PMR symptoms drastically improved during COVID/Omnicron infection.

Posted by marymv @marymv, Jan 6, 2022

I developed PMR Jan 26th of 2021 a day & half after my 2nd Pfizer vaccine. Dx in Apr /2021 started Prednisone 20mg now on 8mg. Weaning under 10mg has been a return to more stiffness & a limp until mid to late day. Developed cold like s/s Monday. I tested positive for COVID Monday night via PCR. Shockingly I woke up Monday with 75% less stiffness, pain & no limp. Its day 4 & PMR is still greatly improved. Is it possible that since developing PMR after my 2nd Pfizer vac a yr ago that having COVID has effected my immune response to PMR? Thank you.
Mary M

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While on very low dose prednisone, I developed a “stomach bug” and stopped my prednisone because I couldn’t keep anything on my stomach. I didn’t seem to have PMR pain for several months after that. I wish someone would do a research project with all of us PMR folks and try to learn more about this disease! Mayo, NIH, somebody?

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They are working on it, worldwide. It's not an easy one to hit, it is very diverse and has different symptoms' in individuals and there doesn't seem to be any treatment that works for everyone, except the few drugs they have today. they will work it out but that isn't going to help us right now so the best we can do is work with what we have and keep smiling, no matter how hard that is.


I have not had Covid (yet) and fingers crossed that I won't. With the current upsurge in all things respiratory/viral, I've been terrified of getting Covid on top of PMR.

These comments have allayed my fears somewhat.

I still plan to wear a mask when out in public - my state is in the RED zone with Covid cases.

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Ditto. The use of masks in my red state was sporadic in the worst of days. It’s virtually non existent today. I’m immune compromised due to RA Biologics, so still wear a mask every time I go indoors.


I had the same experience. My PMR was much better while I had Covid. I personally believe it’s because my immune system had real work to do and didn’t have time to attack my muscles.


I had the same experience. My PMR was much better while I had Covid. I personally believe it’s because my immune system had real work to do and didn’t have time to attack my muscles.

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Exactly my theory.


I have not had Covid (yet) and fingers crossed that I won't. With the current upsurge in all things respiratory/viral, I've been terrified of getting Covid on top of PMR.

These comments have allayed my fears somewhat.

I still plan to wear a mask when out in public - my state is in the RED zone with Covid cases.

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I had Covid for the first time Nov 1 2023 and my PMR symptoms were virtually non-existent. It was the best I had felt since my initial diagnosis in July 2023. I did not take Plaxovid or any other treatment for the virus. My rheumatologist was baffled but was happy that I felt so good. Of course as I recovered from the virus the PMR symptoms returned. It's interesting to read that my experience was not unusual.


I had Covid for the first time Nov 1 2023 and my PMR symptoms were virtually non-existent. It was the best I had felt since my initial diagnosis in July 2023. I did not take Plaxovid or any other treatment for the virus. My rheumatologist was baffled but was happy that I felt so good. Of course as I recovered from the virus the PMR symptoms returned. It's interesting to read that my experience was not unusual.

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My theory is that Covid caused your immune system to act like a dog that sees a squirrel. It runs off to fight that and forgets it was fighting your joints and muscles. 😁


I had Covid for the first time Nov 1 2023 and my PMR symptoms were virtually non-existent. It was the best I had felt since my initial diagnosis in July 2023. I did not take Plaxovid or any other treatment for the virus. My rheumatologist was baffled but was happy that I felt so good. Of course as I recovered from the virus the PMR symptoms returned. It's interesting to read that my experience was not unusual.

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Very odd responses across the board with Covid-19.

Sorry that your symptoms returned.


I think anything is quite possible with this condition. This one is a good story!

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