RA severe pain, what helps?

Posted by ead @ead, Dec 21, 2023

I am diagnosed in the last 4 months with rheumatoid arthritis. We are still trying to find the right treatment to help. Azathoiprine made me sick. I can’t take methotrexate because of my lungs (RA lung disease). I am on humira but have only had 3 doses. My joints are so painful I can hardly walk, my wrists and hands have major trouble trying to hold anything. I don’t think I have ever had pain like this. The=Dr. put me on prednisone for 2 weeks. It helped but he does not want me on it long term. Right now I take 2 ibuprofens when I wake, 3 hours later 2 extra strength Tylenol. I repeat that alternating throughout the day. By late afternoon I can move around better but the pain is never really gone. Sitting down and standing up is a major challenge. A am grateful for any tips, suggestions, or feedback. I am at my wits end and Christmas with family is only 5 days away.

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We have very similar paths. I’ve had RA 12 years , have been on Humira, Enbrel, and now Remicade. A couple of months ago I felt so stable I actually asked my Rheumy if we should consider reducing dosage or frequency. He said let’s review after first of year. Ha! Now I’m in flare and can hardly stand from a chair. I don’t take narcotics and can’t take ibuprofen.. so not much left except heat, ice, and massage. And rarely prednisone, which is wonderful but has to be limited if I’m to preserve bone density.

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That must be so discouraging. I totally get it about pain moving from standing to sitting and vice versa. People have suggested arnica cream to help. My son just bought me some but I haven’t tried it yet. I use Icy hot and it helps somewhat. Takes about 15 minutes to feel a difference. Sometimes the difference is enough to stand or sit without screaming….😊


That must be so discouraging. I totally get it about pain moving from standing to sitting and vice versa. People have suggested arnica cream to help. My son just bought me some but I haven’t tried it yet. I use Icy hot and it helps somewhat. Takes about 15 minutes to feel a difference. Sometimes the difference is enough to stand or sit without screaming….😊

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I never thought of that. My knees are screaming when I try to switch from sitting to standing.


am new to comments. I have had Psoriatic Arthritis for many years. Treated with many drugs. Last few years on Embrel injections but began site reactions so just changed to Humaria last week. Will want and see if this continues to help. Pain is your concern. Not only do I have PA I have Multiple Myeloma Cancer. Extreme pain to lower back. (10). Tried opioids even. Not good. Put on 300 mg of Gabapentin 2xD and pain from 10 to almost 2 level. Also use Tramadol for pain with Tylenol. Can’t take Iberprophens due to heat issues. Hopefully you’ll find the right medication to help with your pain.

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I’m new here. Hope this is going where intended.
I also have PsA and recently tested for an mspike in my monthly labs between infusions of Cimzia.
Sent me to oncology and he said it was a low spike and possibly a false positive. Going for more labs.
Curious if you had multiple myeloma prior to your PsA treatment with embrel. I can’t help but think these biologics have adverse effects.


I’m new here. Hope this is going where intended.
I also have PsA and recently tested for an mspike in my monthly labs between infusions of Cimzia.
Sent me to oncology and he said it was a low spike and possibly a false positive. Going for more labs.
Curious if you had multiple myeloma prior to your PsA treatment with embrel. I can’t help but think these biologics have adverse effects.

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The answer to your question is no. Have had indications in bloodwork for a number of years that I might have an issue with myeloma. Just never wanted to acknowledge I might have a problem. Have had PA for many years.


The answer to your question is no. Have had indications in bloodwork for a number of years that I might have an issue with myeloma. Just never wanted to acknowledge I might have a problem. Have had PA for many years.

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Thank you.

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