Any positive stories about Benzo tapering? I need hope

Posted by sears @sears, Nov 9, 2019

Would love to hear some positive stories from people whom have tapered off benzos. Positive only please. Give me some hope. No horror stories! I need some encouragement!

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This is my personal story. There is so much hope, I promise. Assuming you have a good Doctor, it is truly up to YOU and your personal health/goals and determination at the end of the day. Trust and honest communication with all of your providers helps tremendously.
Anxiety disorder, CPTSD, major depression and ADHD. For my symptoms, over the course of 7yrs, I’d been rxed Xanax 2mgs, 4x a day. Or 8mg. The maximum federal limit here in the U.S.
Was considered a “maintenance” patient, for the prescriptions. At one time, I really did need it,
as significant traumaS we’re still new, and I was border lining on a complete mental breakdown. Did it help throughout the years while stabilizing? At times. Absolutely.
Was it needed everyday as maintenance for so many years? No.
Scouring the internet, reading and hearing nothing but horror stories throughout those years, continued to negate me from even considering trying to taper. Though, I would never wish nor recommend half a day’s cold Turkey or super quick cessation on anyone. Understandably petrified from my own experiences and others’. So, the future didn’t seem likely at all in my case. Though, I’d had enough. Needing to plan my days, carrying a rx bottle in my purse for the magical “be gone” pill.. In reality, I’d become tied to a zombie meditation, with major long term use concerns at a very young age. When I look back, xanax just produced more anxiety and a deeper depression. Add that to physical inter dosage withdrawals, running out early, feeling dulled and with zero medication- I felt nothing but hopelessness, physically cramped with exhausting waves of PTSD freezing, constant tight muscles, hyper vigilance, agoraphobia etc. I would become unable to drive, disassociated and barricaded in my room. No Xanax meant I was unable to do anything, except contemplation of ending it all and holding onto the bed with crippling anxiety until passing out. I knew full well the spectrum of SSRI and W/D symptoms, including the possibility that one could literally die without benzodiazepines associated with overnight cessation.
Good news? The Ashton Method. Pitched it to my doctor. The first two months, I did on my own, solely to test the water but the true test was my will. I managed to decrease by 1mg each month. 8mg down to 6mg. Then the bigger “jump”, 6-4mg. All without a replacement benzo in-between. My doctor did offer solace if I could not handle it. But I tell you, the drop wasn’t as nearly as uncomfortable or horrific. Noticeable physical discomfort? Some, but at least I could function after Tylenol/Ibuprofen mix. Frankly, I was much more operable, efficient and didn’t feel as foggy. Only slight anxiety, but the kind that is breathable through. After two weeks, 4-3mgs. Same thing, just more clear and optimistic. Again, 3mg-2mg Xanax. Then switched to 20mg Valium for 1 month, and I was off.
Its been two months and couldn’t be more proud, healthy and sound. No long term withdrawals after almost a decade. I pray all of you will find something that works and all your fears are replaced with hope and determination, sooner than later. Which will ultimately lead to happiness. Take control and in moments of doubt, lean on your support but most importantly don’t allow the medication to control you any longer.

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@emab has pretty much covered it.

My only add is that movement, yeah exercise, more than anything allowed me to get off lorazepam 1mg three times a day to zero in three weeks.

I also removed or drastically reduced any food that caused me problems. For me that was all refined sugar an even most natural sugars. I also removed all ultra processed food (UPF) pretty much all fast food, most contain added sugar and salt. Both sugar and too much salt are not good for me.

I’ve know people who avoided discontinuation symptoms with exercise alone.

I’ve been coming off a lot of psych meds so I needed to do more.

My life is infinitely better now that I can feel my feelings and know how to manage them. Psychotherapy can be a game changer as well.

In my opinion psych meds are life savers in an emergency and life destroying over the long term.

Be well,


Sears, Did I give you a positive story or what? Had it not been for the Dr And Psychiatrist Deprescribing the incorrect dose I would have had a huge party. Life I is still going on, I am walking and talking in spite of it all. DO NOT GIVE UP! Easy to say when the Dr's and Psychiatrists lost their thinking caps. Please, hang in there. I am in San Francisco and if you are ever here, we can go to lunch and share at least one success story and better than when we started. Breaks my heart to hear all these tragic stories and we cannot help, nor obviously can anyone else. Let's thanks our blessings daily, that helps to keep us going, any little thing, going in a room and remembering why we went there, is cause for CELERATION!!!!!

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I have a success story, but it's a tragic one. Involved me losing my career and having to do drug court -not allowed to take anything. Thankfully, there's a lot more information available now. Valium is the only way to cut down "titration" off of it. I had a Dr. Cold turkey me off, and I've learned everything the hard way (aka seizures & walking dead insomnia). I will say that I feel normal now & I'm able to sleep.


My goodness, please be positive on the tapering of benzos . I recently got off ambien for sleep, tapered off an anti anxiety med and have previously gotten off klonopin from a rather high dose. I'm 75 and have taken these meds for 45 years. And gotten off successfully. Even had ECT and no side effects. Sure, everyone is different, but I've been around long enough to see some amazing things people can do. Sometimes it's a trial and error thing, but life itself is trial and error, don't you think?

