Painful/Burning Shin with no known cause: Ideas?

Posted by clcole @clcole, Jun 8, 2022

Started in January I began to have pain in my right shin when driving. It has progressively gotten worse over the last six months. I cry when I drive. The pain is also keeping me up at night and I can’t stand for longer then ten minutes and walking hurts. No one can figure it out. I had a knee MRI that showed a little damage, a back MRI that said mild bulging of disks. I have tried acupuncture, massage, PT and a chiropractor. Nothing has helped. I can’t do anything and I’m so frustrated and depressed.

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I’ve had ankle and shin pain in both legs for three years. Burns at night. I only wear NewBalance shoes. Anything else will cause horrible nighttime pain. I been to 4 podiatrists, 2 sports med specialists, 3 orthopedists…. I found a podiatrist who finally listened…. He said my pain seems to be caused by the inflamed band that goes across the upper ankle and holds the shin ligaments in place.
He taped one foot for a week to see if I noticed a difference. Wow, yes. Next week I will return, and he will give me an injection, and we’ll go from there.
I’m also on 300 mg of gabapentin per night, that seems to temper the RLS somewhat. Definitely a work in progress.

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Have you tried gaba? I mean don't drive after till you find out if it makes you tired.. . Also I felt emotional for the first week took only 200 mg, because releasing ptsd is what it felt like. Gaba is what the dr gives to release muscle /nerve spasms. I now take a lot of gaba because my nerves need to un -seize if I get stuck buying groceries etc , just something else to try, if dr gives the go ahead. Not sure how it will react with gaba pentin ( biosimilar) though....
Also obviously magnesium and other hydration minerals potassium etc... I don't know what your levels or diet are,
Proper hydration and a good multivitamin might be helpful? (Methylated bs), always ask dr, I don't know your situation


Oh nice had X-ray, ultrasound and 3 mri. Since I got correct dosages it is a lot better, but at night I still have some pain. However when I wake up it’s gone


I have those symptoms. It's Stenosis, in my case. Probably yours. Not easy to treat, I hate to tell you, but maybe you will be luckier than I.


Have you tried gaba? I mean don't drive after till you find out if it makes you tired.. . Also I felt emotional for the first week took only 200 mg, because releasing ptsd is what it felt like. Gaba is what the dr gives to release muscle /nerve spasms. I now take a lot of gaba because my nerves need to un -seize if I get stuck buying groceries etc , just something else to try, if dr gives the go ahead. Not sure how it will react with gaba pentin ( biosimilar) though....
Also obviously magnesium and other hydration minerals potassium etc... I don't know what your levels or diet are,
Proper hydration and a good multivitamin might be helpful? (Methylated bs), always ask dr, I don't know your situation

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I’m on 300 mg of gabapentin nightly. Works well so far.
I have to work on hydration….. thanks for writing.


Hi, I experienced the same burning pain in shins and ankles for years and was given gabapententin which did nothing. I finally got relief from Cymbalta (Duloxetine). Insurance made me try Lyrica before Cymbalta but the Lyrica had no positive results so they approved Cymbalta. As I recall, its use for burning was off label which caused the delay in approval. Hope this helps you. I understand the misery all too well.

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