Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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I was on Gabapentin. How much and how long I do not remember. No clue why!


I can relate to your memory issues. I’ve been taking seizure meds almost 60 years.
Many seizure meds affect memory. Antiseizure meds slow cognitive functioning including memory. They affect the brain’s ability to store and recall information. Although some say low doses of seizure meds can improve memory. I'm not convinced that's true. I’ve yet to hear anyone who made that claim. Whether your memory ever returns is any ones guess. How long have you been off the medicine?
Take care,


Good evening,
I re-read your message where you mentioned as have others “Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs”
I don't believe that's entirely true. When a doctor gives out a prescription patients need to accept some responsibility regarding what they are taking and how it can affect them.
It's not reasonable for a doctor to explain all medication side effects. Some meds have over 500 potential side effects, most average around 100. There isn't enough time in a day for a doctor to explain every side effect of every drug.
Take care,


Hello, I’m new here and happy to have discovered it. I am on my first week without Gabapentin. I have slowly reduced what I was taking until now. It did cut back some pain in my legs . However, I am so sensitive to meds. This one made me lose track of time, swelling in hands and legs, and started having some difficulty when speaking. While not really listed as a side effect, my hair started falling out. I said enough . I do not do well on Lyrica or Cymbalta. I’m currently starting to explore other things for the pain. This was my experience, but I hope it helps you.


Hello, I’m new here and happy to have discovered it. I am on my first week without Gabapentin. I have slowly reduced what I was taking until now. It did cut back some pain in my legs . However, I am so sensitive to meds. This one made me lose track of time, swelling in hands and legs, and started having some difficulty when speaking. While not really listed as a side effect, my hair started falling out. I said enough . I do not do well on Lyrica or Cymbalta. I’m currently starting to explore other things for the pain. This was my experience, but I hope it helps you.

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I am extremely sensitive and have tried atleast 10 different rx for pain and anxiety. Horrible side effects on all .
I am sorry you are going thru this to.
Possibly nerve block, Transcranial stimulation, accupunture, chiropractor, cognitive therapy, excercise more it’s a daily battle keep trying.


I feel it is both the doctor and the patient job to ask questions about a certain medication! Nobody knows my body better than I! After going through Stage IV colon cancer, falling two times resulting in TBI I understand how my body feels! But the doctor if they have been seeing me for several years they should have in their notes how I react to medication. It's the same with getting an IV! It's up to me to tell the Tech I have "ROLLING VIENS!" TO HELP THEM OUT!
Most charts have how we react to certain drugs.
But as for the doctor if there are certain side effects that are more common he should say so! As a Babby Boomer we were taught never question the doctor. As we have gotten older we have learned to be our own Advocate!


I feel it is both the doctor and the patient job to ask questions about a certain medication! Nobody knows my body better than I! After going through Stage IV colon cancer, falling two times resulting in TBI I understand how my body feels! But the doctor if they have been seeing me for several years they should have in their notes how I react to medication. It's the same with getting an IV! It's up to me to tell the Tech I have "ROLLING VIENS!" TO HELP THEM OUT!
Most charts have how we react to certain drugs.
But as for the doctor if there are certain side effects that are more common he should say so! As a Babby Boomer we were taught never question the doctor. As we have gotten older we have learned to be our own Advocate!

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Even with genetic testing first and all the rx listed with side effects in my chart and me telling them each visit each rx … the drs say “ you don’t really know till you try the rx, it reacts differently with each person”


Good evening,
I re-read your message where you mentioned as have others “Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs”
I don't believe that's entirely true. When a doctor gives out a prescription patients need to accept some responsibility regarding what they are taking and how it can affect them.
It's not reasonable for a doctor to explain all medication side effects. Some meds have over 500 potential side effects, most average around 100. There isn't enough time in a day for a doctor to explain every side effect of every drug.
Take care,

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True but if you ever read the rx insert of possible side effects you probably wouldn’t ever take another rx again


I too was prescribed Gabapentin. After doing a little reading, I decided against taking. The side effect scared me away. I’ll try anything to not be on so many prescription drugs. I don’t wanta feel tired and lethargic.

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My Dr. Wants me on gabapentin,I said no because of side effects (75 yrs.old) 3 weeks I,ve got another appt. Don't want to be a Zombie . X rays tomorrow to see if lumbar, cervical might be to blame?


I feel it is both the doctor and the patient job to ask questions about a certain medication! Nobody knows my body better than I! After going through Stage IV colon cancer, falling two times resulting in TBI I understand how my body feels! But the doctor if they have been seeing me for several years they should have in their notes how I react to medication. It's the same with getting an IV! It's up to me to tell the Tech I have "ROLLING VIENS!" TO HELP THEM OUT!
Most charts have how we react to certain drugs.
But as for the doctor if there are certain side effects that are more common he should say so! As a Babby Boomer we were taught never question the doctor. As we have gotten older we have learned to be our own Advocate!

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You are so right. My doctor retired 10 years ago and I found that this new doctor has no information on the side effects I have to so many fibromyalgia meds they have given to me over 40 years of trying new meds. I can take none of them and they all end up affecting my vision. My new doctor says I have to tell him how they affect me. I have tried so many drugs it is impossible to remember. I had thought that my doctor had all that information in the chart but the office staff are responsible for putting it there and did not.

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