Allodynia: Anyone else sensitive to touch?

Posted by maria7521 @maria7521, Jul 22, 2018

Has anyone heard of the term allodynia?

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Interesting topic. I don’t have allodynia per se, but I do have some weird SFN related sensitivity issues. For example, yesterday while outside in my yard, I sat down twice to remove my shoe and sock, convinced that there was a string around my toe that was getting tighter and tighter. The second time I knew for sure there was no string, but I humored my nervous system anyway. After that I ignored it.
But bras. I spend too much time and money on comfortable bras. One frequent source of irritation is the back hook area. There is some type of thread used that is scratchy to the point of constant irritation. I do micro-surgery on it with my manicure scissors, and even a nail file. But inevitably there is one tiny area that irritates me all day.
Reading this thread reminds me that this is not normal behavior! I’m going to poll my friends, and see if a single one experiences this!
I’m sure they don’t have the thread-around-toe problem!

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My problem is the underwire as well as the front rubbing against my chest and if i wear fitted I feel too constricted and that my chest is being suffocated. Any suggestions? Do you have problems with wearing fitted clothes as we//?


So allodynia can cause excessive sweating as a side effect?

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The presenting symptom of my PN, years ago, was a sense of sweating in my feet when wearing shoes, especially without socks. I even went so far as to buy cornstarch for it. Eventually, I discovered (by actually touching my feet, duh) that I wasn't sweating at all. It was one of the symptoms of PN.
Have you touched the body part that feels like it's sweating? If it really is wet, then that's your clue.


The presenting symptom of my PN, years ago, was a sense of sweating in my feet when wearing shoes, especially without socks. I even went so far as to buy cornstarch for it. Eventually, I discovered (by actually touching my feet, duh) that I wasn't sweating at all. It was one of the symptoms of PN.
Have you touched the body part that feels like it's sweating? If it really is wet, then that's your clue.

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I have but I can't really tell sometimes I think I am and sometimes I think I'm not. It usually is when i'm wearing a fitted shirt and I'll feel but I can't tell if I'm sweating or not. But I also have the same issue with the sweating on the feet. What could I do for sweating around my chest, stomach, and back, if I'm actually sweating besides cornstarch?


Since this is a forum about PN, I hesitate to answer the question about actual sweating, except to say that (again, without researching it) I would think that since PN affects the peripheral nerves, usually of the extremities, sweating around your chest is probably not from PN. Sweating is very variable among different individuals, and may not be an indication of a disorder for you.
Ask your PCP or see a dermatologist about things you can do for what you consider to be excessive sweating.


Since this is a forum about PN, I hesitate to answer the question about actual sweating, except to say that (again, without researching it) I would think that since PN affects the peripheral nerves, usually of the extremities, sweating around your chest is probably not from PN. Sweating is very variable among different individuals, and may not be an indication of a disorder for you.
Ask your PCP or see a dermatologist about things you can do for what you consider to be excessive sweating.

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Ok thank you. So, it could possibly just be in my mind from the pn and i'm actually not sweating.


Since this is a forum about PN, I hesitate to answer the question about actual sweating, except to say that (again, without researching it) I would think that since PN affects the peripheral nerves, usually of the extremities, sweating around your chest is probably not from PN. Sweating is very variable among different individuals, and may not be an indication of a disorder for you.
Ask your PCP or see a dermatologist about things you can do for what you consider to be excessive sweating.

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I do have a dermatologist but I forgot to ask her about it. Maybe I'll try to contact her about it and ask about any suggestions for it.


I have thermal allodynia to hot and cold temperatures. During the winter, my skin burns a lot, however I can usually put up with the hot weather in summer a little better than the cold. Lately, though, I have started sweating, and the sweating seems to bother me a lot. The sweating happens both when my body is cold and when my body is hot and this burns my skin. This is very distressing. Does anyone else experience this? I would appreciate any feedback on why this occurs and what can be done to deal with it...I'm desperate.


I have allodynia with touch. Sitting causes the burning is in my back and buttocks. Waistband and bra cause burning sensation. I have small fiber neuropathy. I take gabapentin. I also use a red light band in the evenings to soothe the burning.


For the past few years my husband has been struggling with thermal allodynia from fibromyalgia mostly to the cold but now is having issues with the heat as well in addition to sweating. We have read that allodynia can be desensitized and saw some videos that Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has on their website demonstrating techniques that children can use to desensitize for allodynia. We reached out to CHOP to request additional information and were told they only treat children and did not know of any similar programs for adults. Does anyone know of a program/doctor/hospital that offers desensitization for adults? I find it hard to believe that there isn't such a treatment program for adults in the whole US.


Has anyone tried Magnesium Breakthrough for Allodynia pain? I have tactile allodynia on my back, and take Gabapentin, which (usually) helps to a degree. My niece had restless leg syndrom and reported that Magnesium Breakthough resolved that issue for her. The brand name is Bioptimizers. Just wondering.

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