Smartvest...Is it helpful in eliminating sputum?

Posted by alleycatkate @alleycatkate, Jan 4 12:34pm

Does anyone using a Smart Vest find that it has not been a positive experience resulting in the elimination of sputum? I've been using it now for about 6 months with what seems like pretty dismal results. I do saline nebulizing 2x a day. I used to be able to eject quite a lot of junk from my lungs after just nebulizing. (for many years) A little after I got the vest I did a round of antibiotics to control a pseudomona infection. Maybe I should just be jumping up and down for joy because I am not swamped with junk coming up from my lungs but I am wondering if the vest is just not effective for me. Do others experience this lack of results? I've ordered an aerobika and am considering sending the vest back as it almost seems a waste of time. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!! Kate

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Thank you! I think it is important to think of a vest as one of many airway clearance tools. We shouldn’t expect miracles just because it’s a big-ticket device. And for those of us who can’t get a vest, it is not essential to good clearance. While traveling I often substitute handheld massage gun for my vest. It works well especially for targeting areas where we know we have infection and/or bronchiectasis.

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@becleartoday Such a positive attitude and I'm so happy that you posted that for those who cannot get a vest.


It’s just one of many tools in our toolbox. 🙂


I haven't had a radiologist refer to them either on a written report but my bronchiectasis specialist pointed a couple out to me. He showed me my scans a couple of weeks ago and pointed out 2 mucus plugs. They looked white, he said they may only be as much as a teaspoon each. So according to him they do show up but it may take a specialist to recognize them

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@davis5663 This is such good info to have. I've heard others talk about mucous plugs and have always wondered how they knew they were plugs, not just the usual infected mucous coming up. I've envisioned them as plugs kinda like little corks that are kind of stuck on the lung wall....not sure if that is right or just my vivid imagination. Anyway...we do not all have specialists that share that kind of info so it is always good that you have!! Thanks.


@Ivalenti...Thanks for your input. I am feeling very discouraged with the vest at this point also. I do use it while I nebulize. I was thinking perhaps that it was loosening plugs from the walls of my lungs but I do not see any results.... I am hoping the aerobika will be more effective.
Good luck...Kate

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I was diagnosed with Mac and bronchiectasis. This is approximately three years ago. I have been using the vest for approximately three years twice a day at 30 minutes. I have never been able to bring up any sputum at all within the three years. The infectious doctor told me I probably have dry bronchitis and I may not be able to bring any. They have tried to nebulize me so that they could get sample but it was impossible. None would come up. So I have not been able to spit any out in three years. However, I do the vest and I walk every day for 5 miles. CT scans remain stable with no progression . The only health equipment I use is my hill rom vest.
Don’t know what the future holds and what I may have to do a year or two from now, but that’s all I have been doing and have been successful so far


I was diagnosed with Mac and bronchiectasis. This is approximately three years ago. I have been using the vest for approximately three years twice a day at 30 minutes. I have never been able to bring up any sputum at all within the three years. The infectious doctor told me I probably have dry bronchitis and I may not be able to bring any. They have tried to nebulize me so that they could get sample but it was impossible. None would come up. So I have not been able to spit any out in three years. However, I do the vest and I walk every day for 5 miles. CT scans remain stable with no progression . The only health equipment I use is my hill rom vest.
Don’t know what the future holds and what I may have to do a year or two from now, but that’s all I have been doing and have been successful so far

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It’s not bronchitis it’s bronchiectasis


Thank you! I think it is important to think of a vest as one of many airway clearance tools. We shouldn’t expect miracles just because it’s a big-ticket device. And for those of us who can’t get a vest, it is not essential to good clearance. While traveling I often substitute handheld massage gun for my vest. It works well especially for targeting areas where we know we have infection and/or bronchiectasis.

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I used the handheld massage gun also until I got my vest. It does help a lot (better than nothing) and is a good backup, but it cannot reach all the areas needed like the vest does.


Yes, a vest is a powerful tool. However, even with my vest, I use my handheld massager to target the area under my right breast where MAC often reside.


I was diagnosed with Mac and bronchiectasis. This is approximately three years ago. I have been using the vest for approximately three years twice a day at 30 minutes. I have never been able to bring up any sputum at all within the three years. The infectious doctor told me I probably have dry bronchitis and I may not be able to bring any. They have tried to nebulize me so that they could get sample but it was impossible. None would come up. So I have not been able to spit any out in three years. However, I do the vest and I walk every day for 5 miles. CT scans remain stable with no progression . The only health equipment I use is my hill rom vest.
Don’t know what the future holds and what I may have to do a year or two from now, but that’s all I have been doing and have been successful so far

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@karissy Thank you for your message. Sounds like you are doing great. I also think exercise is a big part of the health equation with these diseases. My new Pulmonologist asks me at each appointment what I am doing for exercise. I do at least an hour a day brisk walking and also calisthenics about 2-3 times a week. I just ordered a watch that tracks your cardio and plan to up my routine. Exercise and a clean diet seem to help a lot. After considering all of the messages received on this site, I think that I will hold onto the vest and use it as "another tool in the box". Thanks again. Kate


The Smartvest didn’t work for me.

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