vulvodynia pain

Posted by healthybon @healthybon, Dec 3, 2023

does anyone have vulvodynia? I got it a few months ago and no one knows why. it's excruciating pain on the outside part of the vagina. I also have burning mouth syndrome. fibromyalgia and costochondritis. I am at the end of my rope from pain. my life has become small, and all I do is try to get out of pain 24/7. I can take tramadol, but am so afraid of addiction and dependence..
This is all very discouraging and I just can't handle it much longer.

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I’m with you- I never know where and when my next bout of pain is coming from.
One minute I’m fine, the next I’m riddled with pain and electrical type of shocks.
Sometimes it lasts for an hour, or sometimes many hrs.
I can relate to your anguish, and I sometimes just want to stop all of this craziness.
I’m hoping someday I will find a doc who will help me deal with this in a much better way.
As for now, as long as Tramadol helps me cope, I’m on it, and not worrying about addiction.
Being able to handle the pain,is the lesser of two evils as far as I’m concerned.

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Long term pain is something I don’t know how I’d handle. My pains normally resolve eventually.


I’m with you- I never know where and when my next bout of pain is coming from.
One minute I’m fine, the next I’m riddled with pain and electrical type of shocks.
Sometimes it lasts for an hour, or sometimes many hrs.
I can relate to your anguish, and I sometimes just want to stop all of this craziness.
I’m hoping someday I will find a doc who will help me deal with this in a much better way.
As for now, as long as Tramadol helps me cope, I’m on it, and not worrying about addiction.
Being able to handle the pain,is the lesser of two evils as far as I’m concerned.

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I agree with you. Tramadol is helping me right now. I have no choice but to take it.


@healthybon Hi, Re the Tramadol: I take it for severe widespread arthritis. Before my physician started me on Tramadol, I was taking over 2,000 mg of ibuprofen per day. I’ve since learned that dosage is hard on the kidneys, and now I’m seeing a kidney specialist. There’s been so much brouhaha about scheduled drugs. If a person is abusing their medication, someone should go after them, NOT ME. I’ve had no difficulty with tolerance or dependence on Tramadol. I take it exactly AS DIRECTED. I also take physical therapy, which can help minimize the pain. I read about a clueless government official who said people should just take aspirin if they’re in pain. Take care, and If hope you get the relief you need.

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I had extreme hip pain which was relieved by a hip replacement, but I have back pain and arthritis. I see a pain doctor who will NOT prescribe any controlled substances. When I told her that I was taking my dog’s tramadol and that this was unfair to my dog, she “relented “ and gave me five tramadol.
I think this drug is very low risk. Also, the chances of addiction in the general population are greatly exaggerated.


I went through something similar and it has been greatly improved by estrogen cream and pelvic floor physical therapy.


I went through something similar and it has been greatly improved by estrogen cream and pelvic floor physical therapy.

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susan, thanks for your response. I'm getting ready for pelvic floor exercises...I do use the cream now. How long did it take for the burning not to return?


I’m with you- I never know where and when my next bout of pain is coming from.
One minute I’m fine, the next I’m riddled with pain and electrical type of shocks.
Sometimes it lasts for an hour, or sometimes many hrs.
I can relate to your anguish, and I sometimes just want to stop all of this craziness.
I’m hoping someday I will find a doc who will help me deal with this in a much better way.
As for now, as long as Tramadol helps me cope, I’m on it, and not worrying about addiction.
Being able to handle the pain,is the lesser of two evils as far as I’m concerned.

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I'm beginning to think that if the only way to have any life is to take an opioid, I may have to start. With all I have, constant pain anywhere at any time it is no way to live the rest of my life. God bless and help you as you make your decision.


I'm beginning to think that if the only way to have any life is to take an opioid, I may have to start. With all I have, constant pain anywhere at any time it is no way to live the rest of my life. God bless and help you as you make your decision.

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OK I am in 100% agreement with you ...there is no quality of life if you are in excruciating pain. Do you have Vulvadynia? If so. What do you think started it KAY ? I’m starting to wonder if mine isn’t caused from emotional upheaval and stress


OK I am in 100% agreement with you ...there is no quality of life if you are in excruciating pain. Do you have Vulvadynia? If so. What do you think started it KAY ? I’m starting to wonder if mine isn’t caused from emotional upheaval and stress

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No healthybon, that is not something I have but I have had chronic pain for 40 years. Started migraines, fibromyalgia, torn rotator that cannot be fixed. discs in spine, neuralgia and continual eye conditions. That's why I am going to 2 new pain clinics next year, but being afraid of drug dependence, I allow myself only the 4 T3s a day. That's why I can understand severe and chronic pain in others.


I'm keeping you in my prayers...definitely.....So sorry you suffer...I do relate and plays on our minds and souls. Take good care of yourself Kay. I'm here if you ever wanna talk or just text.


I'm keeping you in my prayers...definitely.....So sorry you suffer...I do relate and plays on our minds and souls. Take good care of yourself Kay. I'm here if you ever wanna talk or just text.

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Thank you for your prayers and understanding. that is the worst part of chronic pain. Most people only know acute pain and cannot conceive of anyone in continuous daily pain. God bless you and I pray your cure will come.

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