Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

Posted by rabbit10 @rabbit10, Apr 9, 2016

Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

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Thanks for your reply and thoughts. What you say has merit and makes sense to me. Being new to PN makes it very hard to find substantive, reliable information and direction.
Any direction or links would be appreciated. I am non-diabetic or even pre-diabetic. I actually believe that the series of COVID shots may have been the trigger as the timeline lines up.

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I did get PN after the second COVID booster. I don’t have diabetes either. I am on Duloxetine which controls it, but am getting side effects. I may try baking off to see if it is any better.


Sorry what is PN.?

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PN is Peripheral Neuropathy


I did get PN after the second COVID booster. I don’t have diabetes either. I am on Duloxetine which controls it, but am getting side effects. I may try baking off to see if it is any better.

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I have had PN for 13 years and I am 78. Only in the past year have symptoms been more troubling. Toes painful and feeling pedals in car a little. Balance no too bad but changing. I have osteoporosis and they want me to take Reclast infusions but a fear side effects and wonder if it will make my idiopathic peripheral neuropathy worse. Anyone had experience with bone density meds and how they impacted PN


I've had peripheral neuropathy in my feet for 10 years. I take gabapetin 3 times a day and I take Hydrocodone 3 times a day for pain. The combination of these drugs is the only way I can deal with the pain. I have been looking for information on stem cell treatment for neuropathy but I haven't seen anything in the US. I have seen some treatments in China and Mexico. Any information on stem cell treatment for neuropathy would be greatly appreciated. I believe it's coming but it can't get here soon enough.

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I take the same as you but I take 2 600mg gabapentin at a time. I use only 1 Hydrocodin at night. I was finding 3 Hydrocodin a day was making me forget more than a 72 yo. I put a regular pain cream on my feet at night like Lidocaine, Bengay or Aleve. I was using a Australian made cream but too expensive $31. I still have. some pain I know this won't go away and there is no cure so after reading that B6 B12 can help I will ask my doctor to test my levels before I start taking it.


I take the same as you but I take 2 600mg gabapentin at a time. I use only 1 Hydrocodin at night. I was finding 3 Hydrocodin a day was making me forget more than a 72 yo. I put a regular pain cream on my feet at night like Lidocaine, Bengay or Aleve. I was using a Australian made cream but too expensive $31. I still have. some pain I know this won't go away and there is no cure so after reading that B6 B12 can help I will ask my doctor to test my levels before I start taking it.

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Hi @2blinddogs, Welcome to Connect. I don't think @mightybear is still following Connect as their last post was in 2019. It is smart to check with your doctor before adding any supplements. It sounds like your neuropathy treatment is not managing your pain in the feet well and you are still looking for something that might help provide more relief. The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a list of complementary and alternative treatments people with neuropathy have found helpful here -

Have you tried any other treatments?


I am 71 and have had PN since I was in my late 30s. It is familial. It has been progressive over the years. Years ago I told it “I am going to keep going, you can come along, if you want to.” I have learned to live with it.

Recently my feet have started to swell up at night, making it very difficult to sleep. I have started soaking my feet in cold water with Epson salts after my short, tepid shower. That has helped.


@jeanieweeniexyz - Have you discussed the symptoms with your doctor or a neurologist since it has gotten worse?

I did find some information that mentions several causes for this type of pain. Scalp tenderness: Symptoms, causes, and treatments --- "This form of nerve pain is rare and usually caused by injury or a ... hair while it is wet can break hair follicles, causing hair loss and scalp irritation." --

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I've had tender, painful areas on scalp for approximately 10 years. No MD, Dermatologist, hair stylist knows what it is. No dry, scaling, itch, dandruff. Just painful areas, sometimes a slight bump, pimple like. These areas come and go. I try not to touch, but... pillow can aggravate, hat, etc. I only finger comb or weekly use wide pick comb after washing because I have curly hair. I've purchased organic, healthy products. 😠 so frusteating. Lately really bothersome. Should I see a neurologist? Thanks for any info.


I have it in my fingers and feet. Very difficult to pick anything up with my hands and a little dizzy off and on. Only take 30mg once a day. I really want this to work but I'm asking for suggestions on how to proceed.


I have it in my fingers and feet. Very difficult to pick anything up with my hands and a little dizzy off and on. Only take 30mg once a day. I really want this to work but I'm asking for suggestions on how to proceed.

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@again2 I think you might find some helpful suggestions in this discussion.
--- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?

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