Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Like so many of you I share this too! Never had anything like this before & I keep saying I was not like this before Covid. I had Covid once in January 2021.
Mine is 99.9% at night. I have not paid attention to if it has anything to do with eating or not. Guess I will keep an eye out for that. When I go to sleep I will wake up with one nostril stopped up and a big wad of phlegm in my throat. I clear my throat constantly and drink tons of water to try & wash it down. I fall back asleep laying on my other side and then that side gets stopped up. Some nights are worse than others. I have not found any connections other than Covid. At one point last year in May my sinuses were so stopped up I couldn't breath out my nose at all. My primary sent me to an ENT. He sent me for a ct scan and I had a bad sinus infection. Put me on heavy antibiotics and he said I had a deviated septum and recommend surgery. I'm not interested in that surgery. He prescribed me to take Montelukast once during the morning and Zyzal 1 tablet at night and a nasal spray. I did this for a little over a year and it helped was not as bad but never went away. The long term effects of these can cause issues so I stopped taking them. I want to permanent get rid of this . Any info is appreciated.


Like so many of you I share this too! Never had anything like this before & I keep saying I was not like this before Covid. I had Covid once in January 2021.
Mine is 99.9% at night. I have not paid attention to if it has anything to do with eating or not. Guess I will keep an eye out for that. When I go to sleep I will wake up with one nostril stopped up and a big wad of phlegm in my throat. I clear my throat constantly and drink tons of water to try & wash it down. I fall back asleep laying on my other side and then that side gets stopped up. Some nights are worse than others. I have not found any connections other than Covid. At one point last year in May my sinuses were so stopped up I couldn't breath out my nose at all. My primary sent me to an ENT. He sent me for a ct scan and I had a bad sinus infection. Put me on heavy antibiotics and he said I had a deviated septum and recommend surgery. I'm not interested in that surgery. He prescribed me to take Montelukast once during the morning and Zyzal 1 tablet at night and a nasal spray. I did this for a little over a year and it helped was not as bad but never went away. The long term effects of these can cause issues so I stopped taking them. I want to permanent get rid of this . Any info is appreciated.

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That sounds horrible. Have you tried sleeping in an adjustable bed with head elevated? I find that helps me, though I don’t have it to the degree that you do.


I have the same thing, runny nose while eating or afterwards. It is not related to Long COVID since I’ve had it a long time. (I also have other nasal issues due to allergies…post nasal drip, coughing, etc) the runny nose while eating is caused by nerves in your sinuses being too close to the surface.

Have you discussed the Clarifix procedure with your doctor to see if in your case it would be helpful? I actually have this procedure tomorrow at Mayo ENT. (I’m hoping it may also help my post nasal drip). Google the procedure; it works by the doctor freezing the area of the nerves inside your sinus cavity. It may be worth exploring. Best of luck!

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It has been 1 year since I had the Clarifix procedure. It greatly helped my runny nose while eating, as well as my post nasal drip and coughing at bedtime. I’m glad I had the procedure! (It is a 1 time procedure, I am grateful it worked for me….not 100%, but in the 80% range which I feel is a positive!)


That sounds horrible. Have you tried sleeping in an adjustable bed with head elevated? I find that helps me, though I don’t have it to the degree that you do.

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I have & it helps but I'm a side sleeper so I always wake up on one side. Ugh! Why can't this just go away?


My fellow mucous buddies, I have great news! There is a health food store near me and I went in complaining about the mucous & not being able to breath issue. I was advised to take mucostop as directed. I have for three days & two nights. No wad of mucous in my throat where I'm constantly swallowing, no stopped up nose, no coughing or choking in the middle of the night. It is sold in many places including Walmart. Not sure if there would be any difference in ingredients . Hope this helps!


My fellow mucous buddies, I have great news! There is a health food store near me and I went in complaining about the mucous & not being able to breath issue. I was advised to take mucostop as directed. I have for three days & two nights. No wad of mucous in my throat where I'm constantly swallowing, no stopped up nose, no coughing or choking in the middle of the night. It is sold in many places including Walmart. Not sure if there would be any difference in ingredients . Hope this helps!

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What were your your symptoms prior to taking this and how long did you have your symptoms?


What were your your symptoms prior to taking this and how long did you have your symptoms?

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I've had the mucous in the back of my throat. I would wake up coughing and constantly swallowing all
the mucous and stopped up nose since I had Covid in January 2021.


What were your your symptoms prior to taking this and how long did you have your symptoms?

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See my reply to @lambdadelta


I am going through that right now. I have a h any clear drip after recently having had covid.


My fellow mucous buddies, I have great news! There is a health food store near me and I went in complaining about the mucous & not being able to breath issue. I was advised to take mucostop as directed. I have for three days & two nights. No wad of mucous in my throat where I'm constantly swallowing, no stopped up nose, no coughing or choking in the middle of the night. It is sold in many places including Walmart. Not sure if there would be any difference in ingredients . Hope this helps!

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Thank you. Will give this a try. I have had this mucous in the back of my throat since COVID in 2022. Nothing has completely gotten rid of it. Salt water rinses, mouth washes, tongue scraping in the morning, antihistamines are all temporary fixes. I have gone to specialists and none of them know what to do for this. I'm so glad this worked for you. God Bless You!

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