15 stomach problems no ones helping me

Posted by hop3 @hop3, Jul 11, 2023

I'm 15 and fun fact I hate the doctor its just uncomfortable all around the questions the cold hands the needles, I just don't like doctors and before my stomach problems the only reason I had ever gone was because of regular appointment's, to many bug bites, infected toenail, a sprained ankle and I'm lactose intolerant( this has been going on for over a year now and has gotten worse in the last few months, Also I have been willing going to the doctor but no one believes me and I'm tired of no one believing me and treating me like some child, they act like I'm wasting there time and I'm really done with them at this point but I wan to know what's going on ). But putting that aside iv always been in hospitals might be one of the reasons I don't like them I'm the healthy one physically and mentality but my family not so lucky we pretty much have it all just on my immediate family we have cancer, blood disorder, diabetes, migraines, bad vision, then bipolar, OCD, depression, schizophrenia and addictions and allergy's like no ones business not to mention the extended family. We have it all a to z ( i was tested at birth for the blood disorder and the basics and have been to a therapist and wasn't diagnosed with anything). SYMPTOMS: Sharp stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, Crams, And this feeling that my stomach is boiling like a witches' cauldron, Nausea, Constipation, Diarrhea, And I get really hot but I don't have a temperature and then I vomit, I have been getting allot of headaches and my eating habits have changed from portion size to taste buds. Also my stomach pains can last for hours on end. (And before anyone of you say I'm pregnant just know I'm a virgin ). I have had urine tests, blood work, and a CAT scan, answered what feels like a million questions and filled out forms, and doctors have pocked and prodded my stomach hips, and back and bended me every which way. But according to them I'm perfectly healthy but I don't feel healthy I feel awful allot of the time and I really want to get back to normal can any one help me ??? P.s I don't have any prescribed medication I just take headache medication when needed and that that medication for nausea ( iv always had problem like when I'm sick I can eat anything other wise I puke or because I have supper bad motion sickness like I stand on a dock and I immediately want to throw up bad )

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Let's clarify things. Your symptoms have a wide range of variety. Take a deep breath. If you're not fond of doctors, that's okay (no offence taken).
Are you currently experiencing stomach upset? It may be helpful to evaluate your eating and bowel habits to identify any potential causes.
Are you taking your headache medication on an empty stomach? This could be causing some issues, as NSAIDs have been known to cause problems.


hop3 @hop3

Have you noticed that symptoms vary depending on where you are in menstrual cycle? I had similar symptoms when young and turned out to be endometriosis. Endometriosis has nothing to do with sexual activity.

I use to have terrible of cramps in my teens, often it was not just cramps, I would be nausea, vomit, etc… It went undiagnosed for years because everyone thought it was just cramps, turned out to me endometriosis.

You may ask your doctor if they consider it as a cause.

Here are few web pages about:




Let's clarify things. Your symptoms have a wide range of variety. Take a deep breath. If you're not fond of doctors, that's okay (no offence taken).
Are you currently experiencing stomach upset? It may be helpful to evaluate your eating and bowel habits to identify any potential causes.
Are you taking your headache medication on an empty stomach? This could be causing some issues, as NSAIDs have been known to cause problems.

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my stomach is not currently upset its really random. for instance like 2 or 3 nights ago I had randomly gotten a really bad stomach ache at 1 in the morning and it didn't go away for like 3 hours and by the end of it I was about ready to hurt somebody( fun fact I always feel cold and when I get these stomach aches the only thing to make it feel slightly better is cold things on my stomach and as I mentioned before I get supper hot when I have stomach aches so I canted have any blankets or jackets on so I'm freezing and boiling at the same time and in pain and then to top it of 45% of the time I end up puking ) And the thing is iv always had a slightly sensitive stomach greasy foods, dairy, lots of sugar in the morning all tend to trigger a upset stomach. And my eating habits are really weird too normally I have to eat every few hours (and iv always been a night owl so I'm the person rummaging through the kitchen at midnight and 2 in the morning). Iv always been really aware of how my body reacts to things, as a kid a was very picky I didn't like milk or most juice's and I cant do carbonation(we just don't mix well ) so iv always drank a lot of teas and water so I tend to notice when my body is dehydrated and I can tell fairly easily when something's off. And some times I take headache medication on an empty stomach but not often.


hop3 @hop3

Have you noticed that symptoms vary depending on where you are in menstrual cycle? I had similar symptoms when young and turned out to be endometriosis. Endometriosis has nothing to do with sexual activity.

I use to have terrible of cramps in my teens, often it was not just cramps, I would be nausea, vomit, etc… It went undiagnosed for years because everyone thought it was just cramps, turned out to me endometriosis.

You may ask your doctor if they consider it as a cause.

Here are few web pages about:



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I have not noticed anything relating to my menstrual cycle it happens all the time its not very specific an when it happens it can happen around lunch or at 1 in the morning its very random. And I have never heard of endometriosis but I will look into it thank you for the links there very helpful.


I am very sorry you are going through all this! It sounds really painful and distressing. It is especially hard when you feel as though the providers aren't listening to you or taking your symptoms seriously. I have been there before with my young son, and it is frustrating.
I have a couple thoughts/suggestions:

Don't give up. As with many things in life, you have to advocate for yourself and don't give up until you find a provider who will do more testing to figure out what is going on. Can you or a family member do some research to find the top rated gastrointestinal providers in your area? You may have to travel to find the best. I travel many hours to visit specialists for my son. Sometimes with rare conditions (I am not implying that you have a rare condition) only saying that IF something unusual or uncommon is happening, at times the providers who have seen more may recognize symptoms/conditions that doctors in small communities may not.

Finally, you noted that you hate doctors and such. I understand why you may feel that way, but having a respectful and open attitude towards providers will really help you in your journey to find answers and help. Even if you have had poor experiences in the past, remember that providers are there to help you. They have really difficult jobs and go into healthcare to help people. If you can go into your next appointment with a mindset of respect, gratitude and openness, with a firm sense of advocating for yourself and freedom to ask questions, it will really benefit your journey towards health. I hope that you can find some answers!



I am very sorry you are going through all this! It sounds really painful and distressing. It is especially hard when you feel as though the providers aren't listening to you or taking your symptoms seriously. I have been there before with my young son, and it is frustrating.
I have a couple thoughts/suggestions:

Don't give up. As with many things in life, you have to advocate for yourself and don't give up until you find a provider who will do more testing to figure out what is going on. Can you or a family member do some research to find the top rated gastrointestinal providers in your area? You may have to travel to find the best. I travel many hours to visit specialists for my son. Sometimes with rare conditions (I am not implying that you have a rare condition) only saying that IF something unusual or uncommon is happening, at times the providers who have seen more may recognize symptoms/conditions that doctors in small communities may not.

Finally, you noted that you hate doctors and such. I understand why you may feel that way, but having a respectful and open attitude towards providers will really help you in your journey to find answers and help. Even if you have had poor experiences in the past, remember that providers are there to help you. They have really difficult jobs and go into healthcare to help people. If you can go into your next appointment with a mindset of respect, gratitude and openness, with a firm sense of advocating for yourself and freedom to ask questions, it will really benefit your journey towards health. I hope that you can find some answers!


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First off Thank You for the support. Also I will defiantly try to have a better mind set in the future, and will research some gastrointestinal providers near me .

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