Autoimmune disease induced by allergen specific immunotherapy.

Posted by carlosroman34 @carlosroman34, Sep 30, 2023

I want to share my story with you and know if anyone else has gone through this situation.

I suffer from Relapsing Polychondritis (an immune-mediated inflammatory disease) with renal involvement in the form of mesangial nephropathy, (which has evolved leading to fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis and almost end stage kidney disease) , I developed the disease at the age of 13 in the distant 2002 during the application of allergen-specific immunotherapy (allergy shots)

Because allergen-specific immunotherapy causes changes in the immune system, it is possible that it may influence the induction of diseases mediated by the immune system, such as autoimmune diseases, even some doctors point to the induction of autoimmunity as one of the possible long-term consequences of allergen-specific immunotherapy.

Increased levels of IL-10, TNF, and TGF-B, as well as changes in Treg cells and the Th2/Th1 balance, are the mechanisms that can cause autoimmune problems in people undergoing allergen specific immunotherapy (Thats the goal of allergy shots, shift the immune system from th2 to th1)

Relapsing polychondritis is a Th1 and IL-10 mediated condition, while mesangial nephropathy is mediated by TGF-B.

In the medical literature there are many cases published over several years such as that of Dr. Ghorschi et al, “Manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis during specific subcutaneous immunotherapy of allergens”, “Scleroderma related to specific immunotherapy. Clinical Case Maciel BM, Morphine BM.” "Turkcapar N, M. Sjogren's syndrome induced by specific immunotherapy.", Pemphigoid-type reaction due to specific immunotherapy with allergen: an unusual adverse reaction Margarita Tomás-Pérez, "Autoimmune thyroiditis detected during allergen-specific immunotherapy: a case report Ahmet TÜRKELİ " among others.

The MDs, PhDs. Allan Linneberg and Andrzej Bozek carried out investigations where the cases of autoimmune disease that have appeared during or after the application of Specific Immunotherapy are indicated. Many of these cases have not been published, and as Dr. Linneberg mentions, it is a sensitive issue that requires significant action.

In the main guidelines for the use of specific immunotherapy, such as the EAACI , the DGAKI and the forums of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology AAAAI, this sensitive topic is mentioned.

My disease, other people's diseases , acknowledge the great ignorance and uncertainty of allergists that prevails in this area and call for a strong precautionary principle in relation to autoimmune diseases and allergen-specific immunotherapy.

I was negligently treated by an Allergist member of the National Council of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (CONICA) of México , my case was not published in the literature.

And that is why it is extremely important to evaluate people in terms of autoimmunity risk before starting SIT, my situation (along with that of other people) must not be repeated.

My body and my health were destroyed by Allergen Specific Immunotherapy and a negligent Allergist.

Has anyone else had any negative effects from allergy shots? or worsening of your autoimmune condition?

Thanks to all

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Hello, nice to meet you, what I have seen is that in most cases the autoimmune disease appears during the course of immunotherapy, however there are some cases where the disease develops some time later.

I attach the data of an article of 3 cases of sarcoidosis after SIT.

Sarcoidosis following specific immunotherapy: more than just coincidence?

DOI: 10.1157/13099093

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@carlosroman34. Hello, Carlos. The link you provided does not work, if it’s a correct link, it will show up in blue once you post your message.
Thank you!


Let me share with all some articles in PDF about this topic.

I think I can't send links yet because I'm new.

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@carlosroman34. I was able to download the articles you presented, but they are at least 10 yrs old. I honestly don’t think that Mayo Connect is the place to air old mistakes. Connect is a community of people who are trying to find answers to current health problems and to help others with theirs.
If you have a question about relapsing polychondritis, we’ll be happy to try and help.


@carlosroman34. I was able to download the articles you presented, but they are at least 10 yrs old. I honestly don’t think that Mayo Connect is the place to air old mistakes. Connect is a community of people who are trying to find answers to current health problems and to help others with theirs.
If you have a question about relapsing polychondritis, we’ll be happy to try and help.

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Thank you very much for the space and time, I hope this information can help other people to prevent another failure in the future.

A good doctor who knows Polychondritis very well always says "A day with Polychondritis means Polychondritis forever."

An event that for me started 22 years ago and will continue forever.

I am at his command and I hope the articles and my testimony help other people.

Thank you so much


Thank you for your reply and the articles. Certainly is interesting. I will ask my rheumatologist if he has read of this connection when I see him Oct 31st. He is so busy with over 500 plus patients don’t know how much time he has to read.


