How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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your nose can't be 12" long or it would be a foot

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As time progresses, human noses have gradually been getting larger......

... as was predicted centuries ago by Nostrildamus.

So, for the benefit of greater mankind, we should all just acceptum.


In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
Napoleon Bonaparte.

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It's a feature, not a bug!


Let's hope we all have a good NEW YEAR!
Thanks for all of the laughs in 2023!


And now let us believe in a long year that is given to us, new, untouched, full of things that have never been, full of work that has never been done, full of tasks, claims, and demands; and let us see that we learn to take it without letting fall too much of what it has to bestow upon those who demand of it necessary, ...
*Rainer Maria Rilke


in reply to @itchyd

Have you heard about the conspiracy between the nose and the mouth? They’ve got us all breathing!

I have a brief story. In November I invited a former neighbor to move in with me for 6 months while he works here locally as a tax preparer. After finding out he was watching me sleep, I decided he had to leave for obvious reasons. However, he did mention I was breathing with my mouth open, and suggested I put a piece of tape over my mouth. I was not snoring, but did mention it to my doctor. A recent CT scan revealed a deviated septum on the left side, which explains my breathing "method." I will soon be seeing an ENT specialist to discuss surgery. So while the guy was a creep, I did learn something new and why I keep getting these chronic sinus infections. I suppose I should thank the guy for telling me what I was doing while asleep, but I will not because god only knows what he was doing while watching me sleep, and on multiple occasions. I did not sleep for the entire three weeks after he told me this and finally he left after I told him if he wanted to stay he had to wear a mask, which I knew he would not because he did not believe in viruses. When I asked him to wash his hands when he came inside, he told me I was germaphobic. I told him I had to be careful because I have no immune system, and therefore hand washing was important and simply basic hygiene. And while he claimed not to believe in science or medicine, I found a bottle of Viagra on the floor in my bedroom after he left. Go figure.


Let's hope we all have a good NEW YEAR!
Thanks for all of the laughs in 2023!

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Wishing all the best for you in health, wealth, and prosperity! You have been a absolute delight for me, please don’t stop!


in reply to @itchyd

Have you heard about the conspiracy between the nose and the mouth? They’ve got us all breathing!

I have a brief story. In November I invited a former neighbor to move in with me for 6 months while he works here locally as a tax preparer. After finding out he was watching me sleep, I decided he had to leave for obvious reasons. However, he did mention I was breathing with my mouth open, and suggested I put a piece of tape over my mouth. I was not snoring, but did mention it to my doctor. A recent CT scan revealed a deviated septum on the left side, which explains my breathing "method." I will soon be seeing an ENT specialist to discuss surgery. So while the guy was a creep, I did learn something new and why I keep getting these chronic sinus infections. I suppose I should thank the guy for telling me what I was doing while asleep, but I will not because god only knows what he was doing while watching me sleep, and on multiple occasions. I did not sleep for the entire three weeks after he told me this and finally he left after I told him if he wanted to stay he had to wear a mask, which I knew he would not because he did not believe in viruses. When I asked him to wash his hands when he came inside, he told me I was germaphobic. I told him I had to be careful because I have no immune system, and therefore hand washing was important and simply basic hygiene. And while he claimed not to believe in science or medicine, I found a bottle of Viagra on the floor in my bedroom after he left. Go figure.

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Guy was watching you sleep, eh?

I had a boss who did that with me.

Very annoying ... and hard on my career!

There may be divided opinion on whether it's Divine intervention that the deviant divined your own deviation.

Who nose?

Happy new year!


in reply to @itchyd

Have you heard about the conspiracy between the nose and the mouth? They’ve got us all breathing!

I have a brief story. In November I invited a former neighbor to move in with me for 6 months while he works here locally as a tax preparer. After finding out he was watching me sleep, I decided he had to leave for obvious reasons. However, he did mention I was breathing with my mouth open, and suggested I put a piece of tape over my mouth. I was not snoring, but did mention it to my doctor. A recent CT scan revealed a deviated septum on the left side, which explains my breathing "method." I will soon be seeing an ENT specialist to discuss surgery. So while the guy was a creep, I did learn something new and why I keep getting these chronic sinus infections. I suppose I should thank the guy for telling me what I was doing while asleep, but I will not because god only knows what he was doing while watching me sleep, and on multiple occasions. I did not sleep for the entire three weeks after he told me this and finally he left after I told him if he wanted to stay he had to wear a mask, which I knew he would not because he did not believe in viruses. When I asked him to wash his hands when he came inside, he told me I was germaphobic. I told him I had to be careful because I have no immune system, and therefore hand washing was important and simply basic hygiene. And while he claimed not to believe in science or medicine, I found a bottle of Viagra on the floor in my bedroom after he left. Go figure.

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Yikes, what a story!


What's the difference between Tom Hanks and Frosty?

Tom's a man of many roles and Frosty's a man of many rolls.

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I don't know if a whole lot of folks get that one.

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