Can anyone with CRPS join?

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I was invited to join by a long-time member of that group. I'm not comfortable posting info. I will, however, post info on a great organization that gave me requested info on doctors who treat patients with the syndrome within my area. They also have listings of support groups for in person, phone, and Zoom meetings. I'll try to get that posted this week; right now, I'm getting geared up for a writing class that starts today.


Thank You for this, its appreciated very much. I was stationed in TN at FT Campbell but I moved to the Philippines for stable weather patterns. The good thing about the internet is we can still participate in things like this. Im 51 now, is there a way I can get more information about the one that did the amputation? Doctors are really hard headed when it comes to things like that.

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I'll inquire tomorrow (we Zoom meet on Tuesdays) and ask him if he would be willing to communicate with you. He is such an inspiring guy. Not sure of his age, possibly in late 40's.

I can share that, from my research, I've learned that majority of doctors do not lean toward amputation. I'll look for those links and share them with you, so you can have their reasons for not removing limbs.

I also learned from a female member that her extensive CRPS has affected her TEETH. That was a huge scare for me since I've had gum and dental issues that have gotten worse over the last three years (and June marks 4 years since diagnosis of CRPS in ankle/foot). I see my dentist tomorrow because my bone structure and gums on lower right have been painful and changed in shape/girth around a crowned molar. I have a partial which I've had to remove after each meal because if I leave it in place, I will be in agony when removing it: gum gets deeply indented, raw and at times bleeds. My fear is that he'll tell me that the crowned molar has to be removed; it has cost so much money already just trying to save it since the partial clasps onto it. I'm resigned to that, not going to angst over that which I can't control. I'm coping with central nervous system disorders, and awaiting input from MS specialist before addressing just what if any course of medication I would consider taking. Needless to say, all of these pressures, etc., have seriously impacted on my depression and anxiety disorders. A great deal on my proverbial plate for sure🤔.

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