Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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I was tired for about 3 months taking 600mgs twice daily for post surgical knee pain now I’m normal no tiredness or sleepiness and it does help the pain

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I am taking 600 mg of Gabapentin 3xday and it helps to reduce the pain to a tolerable level that I can sleep by taking 10 mg of Zolpedim. I am trying NeuroPure but no positive results to date. That may be a scam but a check on the ingredients (e.g., prickly pear extract, passion flower extract, etc) leads some to swear that it is the real thing. We'll see.


Hi, I was given Gabapentin, after a lung surgery for nerve pain. It was a life saver. I was tired in the beginning, but not now. am taking 200mg 3x day hope to taper off soon.


I take 2000mg (yes, 400mg x 5) twice a day. Been doing that for about 15 years. It still does not totally eliminate my pain, but not sure how bad it would be without it. I also take Celebrex and Duloxetine as part of my "Cocktail". I can function ok, but cold weather is the worst trigger. Other triggers include insomnia, eating too many sweets, and walking too far.

Side effects for me include Insomnia, tiredness, sleepy during the day, bad walking gait, periodic depression, 24 x 7 chronic pain and others. Never a moment awake without pain. You can get used to it, but as someone else stated, it is like always being like you've had a few mixed drinks. It took a few years to get to my "Cocktail" combination. Tried every med there is and these seem to be best to deal with combination of side effects. The dosage of Gabapentin is the maximum allowed.

Life is not always fair to us mortals. You just have to deal with your demons.

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I take 600mg 4x a day. (2400mg) for all over nerve pain for the last 3 years. It helps with the nerve pain and back pain. I take tramadol sometimes for severe break through pain. I don’t know how bad my pain would be without meds and am fearful to even find out. The only diagnosis I have is degenerative disc disease with multiple herniated disc, diabetic nerve pain. You’re right, life isn’t fair for a many.


Good article regarding the use of gabapentin and similar medications for pain.


I'm on 600mg of gabapentin 4 times a day. The only side effects I have are weird dreams and a migraine w/upset stomach if I forget to take one of my doses during the day. Otherwise I seem to be tolerating it well. Every time I went up a dose I was tired the first day, but got over it quickly.


I'm on 300mg during the day and 900mg at night I got through the tiredness only to get sides wiped with sudden extreme anemia (unrelated). What I also have a hard time with is clumsiness. Every time they increase the dose, My hands start jerking at random moments and my writing will run off the page or I'll throw or drop a glass. It's embarassing. Sometimes I think this is not helping until I go off of it, then my body reminds me why. Guess I'll just have to use plastic glasses which I hate.


Have been on Gp 3 years —went from 400 to 300 to 200 to get rid of side effects. Can put up with a bit of pain to avoid the wooziness and memory problems


My husband was electrocuted in June. He is currently taking 300mg of gabapentin 3 times a day and has one lightheaded spell after another. He's incredibly frustrated by this but feels the gabapentin is helping with the shooting pain in his feet and perhaps calming the shakiness in his hands and knees. Has anyone else had issues with being lightheaded and nearly passing out when stretching while on this drug? Has anyone else ever been hit with high voltage and lived to tell about it like my husband? So far he has seen a number of physicians but still not one that has dealt with this type of injury.


My husband was electrocuted in June. He is currently taking 300mg of gabapentin 3 times a day and has one lightheaded spell after another. He's incredibly frustrated by this but feels the gabapentin is helping with the shooting pain in his feet and perhaps calming the shakiness in his hands and knees. Has anyone else had issues with being lightheaded and nearly passing out when stretching while on this drug? Has anyone else ever been hit with high voltage and lived to tell about it like my husband? So far he has seen a number of physicians but still not one that has dealt with this type of injury.

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Hello @june232023, Welcome to Connect. I've had a close call when I was in the service and was accidentally shocked by a 440 volt while working on some electronics used with our ship's radar but fortunately had no long term effects. I'm sorry to hear your husband is having the feeling lightheaded side effects from gabapentin. Hoping someone with experience can share some suggestions with you.

Has your husband discussed the new symptoms with his doctor?


Hello @june232023, Welcome to Connect. I've had a close call when I was in the service and was accidentally shocked by a 440 volt while working on some electronics used with our ship's radar but fortunately had no long term effects. I'm sorry to hear your husband is having the feeling lightheaded side effects from gabapentin. Hoping someone with experience can share some suggestions with you.

Has your husband discussed the new symptoms with his doctor?

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So sorry to hear about your experience. I'm glad you had no long lasting effects from it.
My husband has discussed this issue numerous times with several doctors and was told he should try differing the mgs in each dose to see if he noticed any relief. He tried this to no avail. Onward we go.

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