Taking Ambien during the day

Posted by ayalanydtampa @ayalanydtampa, Dec 12, 2023

I know, you're going to say I should be sleepy all time. I'm not! Ambien helps me sleep at night and 1/2 pill during the day calms my anxiety but I don't get sleepy. Problem is I run out too early and have to go cold turkey. I know it's crazy but....

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Thank you for your post. It makes perfect sense. However, I am 81 yrs. old and I am a double amputee and barely leave my bedroom. I sleep well with Ambien. In fact, I have stopped taking it during the day and I feel fine. I can't do all those things you recommend.. My dr. prescribed an anxiety med but, it gave me body tremors. All the best to you and thank you.

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i'm a bit confused...i thought i was replying to a 15-year-old poster, not an 81-year-old double amputee! Sorry! I can't do those things myself anymore either. I have MS with awful balance, extreme weakness & right now yet another episode of trigeminal neuralgia. I have permanent tremors in my hands, and only sometimes my legs & full body. I just turned 65 but have been living like this since 1996. Bowling, reading out loud, wish I could still do those things. Am used to all that now. To sleep I usually drug myself with Klonopin,clonezapam, .5-1 mg (sometimes do take this in daytime, like when I have to have an MRI wth contrast (when my sister visits! love her but she drives me nuts). I take 1 500 mg Tylenol p.m. (try to avoid all other acetaminophen products, can't always, my teeth and mouth are pure hell, another depressing health story). And when, as right now, I am going through a TGN episode, which can last weeks, I am on a dosing regimen of Gabapentin, am now up to 300 mg x 3 in the morning, afternoon, evening, and still more at bedtime. And even that isn't working. Still get severe nerve pain left side if face and head, never-ending, the pills have begun to lose their potency, extremely depressing...Gabapentin can makes my balance worse and can also knock me out, 1 100 mg to help sleep is another part of my normal bedtime drug regimen. Taking this drug during the day sucks, but have no choice. Am getting used to that too. Have no choice.

Am so sorry @ayalanydtampa, I didn't mean to tell you to go bowling or any of those things, thought I was telling a 15 year old kid who wasn't feeling right to do those things not an 81-year-old double amputee! I wish you best of everything too.


the post about taking ambien during the day needs to be removed asap.

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Why?? Are you a doctor to make such a statement?


I also had very scary side effects from Ambien. I only took 5mg and it got me 7 hours of sleep, but it made my heart race and I got anxious, stressed out to the max and very angry which is not my style at all. I now take 1-2 Advil PMs and Melatonin. Sleep just fine most of the time. Learning to relax is half the struggle. I later learned that they tested only men on Ambien but advertised it to both men and women. Not only is there sleep walking, but sleep driving, sleep sex and sleep eating. I’m staying away from that stuff!

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Sorry to hear that you had scary side effects on Ambien. I have heard so many stories of sleep walking, driving a car, etc while on it. This has never happened to me. I guess I am lucky but I have been on it so long that I think it is time to get off it and I am just trying to find a good alternative…hence why I am here.


Sorry to hear that you had scary side effects on Ambien. I have heard so many stories of sleep walking, driving a car, etc while on it. This has never happened to me. I guess I am lucky but I have been on it so long that I think it is time to get off it and I am just trying to find a good alternative…hence why I am here.

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Don't know if this will help but, I'm trying ton stop Ambien and I find that taking 1 mg. of Melatonin and 2 zzyquil Doxylamine Succinate and it helps. I get drowsy and I slept. A cup of Chamomile tea also helps. I put on calming music too. All the best to you. I hope you get sleep without Ambien. I understand.


the post about taking ambien during the day needs to be removed asap.

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Why??? She has every right to post this. She didn’t say anything offensive.


I have done the same how many days are you typically short? Do you sleep at all without Ambien?


the post about taking ambien during the day needs to be removed asap.

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I do not agree. What helps someone helps.

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