هل يمكن علاج سرطان البنكرياس؟ Can pancreatic cancer be cured?

Posted by naeimalkfouf @naeimalkfouf, Jan 31 3:25pm

هل يمكن الشفاء من سرطان البنكرياس حجم ٢ سم وما الإجراء الطبي الافضل لطفا

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Translation from Arabic to English:

Can pancreatic cancer be cured if its size is 2

Is it possible to cure pancreatic cancer that is 2 cm in size, and what is the best medical procedure, please?


@naeimalkfouf, hello! I apologize for not speaking or reading Arabic, so I am answering in English. Thank you, @sloped483 , for translating the post. I am not a medical professional, so these are just my ideas.

You asked whether it is possible to cure pancreatic cancer that is 2 cm in size. There is no simple way to answer that question. Many factors affect the treatment choice, such as the location of the tumor, whether it is tangled around blood vessels, whether the cancer cells have spread (metastasized), and the patient's age and health. Treatment options may include surgery or radiation, but almost always include chemotherapy. There are two main types of chemo--gemcitabine/Abraxane and modified Folfirinox--and there are also some trials to test new medications. After a physician's evaluation, each patient receives a course of treatment that is designed specifically for him. There really is not one accepted treatment protocol that applies to every patient in exactly the same way. However, in general, treatment is most effective when the disease is diagnosed early and the tumor is small and has not spread.

I wish it was easy to answer your question! This is a complex disease. I hope you are able to do some research online and talk with your doctor. If you are able to seek a second opinion to consult with another doctor, you might wish to do that. Whatever you decide to do, please work quickly. This is an aggressive cancer, and treatment should begin as soon as possible.

I hope that helps a little. I wish you all the best!

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