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These posts are giving ME hope. I am close to your ages...and have been on Xanax for 30 yrs., right now I am on .05 mg. twice a day, so 1 mg. total. I'm scared, but would like to be tapered off...I was prescribed Xanax in the beginning, because a Dr. had given me a med that CAUSED panic attacks...and shoot, I cannot even remember what that med was! All I know is that when I went back to him, he wanted to DOUBLE the dose. I walked out & never went back. The next dr. was no better (and a friend referred him to me)...he prescribed Xanax to me, in huge doses....he would tell me to take more if I needed it, if I couldn't sleep, take MORE...later found out he was prescribing like this to other women.....for our 'nerves'.....he did this to have 'customers'...US. It was horrible...many became addicted, as I did....when he'd gotten enough customers & made enough money, he opened up his own practice. I called before he left to ask him to please help me wean off this stuff.... he didn't. He prescribed a med that he called a 'maintenance' take once a day. I can't even remember that was so many yrs. ago, but was horrendous. I threw it away and went through a very scary withdrawal. I made it, though....and found another dr., she was wonderful. I was an emotional mess from what the last dr. did to me....I know many will say, should have been smarter, but I trusted him. And I paid dearly, NEVER again. My new dr. knew I needed something to calm me....she prescribed the amt. I take now, 1 mg. daily. I would love to be on NOTHING. I also take Zoloft and don't see much improvement on that. My dr. retired, I see a new one on Jan. 10th & a cardiologist on Jan. 29th. God, when we get older is that our life lol? Dr. appointments?! I want to taper off, though....and will be following this. I can't go cold turkey...even tho it's a low dose. Thank you for giving ME some hope.


Check out Heather Ashton scale for slow withdrawal and tapering off of benzodiazepines. It’s very in-depth and you will be fine if you and your Doctor follow the instructions


Check out Heather Ashton scale for slow withdrawal and tapering off of benzodiazepines. It’s very in-depth and you will be fine if you and your Doctor follow the instructions

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I will...thank you!!


I tapered off clonazepam 1.5mg a day for about 13 years. In Feb. of 2023, my doctor did not call in my script and he went MIA for 8 days before I just went to the emergency room for my meds. I made an appointment with another doctor I found of ZocDoc and she helped me taper and I finally finished on Dec. 19, 2023. So glad I am done. It was tough at times as I have trouble falling asleep and still experience anxiety, but no more symptoms or being sick. The one side effect I am still dealing with is ringing in my ears. Good luck, it is possible. I forgot to say that I am a 67 year old woman.


Glad to hear your story; Congrats & thanks for giving me hope and inspiration. I feel safe when using benzos, but I'm a different person when I don't take the med's and the person without the benzos is quite a different one. I'm in Parkinson's Disease group, and three of us were talking about our neurologists. When I told them who I was seeing, they turned and looked at each other, laughed, and then said "Vitamin K" for klonopin. One of the women then said, "no way was I going to take that junk." I wish I knew more about the junk med's before I began taking them more than twenty years ago.


I've been told that you're only supposed to change your medication like that through your doctor's help are the people on here doing it just on their own and disregarding what their doctors tell them

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I hate to say it, but Dr's are not always our friends. I was 22 (Now 33) when I went to my local Dr who prescribed Clonazepam 2mg for some mild anxiety. Firstly, this Dr did not inform me that 2mg was equivalent to 40mg of Dizapam!! I was prescribed half to 1 tablet a day. Secondly, he was selling this off-label back in 2013. Only naturally I trusted my doctor and boy did he know I was going to need to come back for more. When Safe Script came into place in Australia (The monitoring of scheduled 8 drugs he resigned and went straight into Cosmetic injections leaving many patients addicted. He was making a fortune from other patients and myself. 10 years later I am now in the process of weaning off but boy it has been a journey.


I hate to say it, but Dr's are not always our friends. I was 22 (Now 33) when I went to my local Dr who prescribed Clonazepam 2mg for some mild anxiety. Firstly, this Dr did not inform me that 2mg was equivalent to 40mg of Dizapam!! I was prescribed half to 1 tablet a day. Secondly, he was selling this off-label back in 2013. Only naturally I trusted my doctor and boy did he know I was going to need to come back for more. When Safe Script came into place in Australia (The monitoring of scheduled 8 drugs he resigned and went straight into Cosmetic injections leaving many patients addicted. He was making a fortune from other patients and myself. 10 years later I am now in the process of weaning off but boy it has been a journey.

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I went through the same thing with 2 different doctors, through the years...I TRUSTED them. I am very, very careful now!! Went to new one today, so far I am still on 1 mg. Xanax daily for anxiety...this is nothing compared to the drugs the other 2 gave me....tons of anti-anxiety & opiates....telling me "not to worry"....."just take what you need." The one got rich off his 'customers' and opened his own practice. He used all those people for his own gain. So for me, it is the 1 mg. of Xanax and 25 mg. of Zoloft...I'm breaking those in half. I've heard a lot of good things about the Dr. I am going to now and feel confident he will help me. I also went cold turkey from hard liquor (a wk. ago, so I'm shaky) , was drinking at night, to HOPEFULLY help me's gone on since my 18 yr. old grandson died......almost 2 yrs. ago. For ONCE, someone has taken me seriously about the alcohol dependence and he has called a psychologist group for me to see someone with this depression and grief. Just waiting for their call now. I just want to feel happy again!! And I wish the same for you!! 🙂

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