Compromised speech

Posted by @victory0716 @victory0716, Jan 3 10:55pm

My son is 39 yrs old started siezing everyday 2x a day as of October ..not been diagnosed what type of siezure as of yet..due to multiple siezing his speech has been compromised.. has anyone experienced a loved one where thier speech been compomised due to siezing

recently..increased to
3000mg of Keppra still siezing at least 2x a week..

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Epilepsy & Seizures Support Group.

Very happy to hear your son hasn't had strokes and there is no tumor; sorry to hear about the Dystonia diagnosis. Having a diagnosis will finally allow him to put together a treatment plan.

A word of caution, CBD oil is often sold as an end-all, be-all drug. While it is true, Marijuana based drugs have been effective in controlling seizures, marijuana itself can diminish the effectiveness other seizure medication. CBD for example reduces the effectiveness of Trileptal according to one of my doctors. I'm sure THC will impact other medications.

Best wishes for him to quickly gain control of his health, don't give up hope, he'll get there.

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