Numbness in feet: Any suggestions for relief?

Posted by missbutterfly2be @missbutterfly2be, Sep 2, 2023

I have numbness in my feet after exercise or when I lie or sit down. No pain but my legs feel weak. Any suggestions for relief?

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One other thing I need to check on. I have been on seizure meds most of my life, no problems in yrs. But haven't saw a Neurologist in yrs. I had a very good one that passed

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Might check for cross reactions if you are multiple medicines. Also, some anticonvulsants have been linked to peripheral neuropathy (such as Dilantin [pheynytoin]). Newer meds tend to be easier on the nervous system and liver.


Pheynytoin for 50 plus years. After cardio,time to find a new neurologist. Preferrably one that specializes in Neurothapy.


Can you tell me more about the Infrared red-light device? What kind, etc.?


Go see a Neurologist to diagnose your problem. There are tests they run that will help identify the source of the problem. It could be a peripheral neuropathy or it can be a nerve else where in the body causing numbness and pain. Some causes can be treated and might go away, while other causes cannot be prevented. With my PN issue, the Neurologist thinks it is from taking immune surpressant for a couple organ transplants since 2000. So I have talked to my transplant doctors and they said my issue is probably caused by the immune surpressant. So we reduced the med and I started taking Lyrica. Now they have a generic version, pregabalin. It is used for pain. Plus I rub my feet daily with menthol rubs after my morning shower.


Do the menthol runs help?


t@rkjb1951 Most likely you have peripheral neuropathy. You need to go to a doctor and have them diagnosis the problem just in case it is a treatable problem. Unfortunately neuropathy does not have a medical treatment protocol in the US. I have had it for five years and the best any doctor has ever said to me is wear shoes all day.

I discovered near infrared red-light treatment really helps mine. I treat my neuropathy with two 10 minute treatments every week. I purchased the red-light device off of the internet. I also did some online reading and blasted forward. Red-light therapy is unregulated and it is the Wild West in terms of finding creditable information which is why I am conservative in my approach.

I have spoken to one doctor, a dermatologist, who said it was safe at my usage level and if it gave me relief to continue using it. Most other doctors will not comment. They will say there is not enough data to have an opinion, but the other side of that is no one is doing the research.

Please be careful to protect your eyes if you decide to use this treatment.

I do wear slippers at home. That is the one concession I have made.

I did have my B6 tested - it was normal.

Best to you in the New Year.

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My sisters both have neuropathy in their feet & hands…. I found on YouTube some PT exercises by two physical therapists Bob and Brad who demonstrated actual & easy exercises that one can do at home. I have done them myself to prevent any future problems for myself & my younger sister says that it helps! Good Luck!


Maybe an electrolyte imbalance! I take an electrolyte supplement because of this because of my limited diet due to my stomach issues…. I have gastroparesis… I was weak in my legs & lack of energy & it has helped me….


My sisters both have neuropathy in their feet & hands…. I found on YouTube some PT exercises by two physical therapists Bob and Brad who demonstrated actual & easy exercises that one can do at home. I have done them myself to prevent any future problems for myself & my younger sister says that it helps! Good Luck!

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My older sister is non compliant & is also a retired RN….😉


I have peripheral neuropathy from my chemotherapy treatments. Although treatments have ended, the neuropathy has not. Suggestions?


Medical cannabis from licensed dispensary helped me immensely. Hth

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