I personally spoke with Allan Linneberg and other allergists in Mexico after my situation happened and they ALL came to the conclusion that allergen-specific immunotherapy can induce autoimmune diseases (it is rare but it can occur).

With a prior evaluation (review the history, autoantibodies, etc., a situation like mine can be avoided)

Since the 80s, this situation began to be seen in various parts of the world. In 1989, the recommendation was made to evaluate people in terms of risk of self-immunity before starting SIT. My situation developed in 2002.

The negligence comes from the treatment of me (I was a 13-year-old boy) and my mother. This doctor never wanted to publish my case in the literature and I consider that an event like mine should be published.

His words were "if you are so interested, publish it yourself", and well here I am sharing my experience.

Those "individual cases" at the end of all are lives, lives that, like me, I know suffer.

Published cases indicate an overestimation of the true incidence of development of autoimmune diseases in people receiving SIT

I invite you to search forums for various autoimmune diseases and you will be able to find several stories like mine.

I only hope that this situation is not repeated and the doctors in charge of carrying out these treatments have a little caution, given the "delicate" nature of the subject in Linneberg's own words.

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Hello @carlosroman34

Firstly, I feel very bad for your situation and I hope you find a good match for your kidney!

My own medical journey involves Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) for dust mites. This will be my second treatment, as I first received treatment while I was 6 years old. This time, my doctor has recommended the Stallergenes brand.

My question for the community is: before starting the AIT, is it essential to have any specific examinations to better understand potential long-term complications? I've tried researching this myself, but haven't found a clear answer. Knowing about potential risks would be incredibly helpful before making this decision.

Any insights or personal experiences with Stallergenes or pre-immunotherapy examinations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support!


Hello @carlosroman34

Firstly, I feel very bad for your situation and I hope you find a good match for your kidney!

My own medical journey involves Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) for dust mites. This will be my second treatment, as I first received treatment while I was 6 years old. This time, my doctor has recommended the Stallergenes brand.

My question for the community is: before starting the AIT, is it essential to have any specific examinations to better understand potential long-term complications? I've tried researching this myself, but haven't found a clear answer. Knowing about potential risks would be incredibly helpful before making this decision.

Any insights or personal experiences with Stallergenes or pre-immunotherapy examinations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support!

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erind, I did allergy shots back in 1993....I reacted terribly to them and never could build up to maintenance dose. I tried for a year. To be honest, I think they made my allergies worse. BUT, with that said, I am sensitive to almost everything. They may not bother you at all and I pray they won't. Prayers & New Year's Blessings to you & yours.


Hello @carlosroman34

Firstly, I feel very bad for your situation and I hope you find a good match for your kidney!

My own medical journey involves Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) for dust mites. This will be my second treatment, as I first received treatment while I was 6 years old. This time, my doctor has recommended the Stallergenes brand.

My question for the community is: before starting the AIT, is it essential to have any specific examinations to better understand potential long-term complications? I've tried researching this myself, but haven't found a clear answer. Knowing about potential risks would be incredibly helpful before making this decision.

Any insights or personal experiences with Stallergenes or pre-immunotherapy examinations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support!

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Hello dear Erin, a pleasure to meet with you, thank you for your words.
I hope immunotherapy can help you, it is difficult to establish some prior tests, since from what I have been able to observe, allergists do not perform routine markers (autoantibodies, inflammatory profiles, etc.)
I think the best thing is to talk to the allergist about our concerns and if we have doubts, always ask for a second opinion. Two more cases of the development of autoimmune diseases in people who use AIT have recently been published in the literature.


Good evening everyone, first of all I wish you all a happy start to the new year.
I want to share with you a recent article about a 16-year-old girl who developed autoinflammatory syndrome (PFAPA) during the course of allergen-specific immunotherapy.

Allergen specific immunotherapy aims to reduce allergic symptoms by providing peripheral T cell tolerance through the induction of regulatory T (Treg) cells. By stimulating Treg cells, Th1-Th2
balance is shifted towards Th1.

Th1 cells are responsable of many autoimmune diseases, like in me case Relapsing Polychondritis

Shared files

REUMA4_2023_ING_08_CASE_1594_215-218 (REUMA4_2023_ING_08_CASE_1594_215-218.pdf)


I feel like allergy shots did ramp up my autoimmune condition after about 2-3 into starting them. The question is does stopping the shots cause improvement? I have been trying to determine if it was the allergy shots since it seemed to align time ways.

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