Took 2 hrs to go to sleep- now found a solution without meds

Posted by juju88 @juju88, Nov 27, 2023

Checkout podcast called “Nothing Much Happens”. It works!

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How I wish I had medical script for mar+ thc orally. It would help pain & sleep…I’d never smoke it.

I wonder how to get help for me.

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You might be able to order gummies online. There is a company called Mood that sells CBD/THC in legal doses.


After yeas of Ambian, Dr suddenly took me off! Haven’t had more than 8 weeks , he said just take melatonin!

Just 2 to 3 hours since. No amount of melatonin helps. Jittery all the time.
Can’t sleep during day either.
What can I do?

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I think it is time to find a new doctor. Your current doctor doesn't seem to have your best interest at heart. Melatonin does NOT work for everyone. I know, I have tried it multiple times. I now take about a quarter or third of a 10 mg ambien tablet and am able to usually get 7 hours of sleep. My doctor doesn't like ambien but she knows how important a decent night's sleep is.

I went off ambien for almost a year, tried everything to help me get a decent night's sleep, ending up counting backwards from 100 --- often many times, which was some help but a little ambien assured a decent night's sleep.

I don't know if you have tried Benedryl. My sisters depend on that but I seem to be allergic to it.


All of our senior friends acknowledge sleep issues.
There is much concern about accessing care and finding
a primary physician who listens and relates.
It seems there is a medical phobia regarding benzodiazepines and
pain prescriptions. This is the result of over regulation and reliance on
algorithms dictated by prescription regulators and insurance.
Avoid letting your prescriber cutting you off cold and plan a program
to wean gradually. I spent two months transitioning from Ativan to Lexapro.
Melatonin is helpful for some. The anthistaminic OTCs raise some concern
for cognitive side effects. Consider a sleep study or consult if you are at risk for sleep apnea. Make your bedroom a dark cool environment. I find the white noise of my air filter soothing.
We can do our part with diet, caffeine limitation, stress relievers like meditation and walking to our ability levels. Sleep is so vital to our health.
With all of this it is still daunting for men to overcome an aging prostate
and get the suggested 7 hours.

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