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Oh my God, I hope and pray you are right. I’ve had such a horrible day. Eyes bothering my so much w blepharitis. I’ve been “throwing up” parasites for hours. Skin is crawling/itching. I can’t believe humans can suffer this indefinitely! We have to find help! Someone out there must know how to relieve this???!!!! I’m in my 15th month, waiting for a call from a specialist at Stanford who may never call.

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Replies to "Oh my God, I hope and pray you are right. I’ve had such a horrible day...."

One more thing. For immediate relief, I take these anti-worm “baths”, where I put all of the following in the water

• Tea Tree Oil
• Benzyl Benzoate (from Amazon. Use very dilute-a few drops in bath, or will feel horrible burning sensation).
• Sulfur Soap (I purchase online by the case now).
• Dandruff shampoos: Selsun Blue, Head & Shoulders, Salicylic acid soap.
• In addition, I also add in some of anti-parasite medication, a tiny bit of praziquantel powder and some albendazole, to the bath water. I figure…if it hurts the parasites when you take these drugs internally, it can’t hurt to add a trace amount to your bathwater to bother the ones close to the surface of your skin as well. ☺

These ‘anti-worm’ baths actually REALLY HELP THE ITCHING which can be really intolerable.

I hope some of this helps you.