Depression help

Posted by dorma @dorma, Dec 14, 2023

My system will not tolerate anti-depressants, and I NEED them. Just wondering if anyone knows how I can help myself...? I get weepy and sad way too often; just feel empty inside.

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Thanks for your reply. He also takes Wellbutrin which he had taken previously in combination with Cymbalta and Lithium. My understanding is that Lithium was prescribed due to his irritability. And it did help but I think, as you noted, at some point things stopped being effective and,
along with our move across country and the need to secure new medical insurance and practitioners, he self-weaned off meds and there was a gap in his therapy. He’s back on schedule, as I said, and he’s basically functional but struggling. I have asked him what I can do to help but he really doesn’t have any answers - I get a lot of “I don’t know” as well as “nothing seems to help.” So it’s that attitude that concerns me because it sounds so despondent and hopeless - and yet on the flip side he continues to do his course work including going to an internship placement, continues to volunteer with some community organizations of interest. It’s as if he just isn’t meeting his expectations of how he wants to feel, if that makes sense.

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It absolutely makes sense. I'm waiting right now to get into the ER to be admitted to the hospital, and will write more later. I think your son is fortunate to have all the support he does.


Jim Dickinson


It absolutely makes sense. I'm waiting right now to get into the ER to be admitted to the hospital, and will write more later. I think your son is fortunate to have all the support he does.


Jim Dickinson

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Best of luck to you. Hope all goes well. Glad you have Sadie and support as well!


In the background classical music past midnight, as I read your message. It pierced thru my heart.
And the first thing I thought, 'But Isn't a friend an anti-depressant?'
No, I am not alone in thinking along these lines ... from the Surgeon General to the medical doctors who work treating depression, Jeremy Nobel, among them of Harvard, who also wrote a book. Project Unlonely, Healing our Crisis of Disconnection, was interviewed on the Canadian National Radio, CBC weeks ago has this to say that the condition is "probably the biggest preventable risk factor" for mental health concerns including depression, addiction and suicidality.

The ancients have known how precious friendship is. Cicero thought life is not worth living without it; Aristotle elaborated adding neither money, power, or fame mattered as much.

It's one thing we can't do alone (such as eating right, exercising, managing stress, sleeping well, meditation) -- you need Another fellow human -- who will feel equally interested in your company and insights and maybe SOME of your interests. I seek them out furiously each day. Wish me luck. Good health fellow traveler!

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