Has anyone used CBD oil for chronic pain? And do you have results?

Posted by rensacb @rensacb, Jan 22, 2019

I'm a chronic pain suffer of 35+ years. Scoliosis is the culprit. Not a disfiguring curve but non the less painfully destructive. Almost every disc is bulging from 3mm to 6mm. I've had 2 spinal fusion. C 3-7 and L 4-5. Have 4 nerve root impengements with spondylosis in some areas and stenosis at interval from neck to sacral. Take steroid shots when I can with positive results for a few weeks. Always have Norco 5mg/325 ready if needed. Unfortunately I have found the best way to keep pain down is to lie down. So most of my days are spent on my bed. Any suggestions?

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I think I would benefit from CBD but completely clueless on how to begin...best brand, what type (oil?), prescription needed? where to purchase, etc.
I have migraines, heart disease with chronic angina, 4 herniated discs, spinal stenosis, chronic back pain, osteoarthritis, acid reflux...you get the picture.
Any direction to start would be appreciated!

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Hi, I've been using one from Neurogan. I started with a free sample of oil, at a half dropper 3x a day. I had used other brands in the past with no results. I experienced tremendous relief with the Neurogan oil. The redness and swelling in my hands is gone and the pain is maybe 30% or less of what it was.
The quality of Neurogan seems to be excellent, and their customer service is wonderful.


Thank you kindly for this CBD information, I truly appreciate it! 🙂


When you say you have to lie down so much I can really relate. It worried me a lot that I was doing the same thing most of the day. Then I got a Spinal Cord Stimulator and while it has only a limited ability to remove pain at least the amount it removes gives back enough energy that I want to be up most of the time now. That is a huge improvement for me. I also take Cymbalta which is a good pain reducer. Together they gave me at least a part of my life back. Whenever I have had to be without either one for any reason it is clear the role they play in reducing pain. I feel well enough now that I am going on a cruise over Christmas! There are many posts about both the SCS and Cymbalta, both pro and con. Just use the search bar after clicking on the Mayo symbol. Hope your life gets better!


I read that CBD oil with less than 0.3 THC is now legal in all states. Congress apparently passed this in the Farm Bill of 2018 as I recall. That is Hemp, not marijuana. But It has fantastic nerve pain removal for a case of Shingles that I am fighting right now. It immediately stops that horrible electric twinge along the dermatome that is so characteristic of shingles. I would really be suffering without it. Beware that some CBD sites really rip you off. One charged $229 for the same bottle I purchased at a California site for $50. I wish I could put the site on here but then the whole post might be removed. Apparently Mayo won’t post anything that might be construed as advertising. I will try posting the name in a separate post.
Here is a good explanation of cbd legality:


The site I use for CBD (Hemp with less than 0.3% THC) that has been completely effective for removing shingles pain is called Deep Relief:
info@deepreliefcbd.com to communicate with them
or just: http://www.deepreliefcbd.com
I have not tried it for other pain except for arthritis pain in my hand. It is an oil that has been effective for me when rubbed into the skin. I did try gummies and taffy from their site and from friends samples and that never worked for me although it does for others.
Their prices are much lower than other sites.


Hi, I have been using it for my pain . Initially, I have not get any idea that CBD oil can help with pain. I happen to be an assistance for cannabis blogger Julie Ryan. From them, I learnt how it can be used. And I did take advice from my family doctor, They said if i was not taking any prescription medication, then can try it in lower dosage. Yes! I saw a big relief. I guess It will work even for migraines.

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I have a medical marijuana card I also take prescribed meds it works well but makes me sleepy so i


I have tried CBD several times. It did nothing for my arthritis pain. But, CBD/THC has worked for me. I keep the THC content low, like 4:1 ratio, which reduces any psychoactive affects. Go to your local outlet and they will guide you to what might work for you. Start with low dose and increase to the optimal dose over time.


Would you mind sharing what dose works for you for pain control? I'm approved for medical marijuana but haven't found the right dosage to help with pain without feeling spacey during the day from the THC (only 5mg). Unfortunately, our state doesn't include tinctures in their products. The best they offer is a spray which I haven't tried, it's all very expensive to buy and try out if it doesn't help. I've tried THC, CBD and CBN gummies for sleep. They help most with getting to sleep, but I need help with staying or getting back to sleep mid-night and they don't help with that.

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My main pain control is buprenorphine patches changed every 7 days. My breakthrough pain is what drives me nuts. I experimented for over a year starting with high THC and low CBD without success. After many trials I now use CBD tincture 100mg 4x day plus THC 15mg 4x day with vaping in between as needed. It really helps me through the day. As my body continues to break down I’ll adjust accordingly to pain level. Hope you get there too.


I have used a tincture that is a 50/50 mix of thc and cbd . It has really helped my pain. I also use a cbd salve on my feet,neck and shoulder . It really helps also .


CBD alone did not help but have found some relief with THC and CBD together (medical marijuana).

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