I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis.

Posted by mmteach @mmteach, May 10, 2016

I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis. No symptoms yet just starting different tests- another CAT scan, pulminary function test, and possible bronchoscopy. Any advice/suggestions would be greaty appreciated. Thank you!

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Hello, my name is Bri. I am 25 years old and got diagnosed with Bronchiectasis about 1.5 years ago. I present with many symptoms and have a constant cough. I am lucky that I was able to be seen at Mayo so quickly after my diagnosis as it is very severe for an unknown reason. I did not have any illness or infection that is thought to have caused it. I am in the middle of being tested for everything under the sun... hopefully answers will come soon! Just wanted to introduce myself in hopes that this support will help ease some of the angst.

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We all support you and want to help


Hi all. For over 35 years I've been a Registered Respiratory Therapist, ECMO Specialist and Transports. The worst of the worst patients. My speciality was NICU/PICU/CCU/Adult ICU. Took care of Covid patients the last two years and I just retired(age 66). They already want me back PRN. Lol.
I've had Asthma my whole life. Never smoked and neither did my parents. I've been intubated. Back as a teen when all we had were Bird Mark Sevens(ventilator). Believe me being intubated is horrible. I died and was resuscitated(coded) from Asthma and couldn't breathe. Spent a lot of times in ER over my life.
So of course what better career then what I really know.
40 years ago my Pulmonologist told me my future was Bronchiectasis. Of course now I have it.
Maybe in some small way I can answer with my experience? Questions.
1. I take Albuterol MDIs and also have Nebulizers handy with a compressor. Also have DuoNebs. Have the daily prophylactic like BREO and Serevent, Spiriva etc. I have high BP and am on Fosinopril. Now my opinion and experience is I won't take Xopenex. Xopenex is expensive and does not lower your BP (not mine anyway). Read the studies and a PDR. But that is me and not you. Long before we had Albuterol what we had was only Adrenalin(Epinephrine). Yikes. My Mother would break an Asthma attack by taking me in a hot shower. I drink a lot of coffee(caffeine) and tea( natural Theophylline). NEVER go anywhere without my MDI.
2. What has saved my life is steroids. Period. I have a ton of prednisone on hand. In 2020 taking care of Covid and no vaccines yet? I took a LOT of prophylactic prednisone. A 100mg to start? Yes. 20-40mg a day maintenance PRN? Yes.
3. I have always educated that if your having an Asthma attack take as many hits on your MDI as you need or Neb. It's your life! And If it doesn't break? GET TO ER!!!! I have taken 10 hits on my MDI to try to break my attack. Lost a dear friend to Asthma attack who was a RRT. He was stubborn and waited to long. He died in the parking lot in front of ER.
4. Have had Bacterial Bronchitis my whole life also. Yes Bacterial. If no antibiotics existed would have died a long time ago. First 24 hrs for me is critical. I know when I'm having first stages of Bronchitis. Coughing green chunks up etc. My antibiotic of choice now is Levaquin immediately with steroids and I have all the drugs at my house. (My physician is awesome) Gone through them all, antibiotics. Yes I have coughed so hard broken ribs, peed myself, coughed up blood and all those other wonderful things. Years ago I'd go to ER and say give me Solu Medrol and Rocephin please. Lol. My pediatric Dr back when I was a kid could never understand why I got Bacterial Bronchitis. And my Pulmonologists never understood it either.
5. My Asthma is environmental. Weather change. Perfume can set me off. Pollution or chemical plants. Strong cleaners etc.
6. Ok best thing to do with any lung disease and Bronchiectasis is: DON'T SMOKE!!! Lose weight and that is paramount. Depression? I'm on Wellbutrin and there is no shame to use antidepressants. I use marijuana gummies to help sleep. I use meditation. I swim. I eat healthy(or try) and hidrate. This sucks.

Why am I here? I started coughing bad last November and couldn't stop it and still can't. Lots of Mucous. And I just knew what it was. Damn it. I've certainly taken care of a lot of Bronchiectasis patients. Community is a good thing because nobody really knows what we're going through unless they have. My health has deteriorated since last November. I want to read what others have gone through. So I'm here at the Mayo forums.

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Although it's not a pleasant reason to be in this group, I do appreciate the fact that you are here and can contribute your professional experience to subjects as well. I will be watching for your posts!


it is Ochroconis (Dactylaria) gallopava

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Dixer, I just got a sputum result that showed Dactylaria identified by sequence analysis. I’ve been reviewing the literature and this old post popped up. I’m curious how your treatment worked out.
I don’t expect to hear from my doc until after holidays. I also doubt he’ll treat, but I could be wrong.


Hopefully I am responding to the right person who has just recently been diagnosed with Bronchiectasis. I think you will find this group helpful; however, I would say that some of the people who post have quite severe levels of this condition and it is sort of scary to read some of the comments. You might never get to that stage. Personally, my condition is fairly moderate, but even so, daily clearing of the lungs becomes part of a person's day with this condition. Along with your pulmonary doctor, you will have to experiment a bit to find out what helps you the most. Don't get too overwhelmed by all of this. Take it one step at a time. Good luck!


Does anyone have a suggestion for a MAC specialist in New Jersey? I am not having much success in finding a pulmonologist that understands this condition.


Does anyone have a suggestion for a MAC specialist in New Jersey? I am not having much success in finding a pulmonologist that understands this condition.

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Not from NJ but I read recently about good care for bronchiectasis/MAC at Robert Wood Johnson (Rutgers). If you are closer to the NYC maybe Mt. Sinai?


I just got a nebulizer, it really helps me alot


Research, research, research all possible side effects from the antibiotics your doc wants you on, then go over them with him/her. I honestly believe they are not aware!!! I now have neuropathy because of an unaware doctor!! I'll tell my story later.


Hello, and welcome to Mayo Connect. Can you tell us a little about your treatment so far? Are you seeing a doctor who is well-versed in treating MAC?


Does anyone have a suggestion for a MAC specialist in New Jersey? I am not having much success in finding a pulmonologist that understands this condition.

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Are you near Philadelphia? Penn Medicine’s Pulmonary Department has a Bronchiectasis and MAC program. I was able to get an appointment last summer and have seen my doc twice. He seems very thorough and kind.

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