How to help a cancer patient undergoing treatment with nutrition?

Posted by mh2023 @mh2023, Dec 27, 2023

Hello, family member is currently going through chemo and radiation but is barely eating anything at all due to nausea. Could anyone provide me with ideas on what I can do to help with this situation? Thank you.

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How do you get pills down if throat and mouth is sore, asking a head of time for husband.

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Ask pharmacy for liquid medicine when possible
Or break pills into acceptable sizes of powder.


I have lymph nodes draining causing turkey neck under chin. I've seen a massage therapist who is showing me how to help it drain.
Does anyone have any other ways to get this fixed?


As for me, I was assigned to a nutritionist and she rode my butt daily to ensure I was consuming the proper amount of nutrition through my feeding tube.
Milkshakes are not the answer for nutrition! Milkshakes would have way too much sugar and cancer loves sugar!!!
Nutrition is available in liquid form which is fed SLOWLY through the peg.
If not dripped slowly I would vomit the entire meal!
Sometimes it took a couple hours to complete.
I was also taking anti nausea meds which included Ondansatron.
Unfortunately the nutrition is expensive and not covered by insurance but some cancer centers have financial donors and like me, my out of pocket was very low!

Hope this helps

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I had the sugar conversation with the nutritionist but still needed to take the high caloric shakes to get the weight stabilized. It's a decision that's not easy to make. My weight is coming back slowly so I am cutting down now on the high sugar food. But the point is well taken. I had the same questions.


The best way we found to crush pills was using a small stone mortar and pestle we found at World Market, then dissolved in warm water.


I have lymph nodes draining causing turkey neck under chin. I've seen a massage therapist who is showing me how to help it drain.
Does anyone have any other ways to get this fixed?

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I experienced lymphedema after radiation for SCC on the base of the tongue and a few lymph nodes. I was able to procure a pneumatic device called Flexitouch Plus. It worked almost immediately and I used it daily for 32 minutes for 18 months. It was quite expensive, but was not covered by Medicare, but paid in full by my secondary insurance.

It must be prescribed by your care team. Good luck!


I experienced lymphedema after radiation for SCC on the base of the tongue and a few lymph nodes. I was able to procure a pneumatic device called Flexitouch Plus. It worked almost immediately and I used it daily for 32 minutes for 18 months. It was quite expensive, but was not covered by Medicare, but paid in full by my secondary insurance.

It must be prescribed by your care team. Good luck!

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I bought an ice cream maker and put the nutritional drinks in the smoothies and added some bananas and maple syrup etc and everything was easier to eat when it was cold like ice cream.


My husband just went through the same treatment. He also was so nauseous he couldn't eat. After 14 days of drinking water only (and losing 45 lbs), the oncologist finally ordered the feeding tube (peg tube). But at that point his levels were so low they had to build him up so he could have the surgery. That required a 5 day hospital stay receiving a blood transfusion, as well as liquid nutrition. He didn't receive radiation while in the hospital so this pushed his treatment back as well.
My advice, don't wait! Push your oncologist for the peg tube.
Good luck!

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Oh gosh, @grammyd. That must've been frightening for you to see your husband lose so much weight and require a blood transfusion. How is he doing now? Did he have surgery? How are YOU doing?


I know it's tough but get onto the liquid food as soon as. I take a high protein supplement too. I dropped 40 pounds in 2 months for the same reason but to avoid feeding tube you will have to force the calories. I miss MASS protein powder with Natrel milk. About 75 grams of protein and decent calories.
I take tylenol With codeine before eating and magic mouthwash 10 minutes before the get it down.
It gets better. Good thoughts to you.....

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What is magic mouthwash?


What is magic mouthwash?

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Prescription mouthwash usually containing lidocaine or similar pain meds. Your doctor usually knows or certainly an ENT would know to prescribe this.


Prescription mouthwash usually containing lidocaine or similar pain meds. Your doctor usually knows or certainly an ENT would know to prescribe this.

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Ok thanks they should be telling us when we go tomorrow.

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