Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I had that too. I sleep much better propped up on couch. Thinking of moving my adjustable bed thats in my weekend house to main house. I’m now on Pepcid twice a day. Throat burns so bad….not sure if it’s congestive or reflux.


Oh my gosh. You made my day! I can't wait to tell my son. This has been my hypothesis for a long time while we have waited for WEEKS for the GI test results to come back and get back in the with doctor. I can't wait for his appt on Tuesday! Thank you so much for letting us know! I'm really happy this worked for you!!!

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Shoot. My son's doctor said his levels of "bad" bacteria aren't concerning as they are still pretty low. What is apparently concerning is his low levels of "good" bacteria. So he will be starting a probiotic and then prebiotic. Hopefully rebuilding his good flora will still help. Probably not as fast, unfortunately, but hopefully we'll still see an improvement. I was really hoping for something faster.


You mentioned bacteria. I wrote a post about a month ago about how I was put on antibiotics for an intestinal bacterial infection. As soon as I started taking the antibiotics, the thick sticky phlegm stopped and has not returned. So so grateful for that.

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What was the name of the bacteria they found?


What was the name of the bacteria they found?

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I had diverticulitis. Since I had had it before and caught C-diff because of the antibiotics (killed all my good bacteria), I was now put on a high dose of antibiotics and probiotics, to strengthen my microbiome. Don't know the name of the bacteria.


I had a second bout with Covid in June 2022 (vaxxed and boosted).
I developed a post nasal drip and it has never gone away. This has fostered sinus infections and bronchitis. Debilitating headaches.
I was put on several rounds of antibiotics, acid reflux meds, allergy meds, daily sinus rinses (with and without bedenoside).
Nothing has worked. The best I can do is take hot showers to relieve the sinus pressure and headaches.
My ENT doctors have been unable to help, and have not really taken the Covid connection seriously.
I feel like I am at the end of my rope. It is maddening and has adversely affected my life.
I am hopeful that this can be figured out soon.
Thank you, all of you, for this forum. Before finding this, I felt totally alone with these symptoms. The docs can’t deal with the Covid connection. They don’t know how.


I had a second bout with Covid in June 2022 (vaxxed and boosted).
I developed a post nasal drip and it has never gone away. This has fostered sinus infections and bronchitis. Debilitating headaches.
I was put on several rounds of antibiotics, acid reflux meds, allergy meds, daily sinus rinses (with and without bedenoside).
Nothing has worked. The best I can do is take hot showers to relieve the sinus pressure and headaches.
My ENT doctors have been unable to help, and have not really taken the Covid connection seriously.
I feel like I am at the end of my rope. It is maddening and has adversely affected my life.
I am hopeful that this can be figured out soon.
Thank you, all of you, for this forum. Before finding this, I felt totally alone with these symptoms. The docs can’t deal with the Covid connection. They don’t know how.

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sixcrows, I am so so sorry. I can so relate to this. Sinus headaches/infections can be debilitating. I recently started going to a different ENT doctor and he put me on a prescription irritation solution that helps me greatly. I also have had this mucous in the back of my throat like slimy saliva since COVID. Nothing I have tried gets rid of it. Salt water rinses help for a little while, and drinking a lot of water thins out mucous, but, I am loaded up again the next day. I am on prescription Mupirocin 20 mg/Budesonide 0.6 mg. which you mentioned and I irrigate my sinuses already with the NeilMed Sinus rinse daily. I have had about 6 sinus infections since COVID last year and then I had COVID again this past October. I have Long Covid and yes, there is a sinus connection. Singulair (prescription) did not help me at all. Covid has affected my sinuses greatly as I more prone to sinus infections. It also affected my asthma and I'm more prone to asthmatic bronchitis and pneumonia now. I never had pneumonia in my life until COVID last year. I get the "sick" sinus headaches as well that go into migraines for me. Sometimes doctors think it's a sinus headache when it fact it's migraine. I take Zomig (prescription) for regular migraines or sinus induced migraines and it helps greatly. Ask you doctor about this. I use heat packs and the Vicks steam electric inhaler unit (Amazon) that really helps. Most of the time with a sinus infection I am put on antibiotic and a steroid taper which will knock out the headache and opens up my sinuses.... have they tried that with you? I just had an MRI done and my sinuses are clear. I also use Afrin for 3 days only and come off if I feel like i am getting a sinus infection as you can get addicted to Afrin and rebound with it. I cannot take oral decongestants because I am on blood pressure medicine. I stopped the steroid sprays (Flonase, Nasonex, etc) and am using just the sinus irrigation. I have a hepa filter in my den and bedroom as I have a lot of allergies. Have you been allergy tested? I was just allergy tested today for environmental and food allergies. I have not been tested in about 8 years. Praying for you and I empathize. Keep me posted. I care.


I have the exact symptoms as you and I had never gotten Covid but did have to the vaccine and this is been going on for over 2 years, I did all test possible also scope and all negative!!! The doctors are not helping at all!! It very frustrating But you may want to try sugarless gum, I hate chewing gums but I find it help a little!!!
I wish someone would have a solution for this!!!!


Hi everyone, has anyone here tried acupuncture? I just established care with a clinic and had my second appointment and I can definitely tell it's waking my body up in a sense.

I've had post nasal drip, chest tightness etc for 1.5 years after a bad covid infection and I too have been treated for everything mentioned... Allergies, acid reflux.

I'll report back after a few more sessions, but am feeling hopeful about it providing at least some relief.


Hi everyone, has anyone here tried acupuncture? I just established care with a clinic and had my second appointment and I can definitely tell it's waking my body up in a sense.

I've had post nasal drip, chest tightness etc for 1.5 years after a bad covid infection and I too have been treated for everything mentioned... Allergies, acid reflux.

I'll report back after a few more sessions, but am feeling hopeful about it providing at least some relief.

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I underwent acupuncture sessions for severe dry eye that was very painful. It was very effective and changed my life. I became stable and maintained for 3 years. I recently had a relapse and need to return for maintenance. For me, it ‘s the best type of treatment. The only issue is costs. It’s not covered by my insurance, so it’s all out of pocket.


I had a second bout with Covid in June 2022 (vaxxed and boosted).
I developed a post nasal drip and it has never gone away. This has fostered sinus infections and bronchitis. Debilitating headaches.
I was put on several rounds of antibiotics, acid reflux meds, allergy meds, daily sinus rinses (with and without bedenoside).
Nothing has worked. The best I can do is take hot showers to relieve the sinus pressure and headaches.
My ENT doctors have been unable to help, and have not really taken the Covid connection seriously.
I feel like I am at the end of my rope. It is maddening and has adversely affected my life.
I am hopeful that this can be figured out soon.
Thank you, all of you, for this forum. Before finding this, I felt totally alone with these symptoms. The docs can’t deal with the Covid connection. They don’t know how.

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Im sorry you are going though this. I understand, as Im post Covid, with very similar challenges. But this has affected my upper respiratory causing coughing and clearing of the throat all the time.

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