1 year old digestive issues

Posted by stuev016 @stuev016, Jul 6, 2022

My one year old little boy has always struggled with his temperament. When he was an infant he had colic for about 8-9 months and seemed to outgrow it a bit. We are back at the colic stage at 13 months old. He seems to be fussy and unconsolable. I'm wondering if he has digestive issues. Myself and my older brother had pyloric stenosis as infants (a narrowing of the stomach to the intestines which requires surgery). My son doesn't have that. My other brother has digestive issues as well so it is in the family history. I'm trying to switch him to soy/lactose free milk (as regular milk is his usual beverage and water). If anyone has experience or suggestions this mommy is open to hearing your thoughts. Thanks for reading. 🙂

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@stuev016 - It must be very frustrating to not understand why your son is not feeling well! Colic is fairly common, but it usually doesn’t last this long.
What did you feed him the first 12 months? Breast fed or formula fed- which formula? When did you switch him to regular milk?
Has he had diarrhea, skin rashes?
I assume that you are feeding him some solid foods- what does he like?
Pyloric stenosis usually presents early in babies- with projectile vomiting.
You are on the right track to think that he doesn’t tolerate his milk- have you tried different formulas?
Also, what does his pediatrician say?

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