Anyone using Nicotine patches for Long Covid?

Posted by tgroff @tgroff, Apr 19, 2023

There is lots of discussion on Facebook Long Covid forums about nicotine patches helping with long covid symptoms after a few days of adjustment to the patches. Any thoughts on this?

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Not heard of this but i will try anything at this point.

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I suggest you start with joining the FB group and follow recommended protocol


Thank you for your response and I’m so happy for you! I saw a neurologist yesterday and will be having an MRI and will also be seeing an ENT to rule anything out. I just have a question, do you wear these patches daily and for how long have you been using them. Also, if you’ve ever stopped wearing them, did you loose your senses again?

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Response differs for each individual. You wear them daily but rounds with rest breaks in between are recommended.


I suggest you start with joining the FB group and follow recommended protocol

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(Recommended protocol)


Everybody is different. I tried this three times and was so dizzy and vomiting. I never found a low enough dose using a patch, or partial patch.
I may try the gum. There does seem to be something worth exploring here. Just be careful. If you’re already weak and sick, the vomiting bouts don’t seem something to “power through”. Listen to your body.


I'm on day three and side effects have been minimal (slight nausea). I noticed I could smell more things on Day 2 that I hadn't smelled in 3 years. It wasn't specific things, just an awareness that I could now smell things in a room, car, etc.

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Day 6, still seeing improvements. Taste and smell are still expanding. Muscle weakness is better, pain is still there, but not as intense. No real side effects at this time. Brain fog has cleared a little bit. Cautiously optimistic at this stage.


Day 6, still seeing improvements. Taste and smell are still expanding. Muscle weakness is better, pain is still there, but not as intense. No real side effects at this time. Brain fog has cleared a little bit. Cautiously optimistic at this stage.

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It's the NAD+/NADH you are after by doing nicotine patches. Helps detox the spike protein and repair cells. I did it for 6 days but then got Covid #2 and stopped.


It's been a month since I finished doing the minimum dose nicotone patch 24/7 for 7 days, exactly as described in the journal article on the original small-scale study in Germany. I started feeling definitely better on the 4th day. After the 7th day, I was 90% better. I would have been happy with that -- but I continued to feel better every dayfor weeks afterward.

I was so scared that it was just my imagination that I hesitated to write about it. I had my RSV shot and it mede me feel pretty dopey for a day and a half, and I was afraid it was Long Covid coming back - but it wasn't. I woke up every day, feeling better than the day before, for about 3 weeks. I am still being surprised by tiny new improvements. I feel like I've never been sick at all - as if the concussion in the car accident and hospitalization for Covid in the same week never happened.

I used to be so fatigued I'd take a 5-minute brain break and rest for 10 more minutes every hour, but still took 2-3 naps a day and then slept all night.

I'm 82 and deconditioned from being so weak for almost a year, but I'm now able to go all day long and feel good-tired at bedtime.

In the 2 weeks after treatment, my sleep score went from in the 50s and no deep sleep at all for months, to scores in the 90s and close to 2 hrs of deep sleep a night. And I fall asleep within minutes.

I love to read, but it had taken me literally 8 months to get through one chapter of a book. In the 2 weeks after completing the treatment, I read two books and was halfway through a third.

My cognitive problems were the worst and lasted the longest, and some of them may be due to the brain injury in the car accident. But I used to be unable to remember a name and phone number, with pen in hand, long enough to write them down. I would get too confused to follow a recipe. I couldn't concenteate on a book for more than a few paragraphs. I missed appointments, forgot to pay bills, bought the same grocery item 2 or 3 times. All of those are 90% better, and I catch myself daily multitasking; fixing a tech problem; remembering words if I just wait a few seconds. Now I wonder if my remaining memory problems are just due to being 82.

The patients in the originsl study were contacted 6 months later and reported no recurrence of symptoms. If this topic is still slive next May, I'll report on my status again.


It's been a month since I finished doing the minimum dose nicotone patch 24/7 for 7 days, exactly as described in the journal article on the original small-scale study in Germany. I started feeling definitely better on the 4th day. After the 7th day, I was 90% better. I would have been happy with that -- but I continued to feel better every dayfor weeks afterward.

I was so scared that it was just my imagination that I hesitated to write about it. I had my RSV shot and it mede me feel pretty dopey for a day and a half, and I was afraid it was Long Covid coming back - but it wasn't. I woke up every day, feeling better than the day before, for about 3 weeks. I am still being surprised by tiny new improvements. I feel like I've never been sick at all - as if the concussion in the car accident and hospitalization for Covid in the same week never happened.

I used to be so fatigued I'd take a 5-minute brain break and rest for 10 more minutes every hour, but still took 2-3 naps a day and then slept all night.

I'm 82 and deconditioned from being so weak for almost a year, but I'm now able to go all day long and feel good-tired at bedtime.

In the 2 weeks after treatment, my sleep score went from in the 50s and no deep sleep at all for months, to scores in the 90s and close to 2 hrs of deep sleep a night. And I fall asleep within minutes.

I love to read, but it had taken me literally 8 months to get through one chapter of a book. In the 2 weeks after completing the treatment, I read two books and was halfway through a third.

My cognitive problems were the worst and lasted the longest, and some of them may be due to the brain injury in the car accident. But I used to be unable to remember a name and phone number, with pen in hand, long enough to write them down. I would get too confused to follow a recipe. I couldn't concenteate on a book for more than a few paragraphs. I missed appointments, forgot to pay bills, bought the same grocery item 2 or 3 times. All of those are 90% better, and I catch myself daily multitasking; fixing a tech problem; remembering words if I just wait a few seconds. Now I wonder if my remaining memory problems are just due to being 82.

The patients in the originsl study were contacted 6 months later and reported no recurrence of symptoms. If this topic is still slive next May, I'll report on my status again.

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Wow, I’m so happy for you! Please do send a post if you can next. May. I have no taste or smell since Covid a year ago December and have purchased a box of Nicotine Patches but have been told by my neurologist to wait a little, as he believes my taste and smell will return naturally. I do also have some brain fog, from a colon surgery I had last April, it is getting better. I wish you continued success on your health journey.


Has anyone tried nicotine patches for their long covid? I would be interested to hear your experience - good, bad, whatever.

There is an article with a test on four people and positive results ... but who knows given the small sample size and lack of other literature confirming the efficacy.

Thank you

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Yes I tried nicotine patches and it helped me to ged rid of fatigue and exercise intolerance, which I had both for 1 year.

It was that study of Dr. Marco Leitzke (on you tube).

I did as he recommended, 2 days 3,5mg /24h patches, followed by 7 days 7mg/24h patches and 2 days of 3,5/24h patches.

I tolerated it well. Of course there was a strange feeling in my brain, like something is busy working. And I sweat. But it was just in the beginning.
I had my ups and downs (fatigue) during the patches, but all in all it was better with the patches. I had more energy.

The 3 first days after I stopped using the nicotine patches, I was like before or even worse.
Then, day by day it startet to get better. On day 22 (counted from the beginning when I startet with nicotine patches), I felt as I had no more fatigue, exercise intolerance, brain fog and difficulties to find words.

But I‘m still not that fit as I used to be. I am on day 26 today.
I have still often cold feeds, prone to catch colds, have to eat all 4 hours 400kcl.

But I have my energy back and can go out for 1 hour walks! I couldn’t do that for 1 year! Sometimes I couldn’t go out at all, just lying on the couch for weeks.

I can feel, it is getting better from week to week.

I am a 41 year old nurse, slim, no smoking and was sportive before I got LongCOVID.

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